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Dudley Gurdwara Update

dudley singh

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Dear Sangat

I attended the gurdwara on Wellington Road Dudley today and was disgusted with what is going on in this gurdwara and the continous behadbi that is being sponsored by the committee and the trustees.

The stage secretary Jasbir Singh Rai (MOD EDIT), Piara Singh Purewal (MOD EDIT) and Ajit Singh (MOD EDIT) and Darshan Singh Atwal (MOD EDIT) have all decided that they are willing to remortgage the gurdwara in order to to extend the party hall in order to attract more parties at the community centre in front of the gurdwara.

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This is disgusting in a previous year some people slept in the gurdwara as they were too drunk to drive home (edited)

Peope like this should be on a banned list and should not be allowed to run gurdwaras and I hope the campaign to stop gurdwara party halls takes action on this !!


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This is another issue that needs to be raised with the Satkaar Group and we need to support them in taking the appropriate action to get this matter resolved as they have successfully stopped this at other gurdwara. But the problem highlights how much of a problem we have in our gurdwara and shows how deep routed it is.

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Quick Google map exercise show's that this "cultural" centre is simply opposite the Guru Nanak Singh Sabha Gurdwara. Perhaps Dudley Singh can advise if the Committee have ever been made aware of the Akal Takht Sandesh or whether the local sangat have managed to lobby the Committee to stop allowing meat, alcohol and parties on site?

Taking on another bank loan/mortgage is likely to end up being used as a justifiable financial excuse by the committee to further perpetrate the immoral activities allowed in the cultural centre. So it's imperative that the Sangat act fast. There is no need to re-mortgage the Gurdwara property if the the Gurdwara committee are currently able to meet it's moral obligation to Gurmat and Sikh Maryada. If the committee want to create a debt with the bank just to back up their own Manmat, then we, as the Sangat roop, need to act asap.

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Given what seems to be apparent success with RST, maybe people can again try the polite approach here and hopefully have a similar effect?

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this will be a hard one as Dudley Gurdwara has a history of manmat and anti gurmat marahda the gurdwara is basically being run by oldies who run it like a club based on friendship and dirty politice and do not allow real guru sikhs and the youth to be given a voice. These people are only interested in the centre and once that is closed for parties they will probably leave the gurdwara all together as they have little interest in promoting sikhi.The whole thing needs to be looked at and the pakandi amridharies really need to be exposed. They think by changing the name of the centre and sign outside the centre will be sufficient to carry on this activity. The building is owned the gurdwara and sometimes you get higher attendances at the parties than the gurdwara itself and people oftern come into the gurdwara before and after the party so have had meat and and sharab before they come and on occasion this has been members of the gurdwara committee.

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Lol, im from dudley, and i know this hall and temple. ive been to loads of parties there and everything you say is right,. its shameful. one of my cousins got married there, and we were doing the catering ourselves, and we asked them for some pots and pans at the start of the party, and the man looked in the kitchen and said there werent any, so he said he would go to the temple to get some. i was ashamed as this was going to be used to cook the lamb in. he was even told about it and brushed it off, and went and got them for us. reminding us to return them later! my grandad knows these people well, and he told me recently that the man who did this is now the president of the temple. what a disgrace. im not a turban wearing sikh or anything but i know that this is incorrect. i even told the guys that were caretaking the hall during the party that its wrong that a temple hall should be having meat and alcohol served in it. friends of mine tell me that there are some young guys who tried to get involved and sort stuff out there, bringing in the youth but the older lot pushed them out. im guessing that the older people he was talking about are the ones this thread mentions, MOD EDITED

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I've heard from someone that the committee have just submitted plans (costing £5,000) to the local council for the extension, part of which includes another separate hall so that Muslims can also hire the hall out. Is this true?

Is this the midlands Gurdwara which hires their hall for Muslim Walimah type parties? I met a Singh (can't remember his name now) a few weeks back who told me that a midlands Gurdwara were taking advantage of the local muslim population's need for a cheap hall for their parties. Sounds like it may be Dudley Gurdwara then?

Funnily enough, he said the mosque does not provide the party facilities for the local Muslim community.

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its true that muslims hire the hall out. moreso hindus than muslims, my gujerati friend got married there last year. yeah apparently they have just submitted plans, i heard that too. they want to extend the upstairs function room of the hall apparently, to attract bigger parties. Its crap though, nobody would wanna get married there

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