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Sikh Farmers vs Muslim Gujjar clash in Majitha, Amritsar


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10 hours ago, proactive said:

Chandigarh was lost as soon as our demographics went into decline. Even if Modi gave it to us tomorrow all we would be doing is decreasing our population percentage and adding another large urban centre dominated by Hindus into Punjab. 

Every plot in Chandigarh needs to be given back to the original residents of the Punjabi villages which were razed to create Chandigarh. And all of the "defense retirees" can go back to Gazhiabad or wherever they came from.

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15 hours ago, Jai Tegang! said:

This is [was?] the perfect time to drive out these milk spitters back into jammu and kashmir.

Oh, you've heard that, too? That they put bad stuff (possibly including tobacco) into the milk they sell us? Of course they're going to adulterate the stuff they sell to the kaffir. I'm not mad at them, I'm mad at us for being stupid enough to buy food from non-Sikhs:

ਸੰਤਨ ਕਾ ਦਾਨਾ ਰੂਖਾ ਸੋ ਸਰਬ ਨਿਧਾਨ ॥

ਗ੍ਰਿਹਿ ਸਾਕਤ ਛਤੀਹ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਰ ਤੇ ਬਿਖੂ ਸਮਾਨ ॥੨॥

The dry bread of the Saints is equal to all treasures.
The thirty-six tasty dishes of the faithless cynic, are just like poison. ||2||
ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੮੧੧ ਪੰ. ੧੬

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12 hours ago, chatanga1 said:

that is the same thinking that the traitorous rajas of Cis-satluj had concerning Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Accept the theiving terrorist british as overlords and save ourselves from Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Completely agree regarding the Malwa rajas, bro. But this is different.

We're using them for our own purposes. They (RSS) would be up for this because they would prefer people of Indic religion vs. Abrahamic origin. We can reincorporate people who do "ghar-wapsi". But we can't do anything with Abrahamics.

Secondly, in a Brahmanist system, we're not able to do anything ourselves, because we don't have power at the Centre. The RSS does and the authorities will not do anything to them.

This is just like using fire with our eyes open. We do it all the time every single day in every village.

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19 hours ago, Shaheed4life said:

How long do we have before RSS starts calling Sikhi a branch of Hinduism and changes the plot?

They already call Sikhi a branch of Hindu mat. They can continue to do so if they want to, but that doesn't mean that we will call ourselves that:

ਇਉ ਤੀਸਰ ਮਜਹਬ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਉਪਜਿਓ ਪਰਧਾਨਾ॥ ਜਿਨਿ ਗੁਰ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਕੇ ਹੁਕਮ ਸਿਉ ਗਹਿ ਖੜਗ ਦਿਖਾਨਾ॥ (Vaar 41)

This 3rd religion, Khalsa, sprouted up as Pardhan. Which by the command of Guru Gobind grabbed and showed the sword.

19 hours ago, Shaheed4life said:

Our Naujawan will then be converted to Hindus which will make RSS no different than Gujjars and Christian Missionaries.

No, they won't "convert" to Hindus. But what we do need to do is go to the RSS and say, "We could support the Muslims or you. What are you going to give us to support you?" Make a deal with them.

There is 0 chance the Muslims could destroy the Hindus in India. The reverse is not true. So again, what are we going to get in return? (I'm not talking about a genocide of Muslims, just about suppressing their jihadi tendencies.)

Also, the RSS doesn't want Jains, Buddhists, and Sikhs to become janeu wearing Hindus. They just 1) don't want them to become Abrahamics, and 2) want them to call themselves Hindus.

Regarding #2: Unfortunately, we already call ourselves Hindus and no one but Simranjit Singh Mann has brought up this issue. (Sikhs are married according to the Hindu Marriage Act, and that's what it says on their marriage certificates.)

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19 hours ago, SikhKosh said:

Every single action against the Muslims in Punjab will have repercussions for Sikhs in Kashmir, Pakistan etc.

Exactly, just let the RSS do the work. (Not talking about genociding people, just getting stopping them from taking over lands in Punjab, after which they'll have to go back to where they came from.)

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19 hours ago, Shaheed4life said:

Do you think Shiv Sena would want to leave Punjab if they can get a few Pinds as their stronghold?

They won't want to live in Punjab like wandering milkmen. It's only Gujjars that do that. Who would want to leave Bombay to live in a Punjabi village?

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19 hours ago, SikhKosh said:

A Sikh under the influence of RSS will not stop going to Gurdwaras, will not stop venerating our Gurus because they, but a Sikh gone to Islam and Christianity is lost forever. The son of a RSS influenced Sikh may get back to the Panth but you lose generations once one person converts to these Abrahamic religions.

Yes, exactly. A "saffron"-flavored Sikh will still venerate Guru ji.

And then when he's in the Gurdwara, you can just say Fateh to him and ask him, "You believe in Gurbani, right?"

Answer: "100%"

Then just share some tuks like:

ਨਾ ਹਮ ਹਿੰਦੂ ਨ ਮੁਸਲਮਾਨ ॥

Nā ham hindū na muslamān ॥

I am not a Hindu, nor am I a Muslim.


You can't do that with an Abrahamic because he doesn't have the foundational belief in Gurbani.

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12 hours ago, SikhKosh said:

Try to read some books like the 48 laws of Power and others to get a basic understanding of how manipulation has always worked, in every age and will continue to do so. The sooner Sikhs realize this the better. 

Wow, I'm impressed that you know about stuff like this, bro. Thanks for the recommendation.

Found it on Amazon:


Free for download on the Internet as a PDF.

Also read Art of War, and The Prince, by Machiavelli. Of course, Guru Granth Sahib ji, and Dasam Granth Sahib.


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12 hours ago, chatanga1 said:

Pak? I'm glad you've brought that up. Try reading about the history of Pakistan and the Taliban movement. Pak Govt backed this movement until it brought chaos and thousands of deaths to pakistan itself, right into the heart of the country.

Then you may learn how dangerous it can be to try and use one power against another, only to find that power coming for you, once they have finished the other power.

Even Machiavelli advised against using this policy because if the two sides that are being pitted against each other ever meet-up without the knowing / involvement of the third-party who is acting as the benevolent force but is actually 5hit-stirring / causing the conflict between the other two, these two enemies will realise the true game being played, and will team-up to take out the actual source of the conflict.

HOWEVER, my feeling is that the only way to succeed at this particular ploy is if the string-pulling third party overwhelmingly "owns" one of the two warring parties. Look at what's happening in Ukraine. If Ukraine didn't have a proxy American puppet as a leader - as opposed to someone who wasn't working for American geo-political interests at the expense of the Ukranian people - he'd sit down with the Russians, and come to an agreement that would end the conflict. But that's never going to happen, because Zelensky isn't there to strike a peace deal with Russia. He's there to exacerbate the conflict while playing the role of the victim so that the Western media can push a narrative that leads to pressure on Russia. The U.S. owns him and the country, and that's why the U.S. isn't in any danger of being rumbled as the true source of the carnage, because there's no chance of Zelensky teaming up with Putin.

But for Sikhs in our particular situation, no, there is absolutely no question of playing both sides. We don't have the power, reach, and leverage to even dream of this. It's fantasy talk.

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