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No Other Religion Leads To God


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I think the point is that although the religous practices that some of these people (such as idol worship) partake in is silly and ridiculous most of these practices dont hurt us (discounting some islamic practices)

Now guru said we are all one, that is guru jis very first message until we start treating everyone as part of one, united then we fail in understanding the rest of bani

Now as long as people dont disrespect bani then they are free to follow whichever religion they choose but they should note all these religions are all part of the "one" and everything they pray to reaches waheguru in a round about sort of way. Now if someone like Rah Raheem harms our sisters brothers even if they are part of his "dera" then it becomes our problem to intercede and fight injustice.

Its not about respect for prophet mohammed its more about respect for the people that believe in him if they choose to do that then its fine, but if they choose to emulate his life by sleeping with young children then im afraid it becomes a sikh problem

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Yes, but my only point is that we should stop the parchar that all religions lead to God, Hindus and Muslims wrote in Guru Granth Sahib etc. It does more bad than good. How often haven't you heard Sikhs married to non Sikhs justify it by saying 'but doesn't Sikhi say that all religions are good and lead to God?' ...

There is a difference between saying a religion is wrong and actively promoting the killing of all non-believers. We respect all, we will defend them if need arises BUT we do not agree to their religious practices because they are simply wrong.

Evelyn Hall in Voltaires biography wrote a line which comes to mind: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".

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Does Waheguru listen to you even if you're not a Sikh (Gursikh)?

A friend asked me this a few days ago and I honestly didn't know what to say, lol.

I don't know either, maybe someone can advise, or perhaps you should have your friend contact SikhKosh and find out if his/her calls will be put on hold or will eventually get connected :D :D
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I don't know either, maybe someone can advise, or perhaps you should have your friend contact SikhKosh and find out if his/her calls will be put on hold or will eventually get connected :D :D

It's a genuine question, because if we believe Waheguru created everyone (not just Sikhs) then surely He must at least be keeping a passing interest in the rest of the world who aren't Sikh? :biggrin2:

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All religions and non religions(atheist..) eventually lead to GOD because there is nowhere else to go. We all exist in it (GOD). He gave us a power to choose and create an experience. Some paths take longer than others.GOD does not reveal itself through outward observation but through inward experience. Naam Simran therefor a fast paced path of union.

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I am simply stating what the Guru said. Anyone can realise God individually but if you follow the mentioned religions to the letter you won't because you will get struck with Karam Kaands. Now a Sufi can realise Waheguru by chanting Wahid Allah (Ik Oankar in Arabic, as they do in some Arabic countries) but then he is not following Islam to the core. Because Muhammad preached hate, and if you follow in his footsteps, you will get violent. Several sects of Islam that do have some resemblences to Sikhi have deviated from the Quran and the Hadith, but I am talking of the actual religions, who follow their scriptures blindly, not the watered down versions.

My brothers and sisters, I am not saying that we have to discriminate against Hindus or Muslims but that their faith is flawed.

But others than that, I do not follow any Dehdhari, my faith lies in my Guru and He rejected integral aspects of other religions and I do believe in every single action and word of the Guru whole heartedly.

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