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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Reading these inspirational stories has made daas want to share his as well. Though it is not important, but here daas goes.

As a child growing up in Surrey, BC daas didnt have any Sikhi knowledge (or sikhi in general) what-so-ever. Growing up, daas was always angry, to much kaam and krodh. Childhood was bad for daas, and his parents as daas was a very big and annoying brat. Nothing would change me, daas was too stubborn.... until Guru ji put daas onto the Sikhi path.

It was just overnight or anything, it takes time to come into Sikhi, Guru ji makes us all take many tests to see where we are at and what we need to improve on. In actuality, daas was a Sikh by name, not by religion though daas knew some little itty-bitty stuff about Sikhi due to grandparents, parents and chacha-thai's.

The real change happened in elementary school. For some odd reason, Guru ji wanted daas never to be part of the "cool" people. Even if given the chance to, daas would stay with the "cool" people but didn't like their sangat, as the "cool" people would always be mean and mock other people which hurt daas a lot. Then, sometimes people would always ask daas, "why do you keep your hair, why don't you cut it?" and "oh, that other boy cut his turban, why don't you?" daas would answer saying that its part of his religion to never cut one's hair and those who do are bad and sinners. These events occurred around grade 5-7. Daas' Sikhi was growing slowly and steadily. Daas remembers lecturing his teachers on Sikhi and how great it was. Daas remembers his teacher saying "Wow, what a great religion!" As daas got into High School, again daas didn't really like the cool people, but because daas wasn't really into Sikhi then, daas wished to be with them. Also, daas thinks this effects everyone at some point in their life, is the fact that in High School the people you see have all changed. The girls aren't "innocent" anymore but they change and wear provocative clothing or clothing which our Kaam finds very 'good.' For daas, kaam had always been a problem. Daas hated it, but didn't know how to fight it. daas was never inspired to motivated to read bani or jap Waheguru. Thus, eventually daas would always "let go" of any resistance to kaam and not fight back and accept it. Daas would always think to himself, "why aren't I cool?" "why don't girls like me?" and the like; this was all due to kaam. But, as Guru ji willed, daas would never be a part of the "Cool" people and stay with his other, elementary or "low class" friends daas made (please note daas doesnt consider these "low class" friends as low class but just saying as daas knows the "cool" poeple thought them wierd and unfit for them to be around.)

After awhile, since daas' sister and himself were in High School, daas' parents decided to buy a computer as some homework assignments and projects needed to be completed with a computer. Now thanks to the internet, daas was connected to the world, especially getting connected to Sikhi and Gursikhs. Daas found many websites on Sikhi, each more inspiring then the last. All taught about what Sikhi is, what the 5 kakkars are, their significance and so much more! But then at the same time, other worse things would happen to daas while on the internet. It was an on-going battle of the mind.

At school, daas would always start religious conversations with followers of different faiths or athiest's. It was really futile talking with them, but daas got a reputation for being "Religious" and people would say "oh, don't mess this 'giani'" etc etc. Grade 8 went by and then grade 9 and so forth. Each year daas would have gains in Sikhi, yet there would be losses as well (Daas thinks this happens to everyone at some point in School or just in life in general.) One of those losses was when in grade 10, daas forgot about Sikhi and did a really stupid thing. Daas sent a "love" letter to a goree girl whom daas liked. It was the stupidiest thing daas could do, but daas did it. Why? Because daas was in bad sangat and the sangat told me to do it. So daas told one of his friends to give it to her. The girl received it and she was shocked that she got the letter. She was even more shocked at how "cheesy" the letter was. The friend who daas gave the letter to told some people and in the end the girl found out. After that day, we both have never been the same. We always look away from eachother, never make eye contact, etc (now, in grade 12 it's changed.) That was the stupidiest thing daas did in grade 10. Then, with Guru Ji's kirpa, after that day daas just let go of these stupid things and just concentrated on Sikhi and studies.

As the school year ended and summer came, daas spent his time on the computer looking up on Sikhism. Daas would spend hours and hours and hours on the internet just to make a connection with Sikhi and Guru Sahib ji. Daas would read inspirational stories on Gursikhs and be amazed at how they lived their lives accoriding to Rehit and just how much INTENSE love they had for Waheguru Ji and Guru Sahib. Daas always wished he could be at that avastha too. Then one day, daas met someone (daas would like to keep their identity gupt, please forgive me.) But this individual changed daas' life. In grade 11, while on in the internet, daas went to a forum site and there was someone who just stuck out at daas. Daas, amazingly got hold of their email and added them to his msn. Now, for personal and private reasons, and because this individual wished so, daas wishes to keep what we talked about private, but this person was so in love with Waheguru ji that daas could not believe it. Their avastha was soo high, yet they were young at age. Not even amritdhari, yet did amritvela, kept sarbloh bibek and so much more. It was amazing! Honestly, what daas is saying is nothing compared to how daas FEELS when talking about this individual. Then, after awhile it so happened that daas and this individual would not talk, due to certain issues (there was no kaam involved, just other reasons that are best kept gupt.) Later on, on the same forum site, another Gursikh stuck out to daas and daas sent them an email. The most amazing part was, when they asked me where daas got their email from, daas said that if you clicked their name their email would show because they typed it in the box where it says they want their email to be displayed (Tapoban Forums.) They sent daas an email back saying that was strange as they NEVER put their email up on those forums (it was as if Guru ji wanted us to know eachother, it's a feeling hard to describe.) The Gursikh and daas started talking, again please forgive me but what we two talked about is something which should be gupt and it was only told to daas. This Gursikh's avastha is very high and he told daas some very amazing things which daas is not allowed to disclose. Eventually, daas and this Gursikh were not meant to talk due to the Gursikh saying that they would like to decrease their time on the computer and focus more on Simran and Bani (Sikhi.) But, those conversations we had changed daas and left daas wanting more. Due to this Gursikh and the previous Gursikh daas met, daas was changed forever. Daas started to also, at this time, come to know of the Akhand Kirtani Jatha and Bhai Randhir Singh. Daas loved the Akhand Kirtani Jatha and was amazed and breath-taken at the amazing Gursikhi and Prem for Waheguru filled life of Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh Ji. Daas got more and more influenced by the Jatha. The day daas took amrit, daas didn't even know it was going to happen, yet daas did. Something strange happened to daas, daas does not know whether to talk about it or not, but for now daas will keep it gupt. All daas can say is that Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh is a part of it. On April 23/2006 daas was iniated into the Khalsa Panth. But before taking amrit, daas was nervous and scared and didn't know whether to take amrit or not. So daas took a Hukamnama which was taken from www.SikhiToTheMax.com. The hukamnama was by Bhai Gurdas Ji and it said:

namasakaar guradhaev ko sathanaam jis ma(n)thr sunaayaa||

bhavajal vchio(n) kaadtakae mukath padhaarathh maa(n)hi samaayaa||

janam maran bho kaattiaa sa(n)saa rog vijog mittaayaa||

sa(n)saa eih sa(n)saar hai janam maran vich dhukh sabaayaa||

jamadha(n)dd siro(n) n outharai saakath dhurajan janam gavaayaa||

charan gehae guradhaev kae sath sabadh dhae mukath karaayaa||

bhaae bhagath gurapurab kar naam dhaan eishanaan dhrirraayaa||

jaehaa beeo thaehaa fal paayaa ||a||

I bow before the Guru (Guru Nanak Dev) who recited the satinam mantra(for the world).

Getting (the creatures) across the world ocean He raptly merged them in liberation.

He destroyed the fear of transmigration and decimated the malady of doubt and separation.

The world is only illusion which carried with it much of birth, death and sufferings.

The fear of the rod of Yama is not dispelled and the sakts, the followers of the goddess, have lost their lives in vain.

Those who have caught hold of the feet of the Guru have been liberated through the true Word.

Now being full of loving devotion they celebrate the gurprubs (anniversaries of the Gurus) and their acts of rememberance of God, charity and holy ablutions, inspire others also.

As someone sows, so he reaps.


After reading this, daas knew there was no other option but to take amrit. The Sanchaar was held by the Akhand Kirtani Jatha at Khalsa Primary School just across Khalsa School in Surrey, BC. At 1:00am in the morning, daas was a new born child rescued by Guru Gobind Singh ji and Mata Sahib Kaur Ji. Now, daas tries his best to follow Sikhi and thanks to Guru ji, daas has found the True Sangat and now is free from everything. Dhan Guru, Dhan Guru Pyare. What more can daas say. Everything happens as Guru ji wants it to happen.

(please note there have been some things which have not been mentioned, they are not bad but daas wishes they remain gupt. Maaf kardo)

Now all daas has to say is that we should all, as a Panth Jap as Much NAAM as we can and save ourselves from this TERRIBLE World Ocean which is drowning us.

*Wahe Gurooooo*

*Wahe Gurooooo*

*Wahe Gurooooo*

*Wahe Gurooooo*

*Wahe Gurooooo*

*Wahe Gurooooo*

*Wahe Gurooooo*

*Wahe Gurooooo*

*Wahe Gurooooo*

*Wahe Gurooooo*

*Wahe Gurooooo*

*Wahe Gurooooo*

*Wahe Gurooooo*

*Wahe Gurooooo*

*Wahe Gurooooo*

*Wahe Gurooooo*

*Wahe Gurooooo*

Bhul Chuk Maaf karna sangat jio.

- daas

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

i got interested in sikhi when i started going to sangat ... and people there showed me how lucky i was to be born into sikhi ... unlike people who keep on lookin for someone to show them and help them reach god, we have our gurus. i am extremely grateful for findin sangat and realizin what sikhi rlly is.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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