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Need help with condition


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Wonder if anyone can offer any assistance. We have a close friend who has a rash on his tongue, less a rash more like an wound, very red and sore on the surface of the tongue very difficult to eat, had it for a long time now. He has tried everything, hospital laser burn off. Chinese medicine and Ayurveda medicine both say he has high heat in him , he has taken Brahmi and ground coriander and cardamom amongst lots of other indian remedies to reduce the inner heat  but condition (Lichen Planus) not gone away.   Any assistance would be appreciated.

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My body also had high heat(doctor said),

every summer season, i have had ulcers in mouth and difficult to eat. I kept on getting basic meds but once a doctor told me to take "becasule" capsules, that are considered as "cold" 

then I started taking these capusules, just random like sometimes twice a day, sometimes no capsule,sometimes a capsule after many days .

in total i guess i took about 50-60 caps in a full year, i got well for ever.

now i am in a cold country,never had any issue from many years.


"goond.kateera" is also considered as "cold", its tasty also

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Sat Sree Akal Jee,

I am afraid, it may not be of much help, but I have found the information below on the net, after searching several sites.

Please read it, maybe, who knows, it may provide if not a cure, but a relief.

Anyhow my best wishes and Akal Purukh´s Mauj is with your friend.


Anytime you see or feel a rash on your skin or lesions in your mouth or on your genitals, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. Your primary care doctor may send you to a dermatologist if a diagnosis of lichen planus is not obvious, or if your symptoms are making you very uncomfortable.

Your primary care doctor or dermatologist may be able to tell that you have lichen planus simply by looking at your rash. To confirm the diagnosis, you may need further tests.

Tests could include a biopsy, which means taking a small sample of your skin cells to view under a microscope, or an allergy test to find out if you are having an allergic reaction. If your doctor suspects the underlying cause is an infection, you may need to have a test for hepatitis C.


Treating lichen planus

For mild cases of lichen planus, which usually clear up in weeks or months, you may not need any treatment. If the symptoms are uncomfortable or severe, your doctor can prescribe medication.

There is no cure for lichen planus, but medications that treat the symptoms are helpful and some may even be able to target a possible underlying cause. Medications often prescribed include:

  • retinoids, which are related to vitamin A and are taken topically or orally
  • corticosteroids reduce inflammation and can be topical, oral, or given as an injection
  • antihistamines reduce inflammation and may be particularly helpful if your rash is triggered by an allergen
  • nonsteroidal creams are applied topically and can suppress your immune system and help clear up the rash
  • light therapy treats lichen planus with ultraviolet light

Home treatments

There are other things you can try at home to complement your prescription treatments. These include:

  • soaking in an oatmeal bath
  • avoiding scratching
  • applying cool compresses to the rash
  • using OTC anti-itch creams

Talk to your doctor before adding OTC products to your treatment plan. This way you’ll be certain that nothing you might take will interact with prescription medications you’re taking.


You may visit this website also, it offers mediaction/treatment


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If it's ulcerative , bleeding or very raw , try Merc Sol 30c Homeopathic remedy  available from Boots or health food store , also get Borax 6c if possible (if you have probs PM me ) take the merc morn noon and night for the first two days then take Borax morning and night for then on , stop after a week. You should get some relief of the pain and get healing of the skin from the inside out . Also to aid oral healing once the pustular/ulceratic look is going away , you can get Chamomilla tincture and put 10 drops in a glass of water and hold and swish it around the mouth  morning and night .

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3 hours ago, Bundha said:

Wonder if anyone can offer any assistance. We have a close friend who has a rash on his tongue, less a rash more like an wound, very red and sore on the surface of the tongue very difficult to eat, had it for a long time now. He has tried everything, hospital laser burn off. Chinese medicine and Ayurveda medicine both say he has high heat in him , he has taken Brahmi and ground coriander and cardamom amongst lots of other indian remedies to reduce the inner heat  but condition (Lichen Planus) not gone away.   Any assistance would be appreciated.

Good advice given by Harsharan paji and Sikhni penji, and Jkvlondon penji. 

In addition to Harsharan Paji's information, these links may be if help too:


Support group UK:




Your friend could also try attending a Sarab Rog Ka Aukhad Naam camp, where there have been positive changes to some people with health conditions. Obviously medical treatment should not be replaced or stopped, but Gurbani works alongside medicine, if Guruji graces somebody. Again, we should not look for or demand a guaranteed result or expect a miracle from reciting the shabads, but there is no harm in it either, nothing goes wasted with Gurbani as long as it's recited with love. 


There's a healing camp soon at Ilford Gurdwara from 26th November 2016. 

Full details are in the link below: 


inbox me paji Bundha if you want to know more about it. 






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Thanks for all your help, lots of info.

Steroids and drugs will alleviate the symptoms but you get all the side effects and he doesn't want to go down that route.

Absolutely this is karam circle so we eat what we sow but sometimes you don't know when and how Guru Ji will do kirpa. We will look into the info provided.

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Let us know if anything works.

My cousin has a similar condition and has tried everything from medicine and steroids from a dermatologist, it worked temporarily but came back even stronger. Tried homeopathy, naturopath and even Chinese medicine, still nothing worked.

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