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Converting North India

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1 hour ago, Big_Tera said:


Okay I see you point. Converting is allowed in Sikhism. So why do we never do it. I also hear so many who are against converting and swear by it. 

I really should stop with my guji phrazes. 

ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  ?

gujjus karr kahnde aa sikhan de, meri jutthi vi kaa lehn  nalaik kisse roodi de

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On 7/6/2018 at 10:44 AM, Gagan1995 said:

Why isn't SGPC spending millions on sending missonaries to poor North India areas to convert people ? They steal millions for themselves but not to further Khalsa .. Numbers are power. 

Why aren't sikhs breeding like there's no tomorrow ?

The strayed ones amongst us and even the turbaned ones generate so much of gandh , sexual songs , then how come it not translates to actual numbers ?

muslims show piety on outside and wear religious garbs covering themselves from shoulder to toes (just look at arabs) , and yet look at how they breed like rabbits.

Forget Northern India , if the current demographic trends continue , Punjab would in a decade or two become a hindu majority state, due to sikhs leaving punjab and hindu immigrants from bihar, etc moving in . And it seems most sikhs are ok with it ! 

Already now when I went to punjab last december I saw more of hindi and not punjabi banners in hindu majority areas of ludhiana and more and more temples than gurdwaras. 

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On 7/7/2018 at 1:06 AM, TejS said:

There are Rajput Sikhs, I'm friends with one. Not sure about other Rajasthani Sikhs. However its imperative that Sikhism spreads out in the Northwestern corridor of India, be it Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Kashmir and Gujarat. It allows for a concentrated area of Sikhs rather than sparsely populated which makes them more vulnerable, and unable to have a support system. It will also then be easier to spread it from there on to other regions. 

And the present day hindu nationalists goons who're already on ascendance in the states you mentioned will alllow it !? why ? 

Sikhs should first start spread sikhism in punjab . Sikhs are fighting a losing battle in their hegemony in punjab. We still have time in punjab but its quickly fading away .

Just imagine a hindu CM of punjab . And CM of punjab is head of SGPC (incase you didn't knew). Now you can imagine the rest !  


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5 hours ago, MahadrasSingh said:

If we are going to spread sikhi, we definitely could do more heart to heart things to bring others in.

The two major religions of the world , xianity and islam have  spread so much not because of love from heart to heart but rather from a pointed sharp blade to the heart and see how quickly the "infidels" converted.  Just think about it , within the life of muhammad he managed to convert (by hook or by crook) all of arabia to islam. Christians having been initially fed to lions by romans , managed to convert roman to christianity within 300 Yrs of jesus . And rest is history . Back then that was the time and ofcourse these religions have no concept of "freedom of religion" . So it works within their ethics. 

Sikhi can't ! unfortunately . You have to rely on people's mercy to join sikhi 

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On 7/7/2018 at 7:36 AM, TejS said:

There are Rajput Sikhs, I'm friends with one. Not sure about other Rajasthani Sikhs. However its imperative that Sikhism spreads out in the Northwestern corridor of India, be it Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Kashmir and Gujarat. It allows for a concentrated area of Sikhs rather than sparsely populated which makes them more vulnerable, and unable to have a support system. It will also then be easier to spread it from there on to other regions. 

The cow belt has a sizeable population of Dalits. 

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6 hours ago, AjeetSinghPunjabi said:

And the present day hindu nationalists goons who're already on ascendance in the states you mentioned will alllow it !? why ? 

Sikhs should first start spread sikhism in punjab . Sikhs are fighting a losing battle in their hegemony in punjab. We still have time in punjab but its quickly fading away .

Just imagine a hindu CM of punjab . And CM of punjab is head of SGPC (incase you didn't knew). Now you can imagine the rest !  


most of the goons are from traditionally weakass states/regions in terms of self-defence from invaders , rajputs will do the chanakya thing and side with who has the power , when Indira was in charge they were her mates now BJP is in charge and they are lapping up their lidh

biggest difference we can make is putting our daswand into direct action in villages , supporting drung rehab and education , women's working co-operatives

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2 hours ago, proactive said:

There was nothing wrong with the SGPC or the Akali Dal until the 1970s. The fact is that when the SGPC took control of the Gurdwaras from the Mahants, the Gurdwara resources were used in Parchar for the first time since the annexation of Punjab. The SGPC and the Nankana Sahib estate which managed Nankana Sahib set up many Sikh missions outside Punjab. Since the Badals took control both the SGPC and Akali Dal have gone from being Panthic to being anti-Panth. Bhai Ranjit Singh the former Jathedar of Akal Takht is trying to gather pro-Panthic forces to take on the Badals in the SGPC elections. With the general awakening among Sikhs it is hoped that the SGPC will once come under the control of the Panth.



wrong there was plenty wrong from the start as people who were dhile in their own rehit were given power to change khalsa rehit e.g. dastar rehit for abhilakhis at akal takht was changed purely because jathedar's gharwali was dhili and didn't want to wear dastar ...Gurmukh Singh ,Musafir  changed the requirement for bibian 'temporarily which has now become permanent difference in rehit between abhilakhis based on sex.

Also the prejudices against 'lower castes' was still prevalent even into 40s as Bhai Randhir SIngh had to protest against the discrimination again about accepting bhog chadava from them at Harmandir Sahib.

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54 minutes ago, jkvlondon said:

wrong there was plenty wrong from the start as people who were dhile in their own rehit were given power to change khalsa rehit e.g. dastar rehit for abhilakhis at akal takht was changed purely because jathedar's gharwali was dhili and didn't want to wear dastar ...Gurmukh Singh ,Musafir  changed the requirement for bibian 'temporarily which has now become permanent difference in rehit between abhilakhis based on sex.

Also the prejudices against 'lower castes' was still prevalent even into 40s as Bhai Randhir SIngh had to protest against the discrimination again about accepting bhog chadava from them at Harmandir Sahib.

Typical AKJ hogwash. For people who have changed Kesh to Keshki you have some nerve complaining about changing Khalsa Rehat. 

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    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
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