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Sikh Farmers vs Muslim Gujjar clash in Majitha, Amritsar


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15 hours ago, proactive said:

It is mainly the leftist and Ambedkarites who have taken the side of the Gujjars, the usual anti-Jat, anti-Sikh crowd.  Most Punjabis know what these Gujjars are like. The lack of coverage by Panthic media is disappointing. The Gurbani Akhand Bani channel which has been very good in covering Panthic issues has not posted any videos. The irony is that when some Hindus protested against the Namaz at a Hoshiarpur mosque this channel had their video cameras there and interviewed the Muslims the next day. 

The good thing is that if you read the comments on the youtube videos at least 90% are supportive of the villagers and many are even saying what was unthinkable even a few months ago, that these Gujjars need to be kicked out of Punjab. The other 10% are Muslims, leftists and the usual 'bahut bura hoiya' id.iots. The youth of Punjab and becoming more aware and now understand that if we don't get our act together we could lose Punjab in a few years time. 

Here is a video of the attack on the farmers' houses when they threatened the farmers' wives with rape. 


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