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Partition of Punjab


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11 hours ago, Kau89r8 said:

Live in the UK and you'll find your 'One Punjabi again'

Lahore will be the capital of Khalistan! 

Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh 

Bhenji I was not talking about khalistan.I was talking about the border between india and Pakistan.I heard a mahapurakh bachan that in 2021 the border will be broken.When that happens of course Punjab will become 1 again.But I'm not talking about Punjab being a independent country.Hope I cleared it up.

Bhul Chuk Maf ?

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6 hours ago, jkvlondon said:

1. only descendants are english maid's illegimate son with Duleep Singh  would you trust him to do the right thing for sikhs?

2. refugees would be able to provide the kind of paperwork that these countries would insist on ??

Paperwork that is needed is .. Jambandi of the land they held in 1947 and the allocation of land by India in the early 50s. 

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10 hours ago, JSinghnz said:

We lost millions of lives. I have never seen anything in the history archives where anyone has held the British accountable for this genocide. They send a drunkard to draw the lines between the two countries in July 1947, and let this carnage happen.

If the Brits put their hands up and say "OK, it was us who created all this turmoil. We are sorry for the mess!", what do you expect to happen?

On a personal note, was your family originally from the other side of the border pre-47?

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6 minutes ago, Ranjeet01 said:

If the Brits put their hands up and say "OK, it was us who created all this turmoil. We are sorry for the mess!", what do you expect to happen?

On a personal note, was your family originally from the other side of the border pre-47?

Yes they were.

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12 hours ago, Ranjeet01 said:

That answers a lot.

I've got relatives who originally came from Sialkot and they had a lot of land and property there.

They lost it after partition and had to start from scratch. 

That doesn't still answer my question that if any organization ever held the British accountable for the carnage?

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