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7,431 topics in this forum
I Am Not Worthy 1 2
by Guest A FOOL- 11 replies
Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ke Fateh I dont know what point I am trying to make but I am just trying to express myself. I dont know how to say this, I guess I put my religion on hold... I am a Sikh, (baptized) wore the 5 kakars but lately I have been feeling not worthy of being a Sikh, just because I wore the kakars that doesnt mean I am a Sikh, I was not a Sikh on the inside, just a person who wanted to represent the Khalsa. I am getting really emotional right now and I am a grown man, I dont deserve to be a Sikh, I dont even deserve to live. I decided to not call my self a Sikh, and stop wearing the 5 kakars,( but I dont think I can ever cut my hair becau…
Which Programs To Be Used..........
by Guest One Singh- 2 replies
Does anyone know the programs that can be used to create like movies and tributes to singhs, shaheeds....etc etc???? Thanking u in advance. vjkk vjkf.
Baba Daljeetas Police Reports
by Guest theavenger- 0 replies
read police reports on dirty thug daljeet baba cant get away with doing dirty deeds for long, will all catch up with you one day and i guess daljeetas day has come.
Self Control 1 2
by HardKaur- 13 replies
My problem is SELF CONTROL. Lately, for some unknown reason... I have been lacking my self control and my perseverance that I once strongly had in my character. I was someone who had her head in the books, concentrated on the goal and achieved it. Lately, I have been doing stupidness totally out of character. I feel really ashamed. The only thing i can think of is turning 19, being in university away from home, stress from university, and changing friends has caused my character to go out of balance. I am still that middle person who friends always go to for help, and almost everyone around me comes to me when the issue rises. I have been known to be a little too friend…
Last reply by proud_to_be_singhni, -
by Guest _KKaur_- 0 replies
- 861 views KATMANDU, Nepal - A teenage boy has been meditating in a Nepalese jungle for six months, and thousands have flocked to see him, with some believing he is the reincarnation of Buddha, police and media said Wednesday. ADVERTISEMENT Ram Bahadur Banjan, 15, sits cross-legged and motionless with eyes closed among the roots of a tree in the jungle of Bara, about 100 miles south of the capital, Katmandu. He's supposedly been that way since May 17 — but his followers have been keeping him from public view at night. A reporter for the Kantipur newspaper, Sujit Mahat, said he spent two days at the site, and that abou…
- 58 replies
Vaheguroo ji ka khalsa, Vaheguroo ji ki fateh. this may sound like the dumbest question ever, but i just started high school, and theere are some gurls who are veryyy fasinated with my long hair, and everyday, they take out scissors, (when they are in my class), and are like.. " manleen, were gonna cut ur hair off today", and at first i was like w.e they wont do it, they're jus talkin.. trash, but... now its begginig to bother me, and i dont even know why... i guess im afraid taht they wiill actually do it.... i tell them to .. jus... leave me alone everyday, in a nice way, but.. will it come to that day when they will actually do it ?... im so confused... :lol: …
Last reply by truthseeker, -
What Would U Do?
by Guest sup- 3 replies
i read this on another board. i'm a singh and i would personally go for my kirpan too. if that was me i would have had the kirpan at his throat and warned him to watch himself otherwise i'd find him and cut him in such way that he'd have nothing left ot expose. What would you do in same situation? I nearly killed a man yesterday. And the weapon of choice was my kirpan. I'm a Singhnee with a foot-long Sri Sahib. I was riding my bike home around 8pm last night. It was pretty dark. I stopped at a red light in a dimly-lit intersection. A man, appearing to be homeless, crossed over from the opposite side o…
Last reply by Dukh Sukh, -
by Guest Guest- 6 replies
waheguruuuu ji i just want to ask some VERY basic questions. ive recently started being more interested in sikhi, and everyone has to start somewhere so im really sorry if these questions are boring to answer...i just wanted to ask: 1)why do we have parshaad? what is it purpose? was it around in the gurus times? what is its origin? 2)why should we do parkarma around guru ji when we go to the gurdwara and matha tek? again what is the purpose? 3)what does it mean when you bow your head to guru ji. what are you saying when you bow your head? 4)i have been told that breaking amrit is the biggest paap, but it is possible to break amrit? like if you do something your not…
Interpreting A Hukamnama
by Guest _GUPT SINGH_- 2 replies
The Laavan da Paath came up as a hukamana for me, im not married yet but been told about someone who I dont really know.. how should I interpret the hukamnama?
Sexual Desire>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 2
by Guest Guest- 11 replies
Hello, please dont make fun of me, I just have one simple question: Is it possible for a man to control his sexual desire or lust his whole life? I am asking because I heard that people who do try to contorl lust go crazy and cant take it anymore, like those priests in the catholic church, or that one Sikh bhai who raped a women. Admin Note : Next time pls use Search option of the forum
Last reply by bsbk123, -
Panj Singh Langar?
by Guest sohan singh- 0 replies
Vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fathe Can somone give detials of where the reet of giving pnaj singh langar has come from??? If asked to do this seva should one accept?? if this is gurmat then what is the correct marayda??? Vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fathe
Aaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 1 2
by Guest AAARRRGGHHHH- 10 replies
wats wrong with me, wats wrong with the world. Why is everything soo messed up? i dont know anything about anythign why am i such a fool, sumtimes i just feel like sittting down and screaming and crying, why why why... wat can we do to turn it all around, i want to sort out my life.
Last reply by SSM, -
by Guest Guest- 5 replies
VJKK VJKF I dont eat meat, but I dont do it as a Sikh, I have 2 dogs and 1 cat, and I could never ever ever imagine eating them lol, I know in other countries they eat them, so I quit eating meat :lol: . Anyways my mom usually feeds them for me lol, but now I want to take this responsibility off her hands, but i feel wierd giving my pets meat. Its kind of ironic, I stopped eatign meat because of my pets but now I have to give them meat. I understand that as humans we have a choice, but these animals dont have a choice only inctinct, but if I am the care taker shouldn't I make the choice for them by making them not eat meat? will my cat and dogs die without meat? What s…
Amrit Sanchar 1 2 3
by guru_da_sikh- 25 replies
yoooooo pplo whens the next amrit sanchar where the punj are gonna be from the akhand kirtanie jatha
I Love Guru Nanak Saheb Ji
by Guest I love Guru Nanak Saheb Ji- 5 replies
I can't believe I am sitting home on the parkash dihara of my pyara Satguru , Sahib Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jee Maharaaaj I wish I could express to Maharaaj how much of a gutless moorakh I am, Guru Sahib please forgive me for being such a moorakh, so absorbed in useless, bitter rass of maya. Please Guru Jee forgive me Please GurU Jee forgive me Please Guru Jee forgive me i am such a paapi guru jee I cannot express what you mean to me Guru Jee I can't express how thankful I am that you came into this world On this Day Satguru Jee I love you DHAN GURU NANAK :WW: :WW: :ysad: :lol: Dhan Guru Nanak Dhan Guru Nanak Guru jee you are so great I fall at your feet I …
Last reply by proud_to_be_singhni,