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Do Only Khalsa Amritdhari Gursikhs Leave Reincarnation?


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You have dodged the question. The answer surely can come with an explanation, but all that is needed is a yes or a no. So for the third time can Sikh worship Sargun Saroop of Akal Purakh?

God can be worshipped however, there are not rituals or rules to it- Gurbani says God is found through Love.

Recognise God in everything.

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In puratan sikhi tradition at the beginner, intermediate stages of one surti- sargun saroop of akaal purkh- sri guru granth sahib ji is worshipped by nine types of bhagti-
Baba Tirath Singh Nirmala in his translation of Pundit Gulab Singhs Bhavrasamrit (p42-44) mentions the nine limbs of Bhakti which are referred to in the Sikh tradition as the Nvai Parkar (Nine methods)- this is mentioned in sant gurbachan singh bhindranwale gurbani katha ang -71 and also mentioned by sant isher singh ji rara sahib wale:

What is meant by beginner and intermediate stages? Does that mean Sikhs on higher levels don't worship Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji? If not, then what do they worship?

Can the body of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji be worshipped?

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What is meant by beginner and intermediate stages? Does that mean Sikhs on higher levels don't worship Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji? If not, then what do they worship?

Can the body of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji be worshipped?

Excuse me for jumping in, but Sikhs at a higher level realise God aka Truth to be everywhere, And to be everything and everyone. They recognise the Guru to have experienced this gyan first hand- they understand that the Guru is merged with Truth and so really the Guru is still worshipped but as a being who is merged with Truth- and hence is the Truth- as God discovered himself to be- truth in form. this is beyond logic and so only the high level Bhagat who has experienced and practiced this gyan first hand can truly understand it.
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The Mool Mantar teaches us that Vaheguru is ਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ. WIthout the Kirpa of Satguru Nanak Dev Jee the realization of Vaheguru cannot happen. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee has taught Sikhs the importance of Rehit when he says how Pyari Rehit of a Sikh is for Him. He Himself leads by example when He takes Amrit from the Panj Pyaras. Now knowing the importance of Amrit and the Rehit that comes with it, what is stopping a Sikh from it? it is the influence of this world. A Sikh should live by the following words:

ਮੇਰਾ ਰੁਸੇ ਨਾ ਕਲਗੀਆਂ ਵਾਲਾ, ਜਗ ਭਾਵੇਂ ਸਾਰਾ ਰੁਸ ਜੇ

It is Guru Gobind Singh Jee's kushi which is most important, not what the world thinks. The world prefers Sikhs to not take amrit and not follow rehit. But does a Sikh of Guru Gobind Singh Jee care for this world? never. When a Sikh realizes that this world is just as temporary and illusional as a dream he will always choose his Guru and His Kushi over this world.

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What is meant by beginner and intermediate stages? Does that mean Sikhs on higher levels don't worship Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji? If not, then what do they worship?
It's meant to broken down for seeker to understand gurmat marg and walk towards it in stages as gurmat is sehaj marg... Bibek/Thal Vich Tin Vastu Peyo Sat Santokh Veecharo - is equally important to understand gurmat marg not just intellectually but live practically too. In grand scheme of things - there is no difference between sargun and nirgun and at the end stage- bhramgyan perception is all one ikongkar. However, for seeker gurbani updesh is broken down in different stages based on seeker individual spiritual development.
Nothing changes at higher level as far as nine types of bhagti goes. However, as far as inner sadhana goes - satguru ji himself turn his sikh inwards towards their gyan roop- as vahiguroo sitting inside all of us as real self- atma-paratama as satguru ultimate roop is jot saroop- pure awareness consciousness bliss (all in one, one in all) and cannot be only confined to only sargun and shabad surat transcedental form
In gurmat, bhagti/shabad surat/gyan are blended beautifully and spendlidly. Gyani sher singh ji said one of divans- gursikh nature is "bhagti mukh hirdaie gyan"... perfect example of such puratan gursikh is baba budda ji who was bhramgyani never left mukh bhagti of serving guru sahib in relations of bhagat and guru and serve six guru's sahiban in his life time as for bhramgyani there is no separation between serving sargun and nirgun and there duty to inspire others attach others also to satguru charan. At the end, it all comes together in bhramgyan stage as one Ikongkar-Ek Jot.

Can the body of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji be worshipped?
Body of sri guru nanak dev ji- Sri guru granth sahib ji. In gurmat, yes sri guru granth sahib sargun saroop is worshipped by using nine types of bhagti mentioned in gurbani.
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