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Islam has become Redpilled in the West...Everyone is converting to Islam


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19 hours ago, californiasardar1 said:


So here is the situation we find ourselves in:

I am talking to someone who weighs 800 lbs and sits on the couch all day eating donuts. I point out that this person is embarrassingly obese and that they may want to stop eating donuts and get up and engage in some regular physical activity. The 800 lb person responds, incoherently, "I  dont give f* about how you think about me. If it makes you better person go for it. Do" (I've reproduced the spelling mistakes, horrible grammar and general incoherence for accuracy), pounds their chest and feels like they put me in my place. What does that accomplish? Does giving a sassy response somehow mean that their obesity is not a real issue? Does ignoring my advice actually help them?

Well guess what? None of this has anything to do with what I think. It has to do with the observable fact that you lack basic competence. Being a complete idi*t is definitely not something to feel proud of, and it is not something that should be ignored either. If I was you, I would feel extremely ashamed and embarrassed and work to improve myself at least until the point that I resembled a functional adult.

It's better to be a fatty than in shape, is being promoted everywhere,  check this cringe out 



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Like i said i dont give 2 f's about what you think of me. Whatever helps you sleep better at night sunshine 


@dallysingh101 you can also stop with these side remarks too.. i can say the same stuff you accuse me of with your obsession with 'jatt and bhangra' might want to look at the other side too..


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5 hours ago, Kau89r8 said:


@dallysingh101 you can also stop with these side remarks too.. i can say the same stuff you accuse me of with your obsession with 'jatt and bhangra' might want to look at the other side too..


What is it that you think you can say???

It's not an obsession is it. There's plenty of evidence that this subculture is trying to nudge out Sikh values over their own. You can clearly see this. What other side is there? That this subculture that overtly celebrates drinking, ostentation, rampant egotistical celebration of being of a particular caste through songs and (now) movies, establishing an apartheid like social hierarchy in pends, putting Sikhs and their top level institutes under a caste based polity for decades is doing a great thing for our collective quom?  That it has a biraderi system more loyal to even nonSikh members over other Sikhs. That it publically reinforces negative stereotypes about kunjars and kunjarees. When you have lumpen hordes of our own community raised up on this over Sikh values, is there any surprise that so many are confused, and only have some sort of nominal Sikh 'identity'? We also know that companies like Moviebox are run by nonSikhs who are promoting a lot of this stuff. You have intellectuals like Bhai Ajmer Singh telling us that this whole thing started from hardcore jut casteist KPS Gill himself, when he implemented Operation Night Domination and started promoting this culture.  


Plus you haven't even acknowledged that this stuff aint even our culture and looks like it came from muslims!!



I'm not the only one who thinks it's crap and can have negative consequences for our community:  

What do you think forums are for? For us all to be singing the same song like an echo chamber?  

I've put my stuff out there for a while, and I've taken my fair share of flack for it - that's the nature of these exchanges. You've hardly addressed any of the issues I've put out about how you are thinking. 

Yes, we have issues (like everyone else), but no, we do have people bravely challenging and trying to address these, which involves confronting powerful organisations that are supported by the government itself i.e. the police, sections of 'mainstream' media as well as deranged, perverted, violent criminal gangs. Yes, we do have a negative legacy from the colonial era we need to confront and reverse. 

You say your stuff and don't even address counter points like in a normal discussion??? You haven't even mentioned the dodgy Bloom report that just came out that blatantly attacks Sikhs.

https://www.sikhawareness.com/topic/22578- the-bloom-review-fails-on-sikhs/


You haven't addressed the legacy of the destruction of the indigenous Sikh  education system and it's long term consequences that might help explain things:



Yes, desi 'parchaar' generally doesn't cut it when it comes to educated diaspora raised Sikhs, but we DO have a growing and fascinating intellectual culture re-emerging from all the dumbing down from the colonial era to this day. We do have a growing interest in our puratan texts and traditions. We do have young people who study these things and share their findings with the sangat.



How can you fault me for trying to bring these important factors into your consideration? They explain why we are in our current situation and also potentially allow for the development of a culture/practices to sidestep them. They also show how we are being derailed by inimical forces (internal and external). I'm wondering how the heck you can't see any of this, but are instead 'mesmerised'  by some abrahamic dawaah???  

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If you want to experience something outside of the social media world, that isn't too far from you (if you are where I think you're from) maybe try this place - seriously! People are really commending the experience and set up. 



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On 5/18/2023 at 6:08 AM, dallysingh101 said:

Plus you haven't even acknowledged that this stuff aint even our culture and looks like it came from muslims!!



This seems in alignment with some other people who have said that Jats did not originally dance bhangra. Rather, it they invited people from the Kanjar tribe to dance for them at harvest time. Later, Jats took up the dance themselves.

Whether this is fully accurate or not is not something I know for sure.

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31 minutes ago, BhForce said:

Wow, we need more Gurdwaras like this. Sad that these types are few and far between.

These guys came from Swindon UK and had a gurdwara there before they moved to Slough. 

It's a nice Gurdwara but there does seem to be a cult like feel to the place. I have done naam simran there and the way it is done feels a bit eerie. 

That is just my opinion.

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