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Do Only Khalsa Amritdhari Gursikhs Leave Reincarnation?


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There are 4 pauris where Bhai Gurdas Ji mentions Charnamrit. Pauri 3 Vaar 1, Pauri 23 Vaar 1, Pauri 7 Vaar 11 and Pauri 22 Vaar 40.

The point is that one cannot and absolutely CANNOT achieve mukti without Guru Ji. Gurbani keeps reiterating this and Bhai Gurdas Ji's Vaar keeps mentioning this. One may live their life by: being good, doing seva, not cutting their hair, avoiding getting entangled in the 5 evils BUT one will NOT acieve mukti without Guru Ji. what may happen by doing good deeds is that one may get another chance in the same life or in another live to take Kande di pahul and accept Guru Granth Sahib Ji as their Guru. Pauri 22 Vaar 40 explains this fact.

Thanks for the above.

My comment was made in relation to a statement that said Guruji 'dipped' his feet in the water to initiate the followers or disciples !

According to the above vaars it is clear that charan amrit is not from the act of dipping your toes in water and saying ''you may drink this if you want to be my Sikh follower''.

It is about washing the gurus feet and then not discarding that same water which itself is considered amrit.

There is a huge difference in the significance of the two.

Can anyone else see this difference of which one has humility and respect and which one borders on cult behavior ?? or is it just me ?????? :stupidme:

Does any mahapursh or highly enlightened being go into a gurdwara and say '' here, you can touch and take the dust of my shoes'' ?? OR does a humble being approach themselves and wipe them ? See the difference ?

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And also regarding khands in japji sahib- yes that could be perceived as sargun/psychical at begineer stage, but since we belive in kaival mukhti not other four sargun mukhti or protestant version of khands... khands in japji sahib are ultimately state of mind, almost 90% puratan scholars/literature(bhai vir singh, baba teja singh double ma, garab gajini teeka/sant gurbachan singh bhindranwale katha ultimately talks about khands being state of mind) have agreed to this as gurbani connects directly to our development of our human consciouness state/perceptions etc..Making khands or puriya into seperate reality its for sargun upasakhs ( pandit singh dhaka nirmala among others who were sargun upasakh with their understanding, limit khands to only subtle/physical realm of khands - made them into seperate ultimate reality place), sikhi does not beleive in protestant version of khands of wrathful god whipping day lights out of people where there is assembly/disassembly line towards locked sachkhand and other various khands. Both ultimate sargun interpertation of khands and protestant influence version of khands approach of sachkhand falls potentially into Polytheistic notions/disconnected reality from human spiritual development in the human consciousness and also in clash course with jaap sahib, akaal ustat, gyan parbodh sidhant.

Understanding the above is important !

The khands or realms are difficult to define and many have given different opinions. However, we should understand and appreciate that they are states of our spiritual mind that we must conquer to get to the realm of Truth or sachkhand.

Think of a cross with all four directions of North, South, East and west.

Then think of Dharam,gian,saram and karam khand as representing each direction. Now, just as a compass always points North from any given point then so do all of these directions- think of them all as pointing to SachKhand.

I think that one has to travel in all Four directions to get to that same destination of Sachkhand. However, we shouldn't get confused and think that you can just choose between one of the four as it will still get us there. I don't think it works like that !

I know some scholars have said that they are done in succession or order starting at Dharam khand as if working up a ladder. This is more logical, but Guruji can grant his grace to anyone at ANY TIME, so one shouldn't feel stuck at one khand and unable to make it to the next.

Think of sajjan thug or khauda raksh !

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Understanding the above is important !

The khands or realms are difficult to define and many have given different opinions. However, we should understand and appreciate that they are states of our spiritual mind that we must conquer to get to the realm of Truth or sachkhand.

Think of a cross with all four directions of North, South, East and west.

Then think of Dharam,gian,saram and karam khand as representing each direction. Now, just as a compass always points North from any given point then so do all of these directions- think of them all as pointing to SachKhand.

I think that one has to travel in all Four directions to get to that same destination of Sachkhand. However, we shouldn't get confused and think that you can just choose between one of the four as it will still get us there. I don't think it works like that !

I know some scholars have said that they are done in succession or order starting at Dharam khand as if working up a ladder. This is more logical, but Guruji can grant his grace to anyone at ANY TIME, so one shouldn't feel stuck at one khand and unable to make it to the next.

Think of sajjan thug or khauda raksh !

khands are not state of mind but they exists for real

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khands are not state of mind but they exists for real

Yes, but what exactly is 'real' ??

Do we know exactly what our ''jiv' or soul has done or where it has been ?

If you can get your jiva out and look at it with your own eyes, then I will believe whatever you say is real !

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And before the gurus how about all those lifes/souls? where they just given another chance based on their deeds, how can you accept guru granth sahib ji as guru if guru was not provided in this way pre 1300AD?

Sachkand has only been populated since 1300AD and the billions of souls before that are just reincarnated? Seems a bit illogical?

Thanks for the Pauris!

Sachkhand is not a place like a planet or country. It cannot be populated. If you know anything about sikhi then you should know that Waheguru is everything and everything is Waheguru. We are given this life to break free from reincarnation and merge back into Waheguru. Gurbani tells us this. Please read and understand Gurbani which can explain better than I can. Please read if you have not done so the pauris I have mentioned. It should be very clear and self explanatory.

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Yes, but what exactly is 'real' ??

Do we know exactly what our ''jiv' or soul has done or where it has been ?

If you can get your jiva out and look at it with your own eyes, then I will believe whatever you say is real !

when one does great abhiyaas and they are able to jailbreak :tongue2:(opening dasam duar) themselves than one can travel to these realms :smile2:

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Sachkhand is not a place like a planet or country. It cannot be populated. If you know anything about sikhi then you should know that Waheguru is everything and everything is Waheguru. We are given this life to break free from reincarnation and merge back into Waheguru. Gurbani tells us this. Please read and understand Gurbani which can explain better than I can. Please read if you have not done so the pauris I have mentioned. It should be very clear and self explanatory.

Sorry i think you have misunderstood the question, i didnt ask for qualification on what sachkand is, our role in merging back into Waheguru, nor on the infinitness of Waheguru these things are the very basic tenets of sikhi.

Having read the Vaar that you suggested im guessing that "Binu Gur Darasanu Daykhanaa Bhramataa Dhiray Tdaurhi Naheen Paaay, Binu Guru Poorai Aaay Jaaay" is what you are referring to.

Again for the record i asked pre guru's time how does this fit into our belief in others reaching sachkand?, i think one of the previous posters mentioned guru ji being in human form pre his existence to us as Guru Nanak Dev Ji is this correct?

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