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London attack: Four dead in Westminster terror incident


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Four people, including an armed police officer and a man believed to be the attacker, have died in a terrorist incident near the UK's Houses of Parliament, Scotland Yard has said.

One of the victims was among several pedestrians hit by a car on Westminster Bridge, before it crashed.

An officer protecting Parliament was stabbed by an attacker, who was shot by police.

At least 20 people were injured, including three other officers.

Acting Deputy Commissioner and head of counter terrorism at the Metropolitan Police, Mark Rowley, said a major terrorist investigation was under way.

He said the attack started shortly before 15:00 GMT when the car was driven over Westminster Bridge, hitting and injuring a number of members of the public and the three police officers, who were on their way back from a commendation ceremony.

Mr Rowley said after the car crashed, a man armed with the knife "continued the attack and tried to enter Parliament".

Witnesses say there was what appeared to be a warning shout and then the crack of three or four shots before the attacker fell to the floor.

Foreign Office minister Tobias Ellwood - a former Army officer whose brother died in the Bali terrorist bombing in 2002 - attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation of an injured police officer.

Prime Minister Theresa May is to chair a meeting of the government's emergency Cobra committee later.

Speaking ahead of the meeting, a Downing Street spokesman said: "The thoughts of the PM and the government are with those killed and injured in this appalling incident, and with their families."

Metropolitan Police Federation chairman Ken Marsh said: "We offer our deepest sympathy to the family of the officer who has died. This incident shows the dangers our colleagues face on a daily basis.

*False Flag? Why now? And what events will follow?*

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The first casualty was a woman who went under a bus , so many pictures of people strewn across westminter pavements being tended to by passersby and ambulance staff.  

Given this has happened within a week of article 50 is being triggered means they can shut down pedestrian traffic and of course protests around parliment .

Will be used to increase 'security' by higher levels of meddling in people's private affairs no doubts. 

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Religion of pieces (islam) strikes again.No surprises there.

Keep calm and carry on accepting Islamo-fascism attacks and conversions is the name of the game of the rich globalists.

What is concerning is that major news outlets labelled the attacker as an asian guy when clearly from the pictures he looks mixed race black guy or full black altogether. Instead or labeling it an islamist attack they pointed out the guys skin colour which should raise more than an eyebrow if your brown/asian heritage.

Also Cressida Rose D1ck (and yes not being rude thats her real surname) was in charge of counter terrorism operation when 7/7 happened in london in 2005 and under her watch an innocent brazillian man was shot dead by plains clothed police man pumping 4 bullets into his brain on a tube carriage floor. And now she is chief police commissioner of policing in London and this happens.

Maybe a coincidence or maybe this woman is cursed or incompetent?


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Son's friend sent him video footage of the carnage , a woman had died under a bus' wheels , so many injured and confused people . I counted three gunshots but the claims are he was shot twice . channel 4 named a kala convert from Hackney but that guys was in Jail on an unrelated matter so no closer to a name . 

Definitely a muslim guy , they actually stripsearched him where he fell , could see his trousers around his ankles whilst the officers were around him. One lady was hit so hard she had to get fished out of the Thames with injuries (luckily she survived) , three police officers injured prior to the stabbing . Of course they had Sikh police officer inside the commons to talk to the people there . mystery package on board car meant evac wasn't possible until bomb squad sorted out that mess.

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The media and the authorities are in denial over where the real issues are in regards this.

I think that most UK Sikhs are very aware where the problem lies at an intuitive level.

I think that most of population of the UK are very aware, it is the same pattern that repeats itself over and over again yet the powers that be and the media do not want to connect the dots even though it is clearly obvious to everyone else.

I am not sure how many more candlelight vigils or speeches of how we are "united" and "we will not be divided" can be stomached.


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Death toll 5, injured 40 

terrorist named as 52 year old convert Khalid Masood


Candle vigil is on timetables , eiffel tower had its lights off last night (big deal)  just so worn out by the banality of the phrases and rhetoric used by politicians . Of Course Sajid Khan was under the stopwatch for a response ... sounded like a standard release .

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I am still not convinced regarding the origin/cause of any so-called 'terrorism' events that we see in the News, e.g. France, Germany, USA, Turkey. 

They could easily be planned by Secret Service agencies. I don't understand how the policeman was stabbed. I don't believe a normal individual, even if they were Islamic extremist and hates kafirs would lack the compassion for human life to drive a truck or car into people. 

I wonder if the rest of the major countries in Europe will be affected by such events in coming months, e.g. Spain, Italy, Holland, Austria.

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7 hours ago, Premi5 said:

I am still not convinced regarding the origin/cause of any so-called 'terrorism' events that we see in the News, e.g. France, Germany, USA, Turkey. 

They could easily be planned by Secret Service agencies. I don't understand how the policeman was stabbed. I don't believe a normal individual, even if they were Islamic extremist and hates kafirs would lack the compassion for human life to drive a truck or car into people. 

I wonder if the rest of the major countries in Europe will be affected by such events in coming months, e.g. Spain, Italy, Holland, Austria.

police officer was unarmed , the type to give directions etc (friendly face) ... apparently an attempt was made in Belgium again to mow down people but was foiled . We know globalists are steering the planet to a major clash of civilisations to weaken all and sweep in with a one world government but there will be major major hardships before then. Turkey's Erdogan openly saying no one will be able to walk the streets safely in Europe.. 

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8 hours ago, Premi5 said:

They could easily be planned by Secret Service agencies. I don't understand how the policeman was stabbed. I don't believe a normal individual, even if they were Islamic extremist and hates kafirs would lack the compassion for human life to drive a truck or car into people. 

Once you start falling down that rabbit hole, you'll struggle to comprehend even the most straightforward events occurring before your eyes. Not everything is a conspiracy. The question you should be asking is "How did this all begin, and why?" not "Is what I'm seeing real?" You're missing the point entirely if that's how you're approaching this situation.

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