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the abrahamic author of 10 commandments profit moses was a mass murderer of israelite pagan/hindus


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Ironic how the author of the 10 commandments profit moses was himself an extremist terrorist and mass murderer of israelites who chose to worship the golden calf rather than his own abrahamic cult's false blood thirsty God. And one of the key 10 commandments is though shalt not kill, what did Moses end up doing? He ordered the slaying of all israelite pagan men, women, kids and babies who had renounced the bloodthirsty abrahamic God.

The christians, jews and muslims like to hide the dirty evil past sins and crimes of their heros and prophets but a little research will do wonders to expose their evil sinister cults and false god.


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But isn't the Abrahamic god the same as the "Indian" god ? Guru Granth sahib says Ram and Raheem are the same. The abrahamic prophets were not perfect, far from it if we read the bible, but Sikhi does not deny them being messengers of god. If i remember correctly the muslim prophet is mentioned in sri dasam granth ji in bachittar natak as gods beloved but he ended up making people chant his name along with gods. I think he is also mentioned in bhai gurdas jis vaarns. So Sikhi acknowledges that these prophets did exist and were sent by god. But obviously they were far from perfect as they were just humans. Also remember that Jews do not believe that non jews go to hell like Muslims and Christians do. Some rabbis even say god is everywhere and many jews believe in reincarnation too. They must only believe this if all this was revealed to them through god ...   

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31 minutes ago, puzzled said:

But isn't the Abrahamic god the same as the "Indian" god ? Guru Granth sahib says Ram and Raheem are the same. The abrahamic prophets were not perfect, far from it if we read the bible, but Sikhi does not deny them being messengers of god. If i remember correctly the muslim prophet is mention in sri dasam granth ji in bachittar natak as gods beloved but he ended up making people chant his name along with gods. I think he is also mentioned in bhai gurdas jis vaarns. So Sikhi acknowledges that these prophets did exist and were sent by god. But obviously they were far from perfect as they were just humans. Also remember that Jews do not believe that non jews go to hell like Muslims and Christians do. Some rabbis even say god is everywhere and many jews believe in reincarnation too. They must only believe this if all this was revealed to them through god ...   

You sure about that, bro?


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lol,   I have seen a few videos of rabbis saying that non jews go to heaven as well. Just the other day that ginger jew at speakers corner was talking about the jewish afterlife. But then again there are 1000s of sects within Judaism and many of them contradict each other.  

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Im not saying moses or the others were perfect but they were chosen by god and spread monotheism. I have read Genesis and tbh i didn't get much from it lol. Noah was drunk while Lot offered his daughters to the rapists and later his daughters decided to intoxicate him and then sleep with him! there is a lot of shocking stuff in there! 

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23 minutes ago, TejS said:

This is the problem I have with the concept of "prophethood" in Abrahamic religions. You have these figures that are living their lives, and suddenly they're "chosen" by God. Why? Where is the logic in that? If the person in their life never once tried to reach out to God for truth, contemplate on the truth, seek out God on their own, or tried to attain a morally perfect life, then why? It makes no sense to choose that person over someone who is giving his/her all to attain God. 

Judaism is mostly a fabricated religion meant to embolden and ensemble a diverse group of people under one identity. I wouldn't doubt it if all of their doctrine is simply imagination at play. The Torah reads more like a fantasy saga than a spiritual doctrine on truth. And the same applies to the other Abrahamic religions.

Well according to the genesis some of the prophets were related, like Abraham had two sons Isaac and Ismael, isaacs son was jacob and jacobs son was joseph etc also mohammed was a descendant of abrahams second son Ishmael.  I agree that the torah comes across like a story book, in fact none of the Abrahamic texts were ever written by any of the Abrahamic prophets. The gospels were written 100s of years after jesus while the quran was written by mohammeds companions while the hadiths were written like 300 years after his death lol. But Im just saying that Sikhi does not deny that god chose these people to spread his message. Perhaps these people had done some bhakti in their previous lives so god chose them to be prophets in their next life ... 

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