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Reject Sangat Tv!


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Mandela says you guys have lost the plot, how can this guys comments be overlooked? Mandela feels if you don't speak out against these kind of people then you are covertly supporting their views. The lack of response from this board has made Mandela come to the conclusion most of you are keyboard Khalistanis but when time comes to stand up for a great Gursikh and the most fearless Khalistani group you run and hide. Disgrace to the panth this board has become.

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Mandela should be out in the battlefield then and not on the internet giving his views. If you have more braun than braincells brother go ahead pick up your AK47 and march to free Punjab. If not dont label others as keyboard gangsters. We are not here to promote fights we are here to discuss issues within our communities.

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Mandela should be out in the battlefield then and not on the internet giving his views. If you have more braun than braincells brother go ahead pick up your AK47 and march to free Punjab. If not dont label others as keyboard gangsters. We are not here to promote fights we are here to discuss issues within our communities.

Promote fights? Mandela thinks if your a joke simples.

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Oh dear ...........

upiinder asked a muslim youth at the scene to address the sikhsangat

audience... he told the muzza theres millions of viewers. the muslim youth


"were muslims were here peacefully... bla bla.... and to the millions of

viewers watching, study the life of mohammed, islam is the one true faith...

say the shahada (declare ur self as a muslim)" at this, all the muslims in

his litte group yelled the islamic shahada ... some did it aggressivly. this is

what makes a muslim a muslim.

then he went on to say words to the affect of "i dont care about anythingelse i have nothing else to say, you can do a commercial or whatever

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none of the three channels are going to be what we want them to be-- so quick solution - boycott them all???

is this the rightful thing to do? for once in a blue moon we have Gurbani reaching every house hold in the UK -you want that kept going, but but in the mean time:

1. write to all channels with your views -- keep writing till they are heard.or even better form a group and ask for time to discuss with the executives of the channels.

as a brother says above we 're the best community in the world for our own self destruction and it's mainly due to NOT learning to debate with the opposite end -- we only think of danddaa /pendo styleee even in the next current youth generation. - Think for a moment the host country you live in how does it has influence in the world -- it's the power of debate- Even Gurbani is crystal CLEAR on this one must debate - no vichaar- no dileell-- no result apaart from emotional haphazardness.We need to debate independant from any emotional thought process professionally with these channel reps- -with pyar only then you maay get somewhere otherwise keep on internet warriorship going on here.

If you ever have the time tune into the parliament channel and check the old codgers debating on hours on end on a single point of truth without any emotion -- you may pick up a skill much needed in our community.

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i think sangat tv do a great job overall. they have pro khalistan views, they have given time to controversial topics, like grooming and genuinely help sikh families with health and advise.

I think upinder was bought in to be a normal topical presenter rather than a Sikhi parchaarak. I think this initial plan was a good idea to lure moderate sikhs to watch the channel on topical issues- and hopefully continue to watch for Gurbani.

I think the last few days were not planned at all.. and upinder became a reporter& parchaarak at the same time. I think hes a genuine guy, but hes cringe worthy comments just put me off big time.

I think a Sikhi based channel should preach Sikhi only, and Sikh principles. Upinder should stick to interviews and reports without doing parchaar. The parchaar should be only pro sikhi. otherwise he should join other "universal love" hippy type yoga channels.

I'm not against love and respect to everyone (who deserves it).. but this a Sikh channel and should always maintain a pro sikhi view.

Theres no need for us to justify our loyalty to this country. we gave 200'000 lives to give them freedom even after they had looted, raped and hung our young brothers and split our beautiful punjab.

This man is OTT.. his message of love peace in EVERY single sentence is getting pathetic. Deol is jumping on bandwagon.. for her she had no choice.. either join sangat or join in with the looters.. silly unemployed turd!

Universal Love(Equal Love of both the slanderer and the Saint) is Nirvair and comes into being with Nirboah(No fear in the recognition that God is Everywhere/ is Everyone/ Everything(even the tsunami, the serial killer, the torturer and the torture instrument, the gigantic hairy spider) so what is there to fear).

Hence knowing God Is All allows one to Love all and Fear nothing...

Through bhagti, the bhagat discovers this physically- this is the state of being psychologically sound in all situations- it is the Gyan of God...

God calls the ignorant 'Fools' in Gurbani, Jesus said 'Forgive them Father for they know not what they do', Only when one sees god in all can he understand and accept the concept of Hukam- that every single little thing that happens is Perfect and pre ordained by God himself....

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