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why do such girls, including ones that are in amritdhari families get in relationships, mess around and do everything to dishonour their parents, then leave him by saying "oh no i shouldnt further this as i dont want them to find out because it will dishonour them... then why get in a damn relationship in the first place, why ?? IF your parents were really that important in the first place why mess around with the guy then ?? why use that excuse now, when it couldve been used in the beginning and not get into one ?? So many girls are like this and its really bad. We hear so many stories about how guys are, but this is a reality check on how sikh girls are, and this is …
Last reply by disguised, -
What Is Panj Ishnaan And How Is It Done? 1 2
by Guest Curious- 14 replies
The topic title ___ can someone answer it plese? :lol:
Last reply by Singh132, -
Length Of Dumalla And Keski 1 2 3
by Guest Guest- 21 replies
What is the proper length of a dumalla, and a keski? What length do most people tie? Thanks Fateh!!!
Last reply by UntitledSingh, -
by Guest Guest- 0 replies
VJKK VJKF I was just wondering is it disrespectful to wash the kachera in the washing machine with all the other clothes, if yes, is it disrespectful to wash it in the washing machine seperatly? or does it have to be done by hand? Thanks again guys Admin Note: Please do use search option as this topic been discussed throughly not very long time ago.
The Colour Blue Yes Or No 1 2 3 4
by Guest singh gupt- 34 replies
gur fateh ji i was at the gurdwara today and i was in my blue banaa(cholaa) and blue dastaar and a singh came up to me and said that sikhs should not wear the colour blue as guru gobind singh ji said theat the khalsa isnt allowed to wear blue, has any 1 got any written evidence that the colour blue can be worn (e.g guru granth saihib ji or other bani or rehatnamas) the singh said that a khalsa should only wear white clothes and not blue gupt singh ===
Sardarji Ke Barah Baj Gaye
by Guest Amrik Singh Grover- 7 replies
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!!!! Jo Bole So Nihaal!!!!! Sat Sri Akal Sardar Ji Ke Barah Baj Gaye!!!! How many of you have heard of this phrase? How many of you have got annoyed and felt like beating up the person who said so? Well, i for one used to get real annoyed when i would hear anyone tease me with this phrase. Infact, I lost a good friend because of this. It so happened that this friend of mine would just use this phrase when ever he felt like teasing me. This used to get on my nerves and time and again i would say, "Naresh, will you stop saying that, it hurts me." But unintentionally or intentionally it would come out of his mouth somehow. I g…
Last reply by japmans, -
When To Take Off Dastaar? 1 2 3
by Guest _Gupt_- 24 replies
Vaheuguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheuguru Ji Ke Fateh I wear my dastaar all the time, though sports, at home, just all day, I try to treat it was repect as my other kakkars. But the problem is I feel guilty taking it off at night, but its not comfortable sleeping with it on, are dumallas more comfortable while sleeping? Some have suggested me that I should just wear a patka, but then why dont we just wear a patka through the day, then other have said saroopa then y don we just wear that through the day. So can you please tell me how you taking care of your hair at night, or your identity?
- 2 replies
Admin, in reply to the gupt user I'll answer here. I can't PM that person since I don't know their forum ID. I'm not discouraging anyone from learning about Sikhism. Its just hell annoying when there are such ridiculous topics as "What colors can Sikhs wear" or "Do Sikhs have to get pesh when they give birth, for removing their kacheras" etc. I feel when such topics are created its due to a lack of other topics to discuss. I' just want people to use their own brains. Topics like these are just a waste of time and bandwidth.
Last reply by simmal tree, -
Kps Gill
by Guest Guest- 1 reply
vaheguru jika khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh Who is kps gill? everybody keeps going on about him? yet i do not know who he is ? can somebody please tell me and refrain from argumetns vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh
Last reply by Nirvair S Khalsa, -
- 11 replies
vaheguru jika khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh sangat ji ... im amritdhari ... and my fmaily arent religous.. and dont realli like me on the path of sikhi .. but with maharajs kirpa its goin well when i took amrit my grandad and i stopped talking that much .. as he hates the idea.. wheneva i go gurdwara or events he flips.. so when i say to my mum to take me to gurdwara and that she wil say no ... as he will flip !! Also i started to wear dastar and that .. hes not to keen on it but so what guru jis crown right well lately its gotten to much for me and i realli get hurt by it .. as in im coping better ... but you can only take certain amounts right? well i realli dnt …
Last reply by disguised, -
(please answer the question. im not looking for meat debate. if thread gets out of control admins can lock it) i had a question.. one of my friends friend was having a talk with myself about meat and he raised the question about eggs. And i told him that sikhs dont eat meat . and hes like eggs as well, and im like yes snice it has a life form that in the future will be taken. He answered that thats true but the eggs that are processed now in stores can never be in living form hence can never be hatched. is this true ?? So now if this is true, would eggs still be considered wrong to eat ??
Last reply by kurtas, -
by Guest Guest- 0 replies
could you PLEASE stop putting people down, or calling their posts stupid because it discourages them to learn about sikhi. :nihungsmile: Admin Note: Topic closed, Next time USE PM Feature.
I am pretty confused right now, I always thought that hair grows to a certain length, but then I saw the world record for the longes hair was 18 feet, and the longest beard was 6 feet, and I even saw women who had beards. So can anyone please explain this to me?
Last reply by disguised, -
Is it jus me or does evry1 get an orange ring round their arm from their kara??
Last reply by SarabLoh, -
Going Out With Muslim
by Guest concerned singh- 6 replies
theres a girl in my class i dont know her. anyway i found out from a freind shes going out with a muslim. like she wants to eventually marry him... some people said get to know her nd get her in sangat but im not the kinda singh that goes up gettin to know girls.. i try keep my self in small friend circle. ok wot should i do...
Last reply by SSM,