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I converted to sikhi, and i have been enjoying it since 5 months ago. I fell in love with sikhism after looking more deeply into it.

I'm progressing quickly, the first day i came out of hiding, i stopped watching tv (except news), threw most of my computer games in the garbage, and became a vegetarian. Of course i still need more time, i still have to track down the 5 k's and learn how to pray to waheguru (if that's right).

-Khalsa Starr

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Waheguru jee ka khalsa waheguru jee kee fateh

:):) :cool: :doh:

Dhan guru dhan guru pyarey

Well i am speechless after reading above posts and truly feeling ashamed on me.

Would humbly request _/\_ all of the sangat to do ardassa for me jee.

bhulla chuka dee maufai _/\_

Waheguru jee ka khalsa waheguru jee keee fateh

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Right from the begining i have studied in a sikh school, hence i heard shabds every morning, and learnt jaap ji sahib in the divinity class(sikh history and stuff)

the things that really inspired me were the stories of bhai taru, bhai mani singh baba Deep Singh , bhai garja-bhai bota singh and most of all the martyrdom of baba banda bahadur moved me so much

my parent have a very non-sikh way of life, that what pulls me mroe towards sikhi, i don't want my family to drift away from sikh-heritage which makes us all so proud. right from Guru Nanak ji's time guru ji and gursikhs have only done things which make us proud, why shld we not make our guru ji proud by being better sikhs

also seeing most sikhs here getting in to brahmin like practices makes me more and more keen on knowing what does guru granth sahib says abt these things the truth is so simple, and straight forward

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Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh!

Im fairly new at this whole forum thing but here i go... i grew up in a mixed family my mother a sikh( even though she did not practise the life style) and my father a Catholic... all the time while growing up i would go to sangat and gurdwara as often as possible on saturdays and then go to Church on sunday mornings... i was really confused as to which path i would follow because i always had the fear of disappointing one of my parents....i really thought hard about ti and prayed very hard ( at this point i didnt conside myself one or the other, all i kne was that i love GOD and that was all) then about 3 years ago Guru Touched me in no way i thought was possilbe and i started goin to gurdwara more often.. started doin paat and in september was Blessed enough to take amrit. So i guess that things happened in my life that made me realize where i wanted to be in life and i realized that beinging with Guru ji was what i needed to do

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa,

Waheguru ji ki Fateh!!!

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fateh jio!

i came in to sikhi when i stayed at my cousins for a wekk 2 years ago in the summer, they had jst recived amrit not long aog and they were very inspired which made me relise naam!

but i have always been religous but in the summer i became more, and now i am in love with sikhi!


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  • 2 months later...

waheguru ji ke khalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

Pyare jio, for anyone who has not seen the orignal thread on tapoban this is the link. It has some really amazing stories in it.


Mine is not so amazing. It just sorted happened, still sometimes wonder if I am in Sikhi as yet.....

waheguru ji ke khalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

I was born in UK, and have one elder brother. He always had kesh, and i was a mona. My father in 1987 kept his kesh, and a year later both my mother, who know started wearing a keski, and father both took amrit. Both have always kept good amrit velas, and it changed the atmosphere in the home. They were always ideal role models for us.

When I was 11, I wanted to keep my kesh, but with no sangat of my age, I found it difficult. As I grew up, all my friends were into drinking, later smoking and spliff. None of this attracted me, and I only drank infrequently, and only small amounts. We used to go to gigs alot, but always there were fights, between us and other groups of punjabis, or muslims. I was about 16 then. The last straw for me was when at one gig. I saw a lad, who I did not know, got jumped and beaten severely. All of his mates ran away. I felt sorry for him, so I hauled off the boys who were beating him up. His head was cut, and the bouncers put him out. He was lying there on the floor. I said to him I will take him to hospital, but he would not have it. So I took him home. All my mates said leave him, he is not our concern. But I took him by myself. After dropping him off, I went home on the tube. I looked down at my clothes, they were covered in his blood. I just thought, what is this rubbish, and what am I doing in these crowds. I never went to a gig again.

A few months later, my father took me to my first youth programme in watford hall. Shivcharan Singh was doing a talk, which was good. Then a young lad came up to me and gave me a leaflet for Khalsa camp 1992. He was a mona, just like me, and he said come, it will be a laugh. So I signed up. The khalsa camp was excellent, it was the first time I had met young sikhs. I met people from my town like Onkar and Hardip there for the first time. During the camp, on one day, during the lectures, a message came thorough. Apparently a really famous Singh in India had just become Shaheed. The Singh doing the lecture, who was in full bana, almost came to tears. The whole room went quiet. I did not have a clue what was going on. (I later found out the Singh who was shaheed was jathedar Sukhdev Singh Babbar). Then one singh said there will a rainsbhai tonight in memory. I did not know what a rainsbhai was, but the guy next to me told me it was his frst aswell, and they are meant to be really good. The rainsbhai was fanatastic, we got there at 9, and the next thing I knew it was 6 in the morning. It was my first experince of keertan, and I got addicted. For the first time, I had felt such inner glow.

After the camp, I went back to my friends. I never thought about keeping kesh, it just automatically happened. I just never shaved again. All my friends tried to stop me from keeping kesh. They would spend hours talking to me, telling me, I had everything they wanted. I had the clothes, the car, and all the girls they wanted were friendly with me. But I said, it always never meant anything to me. The girls would say to me, its just a phrase, we will get you back. None of them understood. That lifestyle is not what makes me happy inside. At weekends instead of going out with them, I was now going to keertan programmes wherever I could.

After I had not been out with them a few weeks, they all started on me. Plus I was now wearing a small dastaar. They said I have to go out with them that weekend. After much pressure, I agreed. We went out, a large number of us. Tradition was after a night out, everyone went to this shop where they did chicken kebabs. We had done this for years. Sitting there surrounded by all my friends, watching them each chicken, for the first time, I felt a deep pain inside. The kind of pain, when you know something is wrong, or someone in front of you is swearing or doing ninda. "So I said to all of them, I think I will leave. I do not wish to spoil your pleasure, but I cannot sit and watch you eat meat. It hurts me. " That was the last time, I ever went out with them. All of us are close even till today. We all went to the same uni, They wanted me to stay with them in their house. But I never wanted to impose my rules on them, so I commuted instead. We all had an understanding. They knew, whenever I was around, they could not smoke, drink, eat meat, swear, talk about girls or boys in wrong way, or do ninda.They knew I never said anything, I would just walk away, but they did it just to make stick around. I never left my friends, I just changed the way we interacted with each other. They knew never to ask me to go anywhere against Gursikhi.

I now came across Bhai sahib Randhir Singh jis autobiography. I always used to read, it was a passion of mine. I read alot of books on sikhi. But this was revelation for me. I had never realised that this level of thinking, and calibre of Gursikh ever existed. It pushed my own perception of sikhi higher ten fold. Bhai sahib jeevan brought home to me how imortant a jeevan actually is, and not just ritualistically going to gurdwaras. Never had my mind contemplated going into sikhi so deeply before.

I spent most of my time in sangat, especially jatha. In Uk, we have a youth scene, but I always found them hard to understand. I saw the same thing in them that I saw in elders generally. They all talked about not doing it, politics, backstabbing, powertrips, but did it anyway. Plus I was not into sikhi for that, just into it for keertan, my mun (mind), sangat, and Panth. I saw many youth coming into sikhi going from pillar to post. One day in jatha, the next with a sant, the next with taksal, the next with feds, etc. I thought this was like in gurbani, what we say "patak the". Searching and going everywhere, yet obsessed by staying neutral. They all say we do not get into politics, we are neutral. I personally thought these neutral pople are more into politics that anyone else, otherwise how do they know what is neutral and what is not. I personally felt very lucky, that Maharaj gave me a path where I avoided all politics, double-mindedness, controversies, groups, etc. Guru Maharaj himself took me from day one to the source of Gurmat, Shabad guru, keertan and path. Never have I ever felt the need for anything else. I am truely content with bani. No sants, youth leaders, keertanis, jathedars, have ever attracted me, neither have I ever ran after anyone. Bani is my Guru, and all I ever needed.

One day, a friend said to me, there is a amrit Sanchaar in Slough. Are you not going to take amrit. I had never even considered it, but after much thought, and reading Amrit ki Hai, by Bhai sahib, I thought now is the time. So I got prepared. On my interview first, the Panj asked me alot of questions to see if I was ready. Alot of youth at uni age were doing wrong things, and they wanted to be sure that i was strong in Gurmat. The Panj set me a condition, the once I got Naam, I would got to a Gursikhs house who lived near me everday for 3 months and do Amrit vela with him. I agreed.

Outside the Amrit Sanchaar, Bhai Rama Singh ji came and sat with me. he smiled and said he was happy I was taking amrit. He was getting pesh, because he had just had his heart transplant. He spent alot of talking to me about Amrit, priceless thougths, and then said, the more bhagtee we do now, the more impact amrit will have on us. We sat there doing moolmantar. After many hours we were called in for amrit. Bhai sahib said to me, when the Panj Pyare prepared amrit, concentrate on the bowl, while listening to the bani. Do not move your eyes from it. So I did. It was very hypnotic. Amrit was a very powerful emotion for me. Things happen that I cannot describe, twice I fell unconscious. Such was the strong energy inside, but the complete peace in my mind. I felt sad, when I hear of youth, who tell me they went and took amrit from sants, and felt nothing. They did not know Gurmantar, and did not value Amrit. I felt so fortunate that maharaj gave me everything, I never had to search for it.

The condition of the Panj was excellent. For 3 months or more, I did amrit vela with this Gursikh. He took me to spirtual highs I can never describe. Some days I felt lazy,and he would phone, encouraging me to come as soon as possible. It was only then after this period of abyass after amrit, that I realised how amazing Naam and how powerful it is.

The youth around me used to tell me amazing stories about sikhs they had met. I had never met anyone. So one night I did ardas, Maharaj let me have darshan of all your choosen sikhs. Not to follow, because bani was everything, just out of interest. I had already met Bhai Rama Singh, a most amazing soul. Within weeks, i met bhai Jeevan Singh, Giani Nahar Singh, Bhai Raghbir Singh. I went to Canada, and met so many amazing souls, and also to India, in particular Delhi Smagam. The magnetism of naam in India is just profound. There are so many special jeevans in the Panth, it is just a shame, we spend most of lives with our eyes closed, and not realise their existence.

For many years, everything was perfect. I was surrounded by sangat, keertan, and Naam. Eventhougth we were always involved in panth, politics never affected me, because of this shield of naam. Praise was everywhere, and I felt invincible. Not out of haumai or pride, just because I always felt Guru jis hand on my head. Then suddenly, something happened which changed everything. I did not feel I had done anything wrong, just the circumstances and environment Guru i put me in, had changed. At first I felt deep depression, because I had never been away from sangat. But then I realised, this was just another test, a very hard one, something to overcome. Guru maharaj had showed me sikhi in a certain way, now i was been shown it in another. I realised how unimportant I am, and never to expect anything from anyone. Guru Tegh Bahadhur Ji bani said so much to me about what I was gong thougth. Bani was the only thing I had ever felt faith in, and it was always there for me. Maharaj walked me through that time. I learned more about Gurmat, my inner self, my failings through this than anything else. Now in hindsight, I am glad I went througth that. It made my faith so much stronger. It took me nearer to what I wish to achieve and become. Maharaj is so amazing, one can do nothing but submit in front of him.

Two years ago, I met a friend, a muslim who converted to fundamental islam, when I got into sikhi. He said he was surpirised I was still into sikhi. I said why, and asked why he was not into islam anymore. He said "I went into Islam, because it was cause for me. Chechnya, Palestine, etc. Muslims being killed everywhere. After time it faded. The prayers are good but it faded." I replied "we have causes in sikhi aswell. But sikhi was never a cause for me. It is a lifestyle. Sikhi is about becoming a better person. That is something that will take all of my lifetime to do. I am in it for life. One can never stop being a better person".

waheguru ji ke khalsa,waheguru ji ke fateh

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Simply put, I came to Sikhi because Waheguruji turned me in its direction, and kicked my butt so I could fall into it! :TH: But I'm taking a little poetic license in that description. I came into it by way of my biggest hobby, comparative religious studies.

I came from a Polish Catholic family, went to Catholic school, took the big steps: First Confession, First Communion, Confirmation. I made Confirmation under protest: I didn't feel that I could honestly get up there and tell the Bishop that I was going to be a Catholic for the rest of my life, when I had issues over some of the church teachings. Why did I do it? Because my father got drunk, beat the hell out of me and told me that if I didn't get confirmed the next punishment would be sexual. (He was a sick man, made that way by Hitler.) So I became a hypocrite to save my skin, did the ceremony, and left the church. (I don't blame the church. It didn't do anything to me. But I believe that women are as capable of leading a congregation as men, and that celibacy isn't necessary to serve God; other ministers marry and it makes them better advisors to their congregations.)

So I went about looking for God. I went with the Mormons for a while, and for the worst possible reason: I had a crush on a Mormon guy. One word of advice for you all--never, NEVER get into a faith for the sake of another person because that person becomes your god and you forget the Divine Creator! But even after the guy didn't work out, I stayed a while, feeling like I was crashing a party I hadn't been invited to. And afterward I went into a two-year hermitage to figure out where I was supposed to go. I didn't find that out, but I did find out one thing: I wasn't a true Christian. I didn't believe that Jesus is divine, a Son of God in the literal sense; I realized I believed he was a man, a prophet and a holy man, a guru among his people, but a man. And God was too big to be put into a box, into one little form: God was in my cat and the blizzards that hit Buffalo, not only Father but Mother, Friend and Lover. I would not find this among the Christianity I knew, and would not be a hypocrite a second time.

I floundered around for a time then, playing with Wicca and Shamanism, realizing all the time that they weren't where I belonged; nowhere did I feel at home. I read my books, eating up everything I could on religion, which was my biggest interest since childhood.

And then I found a copy of Dasam Granth. I wanted to yell off the top of City Hall! Here was everything I'd come to believe during my hermitage, and someone many centuries ago had written it. That was when God turned me around and kicked me into Sikhism, because then I ran into the man who would be my teacher and husband, a friend of one of my ex-boyfriends. He taught me who the Sikhs are, told me the glorious hymns and the mighty history. I knew I was home. I'd found God's House at last. I also knew that as a Westerner I had to fight for my home. I lost my job over the right to wear my kara and kirpan, and would do it again. The name Bahadur came to me as I read Kirtan Sohila for my dead foster-mother; it's now my middle name and the one the Indian Sikhs use to address me. For them, there is no Elizabeth, and they no longer call me The Polack.

I am here because I was meant to be. For whatever reason, I'm here and trying to keep to the path the best I can. Waheguruji will let me know why I'm here, when we're both good and ready. All I know is, I'm here and I'm home, and you can't beat that.

Blessed be,


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    • I was searching igurbani.com which gives correct pronunciation of Gurbani. I can’t remember all of it at once. I guess it relies on more practice, like more Sehaj Paths. The meaning becomes clearer. I have noticed slight variants in it. This could be because it’s written in old Punjabi.  
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    • Bro, reciting a shorter Chaupai Sahib is hardly "anti-Dasam". It's fine to argue that the longer Chaupai is more traditional, but the short one isn't anti-Dasam. That's like claiming shorter Rehras is anti-Guru Granth Sahib ji just because there are fewer selections from Guru Granth Sahib. It might not be traditional, but it's not anti-Guru Granth Sahib. I prefer the longer versions, but let's not exaggerate. Every tradition has a slightly different Rehras version. Nanaksar vs Taksal vs Nihangs and so on. The basic template for Rehras is at the beginning of Guru Granth Sahib ji. Later, Chaupai Sahib was added and Anand Sahib always follows as the end of a process. Then some sangats added more saloks to start Rehras and others were added at the end. Some additional selections from Dasam Bani were also added, but it wasn't the same ones for every sangat. The important thing is to not hate on each other for these variations.
    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
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