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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/2013 in Posts

  1. then you came to the right place.
    3 points
  2. Did someone from the forum go up to them and insult their religion? If we are so sensitive about what someone claims to have done for us. There being no verification for their story, then we should really be thinking about changing some of the verse of Bachittar Natak. I mean is it not highly insulting to these good Muslims' religion to say that Mohammed subverted his own mission for which God sent him and created his own sect rather than bring people to the worship of God? How about the insult of referring to Allah as endowing each being with his light so how can anyone say who is good or bad. The Quran clearly tells us that non-believers are like animals so are we not insulting Islam by dismissing the Quran's claims? How about when the same verse refers to Allah as permeating in all his creation, something that is heresy in Islam? I suggest we get a committee of LegalSingh, Neo, Thunderousdominator together so they can start to process of editing, so that Muslims don't feel insulted.
    3 points
  3. I tried to google this book, but I found ALOT different sikhism books. Please could someone link me straight link to Sri guru granth. That website must have also chance to ship in finland. Thanks!
    2 points
  4. We are all guilty of debating or discussing outside of gursikh principles ((which includes me off course), just wanted to take this chance to post sakhi from Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji updesh to pandits on discussion/debates and whats allowed for Gursikhs. Four types of Conversations/discussion- 1) Heth - Where you listen to someone because you know they have more kamai and more knowledge than you. You are humble when listening. This also applies to school. 2) Vaadha - Where you actually do your research and share to positively add to a conversation constructively. Even if there is disagreement, you should not hurt another's feelings or prove that you are better. 3) Jalapa - Where you say stuff to put the other down. Try to make yourself look good. 4) Vitaardha - Where you keep talking and don't listen to anyone else (the majority of us). *** This is from a sakhi where some pundits asked Guru Hargobind Ji what type of conversations are allowed. Guru Hargobind Ji said a Gursikh only takes part in the first 2 types of conversations. ***
    2 points
  5. Wahegurujikakhalsawahegurujikifateh There was a Bhagat from Lahore called Chajju. One day at his door two labourers were stood outside. At the time it was raining. Bhagat Chajju looked at the labourers and asked why they were stood outside his door. They looked at Bhagatji and said that they work for a living outdoors doing labour. Their condition was such that when they didn't work, they didn't eat. They explained to Bhagatji that when it rains they don't find much work. As a consequence they had come to Bhagat Chajjuji's door in the hope of finding some work. Bhagatji invited them into his house to offer them work . He said not only will I feed you - sugar and koi - but I will pay you double your usual rate. Bhagatji offered 8 annas instead of the 4 annas the labourers were usually paid for a days work. Bhagatji then sat the two labourers down, gave them malas and said sit down and doing abhiyaas of Raam. At the end of the day Bhagatji fed the labourers and paid them 8 annas. He then told them come here daily and partake in this work and I will continue to pay and feed you in this way. The labourers looked at Bhagat Chajjuji and said this work is too difficult to do. We would rather lift and break stones than do hard manual labour than this work... Loose translation of Katha by Sant Gyani Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji Bhindranwale Why is it so hard? Wahegurujikakhalsawahegurujikifateh
    2 points
  6. I did not write anything about Lahore district or even Amritsar for that matter. One being the religious capital and the other being the political capital of the Sikh state, then the Jats would obviously have been more inclined to be Sikh than Hindu. Also given that a majority of the Misldars also came from these districts, this would have given another impetus to the Jats becoming Sikh. The census of 1881 states that there were 23,373 Hindu Jats compared to 16,849 Sikh Jats in Gujranwala district. By 1931 this had changed to 35,339 Sikh Jats and 2,299 Hindu Jats. Between 1881 and 1931 a part of the Gujranwala district was split into Sheikhupura district where Sikh Jats were 41,181 and Hindu Jats 857 in 1931. The case of Gujranwala is interesting because the likelihood of who was a Sikh or Hindu Jat prior to the Singh Sabha depended mostly on which got that person belonged to. The Virks, Manns, Sidhu and Sandhu were more likely to be Sikh and the Varaich, Cheema and Chatha were more likely to be Hindu than Sikh. The Virks and Manns had had Misldars who were from their got and who retained some of their estates after the annexation.
    2 points
  7. In 1881, in Jalandhar the Sikhs Jats were 56,407 compared to 87,262 Hindu Jats. Even in Kapurthala State which I am sure you will agree does not have the same physiology as Hoshiarpur and was a protected state within the Lahore state, had 12,020 Sikh Jats compared to 16,245 Hindu Jats. Due to the parchar work of the Singh Sabha, in Jalandhar there were only 12,754 Hindu Jats compared to 160,286 Sikh Jats in 1931. The figures for Kapurthala state were 35,757 Sikh Jats and 1,148 Hindu Jats in 1931. The only reason I can deduce is that the Jats who were more adventurous and who were ambitious to stake a claim to the land were more likely to become Sikhs and join the Misl bands and the ones that did not have this mentality remained Hindus until the Singh Sabha came along.
    2 points
  8. Legal Singh Your theory falls flat because areas such as Jalandhar and Hoshiarpur which were a part of the Lahore state had more Hindus Jats than Sikh Jats. This was also the case with Sialkot and Gujranwala districs. If your theory was correct then in Gujranwala most of the Hindu Jats would have been Sikhs because Gujranwala had been the base of the forefathers of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and there would have been a great urge among the HIndu Jats to become Sikh being from the same area as the Maharaja. The Gujranwala district also witnessed a great deal of turmoil because of the wars between the forefathers of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the Muslim tribes, Exactly the type of situation which if your analysis was correct would have led to a large number of Hindu Jats becoming Sikhs. You theory also falls flat because the three districts of Punjab which were under British control before the annexation of Punjab, Ferozpur, Ludhiana and Ambala, only Ambala district had more Hindu Jats than Sikh Jats. This was because half the district was in the area now known as Haryana. Your theory also doesn't hold true because Ferozpur had been under a Misldar until it was taken over by the British in 1835. It was under the protection of the British from 1809 as same as the Sikh states in Malwa. Patiala, Faridkot and Nabha states which were under the protection of the British since 1809 also had more Sikh Jats than Hindu Jats. In the case Patiala and Nabha this is all the more remarkable as they included large parts of the region now known as Haryana.
    2 points
  9. i'm guessing your straing your eyes by looking up at your forehead, or downward if focusing near mouth, with eyes closed. Just relax the eyes and close them and don't worry about looking in a particular direction, just slowly with love say waheguru and listen. Your dhyan/focus ultimately should have been in the ears not eyes.
    2 points
  10. you're trying too hard to focus. just do it in a relaxed way and there won't be pain.
    2 points
  11. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2013/06/23/bc-surrey-hinu-temple-window-smashed.html Two men armed with baseball bats smashed three windows at the front entrance of a Hindu temple in Surrey, B.C., overnight. Police said the incident was recorded by surveillance cameras at the Hindu Mandir temple, on 140th Street near 83 Avenue, near Bear Creek Park in Surrey. Officers said the footage shows the two men walking in, smashing the windows, then running off the property. A baseball bat found near one of the broken windows Sunday morning had Sikh markings on it, said an RCMP officer at the scene. More info to come. Hopefully this catch who did this and if they are sikhs.. sikhs community in BC should condemn these fascist racist goons...there is no place for this kind of hate crime fascist bigotry in the panth.!!
    1 point
  12. The clash and progression of titans. In the bloody struggle to gain a political precedent over the various domains of the sub-continent, in the aftermath of the mughal empire's fall, three forces came to the fore. The Marathas, the Afghanis and the Khalsa. All three were hell bent on carving extensive domains for themselves and eradicating all vestiges of any foreign state and it's subsequent polity. In this struggle the mughals were reduced to nothing more than depleted forms of their past selves, and forced to tolerate strains of vengeance and exploitation on all fronts. Whether under the Khalsa, the Marathas or the Afghanis, the mughals suffered bitter humiliation reminiscent of their parent emperor's tortures launched against their wards in past eras. Whereas the Afghanis were seen as a foreign entity vying for an Alexandrian conquest of the sub-continent, specifically Punjab; it was the Khalsa and it's contemporary Maratha entity which emerged as the home team and the potential hope of the sub-continent's sovereignty. The Maratha polity was a catalyst of it's father Shivaji's political ambition amalgamated with his subsequent humiliation at the hands of his mughal employers. He commenced his crusade in 1681 A.D. and ofught bitterly with the mughals for the succeeding 27 years. Parallel to his crusade, Guru Gobind Singh Ji manifested the Khalsa and unleashed widespread rebellion against the larger sub-continental polity, composed of various Hindu and Islamic chieftains, in the territorial domains surrounding Delhi and composing the Punjab region. Despite both the Guru and Shivaji earning numerous accolades and notable victories over their foes, they never interacted. Shivaji aimed to create a fundamental Hindu state with Hindu acting as the byword for domination, and control. The Guru aimed to strengthen the Khalsa and give it the instruction required to garner power and carve a territorial entity for itself, devoid of any non-Sikh influence. Both the Maratha and the Khalsa entity possessed views which were an essential antithesis of their parallels. Both entities, despite retaining an extensive knowledge of each other, only came in contact with each other with the success of the Maratha campaign in Delhi. The subsequent actions and operations of the Marathas soon saw an extension of their conquering precincts into Punjab, which at the time was facing an onslaught of Islamic extremism amalgamated with a political catalyst. The decisive conjuncture of the contact manifested itself during Ahmad Shah Abdali's fourth invasion of the sub-continent. Noticing the extension of the Maratha territories, and the troublesome guerrilla tactics of the Khalsa he ordered his son, Timur Shah, and general, Jahan Khan, to govern Lahore and it's surrounding precincts. An extensive number of the mughal polity's remnants submitted to their command, but a few resisted despite facing imminent eradication from their bloodthirsty foes. Adina Beg, the governor of Lahore, after taking the hasty step of defying Timur decided to call on the Khalsa for assistance. Knowing that this was a potential chance to birth and plug a power-vacuum, the Khalsa entity readily agreed and started the arduous march towards Lahore. Adina Beg however had second thoughts and it was not long before he dispatched a request for aide to the Maratha chiefs in Delhi, who in a parallel fashion to the Khalsa commenced their arduous march towards Lahore. Raghunath Rao, the foremost Maratha chieftain and a subtle politician in his own right, readily agreed on the condition that Adina Beg pay him 100,000 rupees for each day's march and 50,000 for every subsequent halt. Adina in a bid to preserve his won skin eschewed his bitterness at such an extensive demand, and readily agreed to pay. On 8th March 1758 A.D. Raghunath and his forces finally arrived at Sirhind, where he joined the Adina-Khalsa coalition. Sirhind was besieged and it's doors soon fell prey to the Khalsa-Adina-Maratha forces which indulged in widespread loot of it's treasury. In the aftermath disparities soon became evident, the Khalsa which would have sacked Sirhind with a coalition or without demanded an extensive share of the loot due to it's geographical knowledge. Raghunath and his forces, enlivened and emboldened by Adina's pay, demanded a greater share of the loot whereas Adina's own troops expressed mutinous tendencies at the evident reduction of their own share. Knowing that a clash of steel was evident due to the bitter rivalries plaguing the coalition Adina defined a new precedent for the triple alliance. The Khalsa would remain two paces ahead of it's partners. This availing of inter-coalition frictions soon saw Adina's joint entity besiege Lahore and subsequently enter it on 20th April 1758 A.D. Timur and his contemporaries had fled the region. Raghunath struck a subtle blow at the heart of the Khalsa ambitions when he appointed Adina as governor of Lahore and after discarding his Khalsa allies, extended the Maratha domains onto the precincts of Afghanistan itself. The subsequent alienation of his potential allies, the Khalsa, the Jatts and the Rajputs, soon saw him stratify himself into a corner. A situation exploited by Abdali who annihilated the Maratha influence in Punjab in 1759 A.D. The subsequent power vacuum which became evident was readily filled by the de-facto master of Punjab. The Khalsa. The Marathas dispatched various orders for assistance to their subjects but were readily refused, their alienating policies ultimately struck back at their bosom until only a few Jatt chieftains agreed to assist them out of empathy. For a year the Maratha forces danced ahead of Abdali who readily followed them until in 1761 A.D. at Panipat, he annihilated an army of 60,000 pitched Maratha warriors and their subsequent families. This parallel bloodbath was a blessing to the Khalsa, who readily exploited it and reversed the Maratha influence until ultimately it possessed Punjab and campaigned up to and into Delhi. Five years later, the remnant Maratha vestiges once more came into contact with the now dominant Khalsa. This time they were invited by Jawahar Singh of Bharatpur, the Jat monarch, to birth a coalition which would aim to annihilate Najib Ud'Dula, his father's murderer and one of the influential Ruhlia chieftains. A 15,000 strong Khalsa legion, under the command of Sardar Jassa Singh Alhuwalia easily erased the Ruhlia forces from the battleground, yet it was a bitter victory for Jawahar Singh who was soundly betrayed by Malhar Rao; the Maratha general. Rao and various Jatt chieftains negotiated a subtle treaty forcing Jawahar Singh to accept Najib Ud'Dula's influence over him. Such a decisive maneuver however inflamed Jawahar against the Maratha polity, and after a minimum conjuncture, he took 8,000 Khalsa warriors into his pay to crush the traitorous Marathas. Not only had they stalled his desire for vengeance they had also birthed a blood feud by announcing his rival sibling, Nahar Singh, as the rightful monarch of Bharatpur. A year later, at the head of his Khalsa battalion, Jawahar Singh succeeded in ousting the Maratha-cum-Nahar coalition from Dholpur and occupied it as an extension of His Bharatpur domains. In the aftermath he led his battalion to aide the Jatt prince of Gohad against a Maratha legion, an action which catalyzed in the Khalsa extensively raiding Maratha domains in central India. The dawning of 1768 A.D. saw widespread hostility which catalyzed in the assassination of Jawahar Singh and his heir Ratan Singh, the subsequent year. Their remaining heirs Ranjit Singh and Naval Singh soon birthed a bloody civil war, and battle lines were drawn once more. Ranjit Singh approached the Khalsa chieftains for aide whereas Naval summoned the Marathas, who were eager to visit vengeance upon their Khalsa foes. Twenty-fourth February 1770 A.D. saw the commencement of a bloody engagement in which the Maratha's famed cavalry clashed with the Khalsa forces. Despite the victory of Naval Singh, the Maratha cavalry was heavily mauled and was never able to garner the prominence it once held. Subsequently the Khalsa forces retreated to Punjab, safe with the knowledge that the Marathas would not mount any attack against them. 1771 A.D. saw the reassertion of Maratha dominance over an extensive portion of the sub-continent, exclusive of Punjab, and the rise of Mahadji Scindia as paramount chieftain of the Maratha entity. The following year the exiled mughal monarch was restated in his place and Mahadji entrusted with the mission of returning peace to the sub-continental domains. A ruthless exploiter Mahadji pulled his employer's strings from the commencement of his mission and settled his eyes on the Khalsa territories. Under it's various chieftains the Khalsa had been involved in the extensive plunder of the various tributaries which symbiotically supported the mughal coffers. As a result of the raids, the economic stability of the mughal entity had fallen into disarray and even the Marathas were forced to conclude that finance was a paramount issue. As a result Scindia deputed various ambassadors to parlay with the Khalsa confederacies and negotiate a peace-treaty, which would prevent them from launching their decisive raids even on Delhi itself. On the other front he gained the allegiance of Samru Begum, who possessed the sub-continent's finest artillery. The catalyst of these political brokering resulted in a joint treaty being signed on 9th May 1785 A.D. which granted the Khalsa one million rupees, on the behest of the Marathas, in exchange for the Khalsa's surrendering of the Yamuna and Gang tributaries. (Continued in Part 2). http://tisarpanth.blogspot.co.nz/2013/06/the-khalsa-confederacies-and-maratha.html Please post a successive comment on this blog with your contemporary comment on the forum. Thanks!
    1 point
  13. Hi I live with my family in London. I come from a Hindu background. I feel very happy and peaceful when I go to the Gurudwara. I want to become a Sikh and gain an identity and focus to help me live in this life. I need a guide who can assist me in making progress in my spiritual journey. I will be very great ful
    1 point
  14. Vaheguru.... How could we have let this happen? a mother of a Shaheed is a mother of all Sikhs. She should be treated as a queen not like this. This is the biggest shame on all of us if we cannot do anything for this blessed lady. Is there a way we can help her financially?
    1 point
  15. I know the difference between Chuhras and Chamars, thank you very much. You are probably not aware that about Chuhras about 24,000 out of 40,000 claimed Ad Dharmi as their religion, that's 60% of Chuhras in Jalandhar. Your claim that Ad Dharam was a Chamar faith is clearly wrong. The chief movers were Chamars but the Chuhras of Jalandhar also responded to it in a big way, as did those in Lyallpur district who gone over as the laagis of the Jat colonists from Doaba. There were large numbers of Chuhras in Doaba as well and it wasn't as simple as you seem to believe that lower castes were Chamars in Doaba and Chuhras in Malwa. This is however the case with regard to Doaba and Majha. Majha had very few Chamars but large numbers of Chuhras. You are right that Chuhras for the most part when they became Sikhs, they were ardent Sikhs. The simple fact is that in Malwa for whatever reason, the Chamars and Chuhras were much more likely to be Sikhs than Hindus or Ad Dharmis. This was the case whether it was in the British districts like Ludhiana or in Patiala, Nabha or Faridkot states. The information I have given is from the Census reports of 1931.
    1 point
  16. Wahegurujikakhalsawahegurujikifateh One time some Pandits came to Sachkhand Sri Anandpur Sahib Ji and stood before Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj. They said to Maharaj that Guruji you have given everything to the Khalsa, you have given them all the seva, you do their pooja and their satkaar. Khalsa mero roop hai khaas. The Khalsa is my complete image Khalse maih hau karo nivaas. I dwell in the khalsa Khalsa mero mukh hai ang-aa. Khalsa is my chief organ Khalse ke hau sadh sadh sang-aa. I am always with the khalsa Khalsa mero mitr sakhaa-ee Khalsa is my closest friend Khalsa maat pitaa sukhdaa-ee Khalsa is my mother, father & source of all comforts. Khalsa meri jaat ar pat. Khalsa is my caste & creed. Khalsa sau maa kau utapat. My creation is through the khalsa Khalsa mero bhavan bhand-aa-raa. I dwell in the khalsa who is a storehouse of all my requirements. Khalse kar mero satk-aa-raa. I am honoured because of the khalsa. Khalsa mero pind par-aan. Khalsa is my body & breath. Khalsa meri jaan ki jaan. Khalsa is my life & soul Khalsa mera satgur poor-aa Khalsa is my full-fledged Guru. Khalsa mera sajan soor-aa. Khalsa is my brave friend. Khalsa mero budh ar giaan. Khalsa is my wisdom & knowledge. Khalse ka hau dhar-au dhiaan. I always contemplate the khalsa prayerfully Upmaa khalsae jaath na kahi Eulogy of the khalsa is beyond me. Jihv-aa ek paar nah lahi. I cannot fathom full praise of the khalsa with one tongue. Ya mai ranch na mithe-aa bhaakh-ee. I certify that I have not mis-stated anything in the foregoing. Paarbrahm gur Nanak saak-ee. God & Guru Nanak are my witnesses to endorse the foregoing truth. Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Sarb Loh Granth, (MS), 519-526. Be merciful and tell us what have you left for us? Maharaj smiled and gave the Pandits an asthan. He then told them to sit down and to do bhagti, to do abhiyaas of Sri Gurmantar Sahib Ji for eight hours. In return for this seva Maharaj said he would give the Pandits 15-15 mohars. Hearing the Bachan the Pandits were full of happiness. Whilst Maharaj stood before the Pandits they continued to do abhiyaas. As soon as Maharaj physically left that place the Pandits would stop and began to talk to one another. Maharaj being Antarjami told Bhai Alam Singh Ji to go and watch over the Pandits and to not allow them to talk to one another. Bhai Alam Singh Ji did this and for over 8 hours he stood watch. During this time the Pandits did the jaap. At the end of the 8 hours Maharaj came with 15 mohars and gave them to the Pandits. He then said stay here, do abhiyaas and everyday I will give you 15 mohars. The Pandits listened to this and said to Guru Sahib that no this seva is too difficult - we can't do it. In this way they left Sachkhand Sri Harmandir Sahib Ji and went back to Kanshi from where they had come from. Loose translation of Katha by Sant Gyani Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji Bhindranwale Please post what you think the morals are from this sakhi? Also please post how we can attach ourselves to Sri Gurmantar Sahib Ji. Wahegurujikakhalsawahegurujikifateh
    1 point
  17. WaheguruJiKaKhalsa!!WaheguruJiKiFateh!! WAheguruJi Most of the time we have fluctuating body temp. but if we start taking little things serious . you will get sick soon Why so serious have fun
    1 point
  18. The reason why Jalandhar is a Sikh minority district has to do with many factors. If you compare Jalandhar with Ludhiana by taking away the entire population of Muslims, then the Sikhs Jats become 36.68 % of the remaining population of Jalandhar and 40.38% of the remaining population of Ludhiana. So the percentage of Sikh Jats in both districts were very similar. If you then take the population of so-called lower castes like Chamar it is clear that there Chamars were about 20% of the population of Jalandhar while they were only about 10% of the population of Ludhiana. This still would not have had a great effect on why Jalandhar became a Sikh minority district. The true reason was that whereas Sikh Chamars were only 5% of the Chamar population of Jalandhar, Sikh Chamars in Ludhiana were 63% of the Chamar population. Interestingly enough Jalandhar became a Sikh majority district ( 56.4%) by the time of the 1951 census due to the resettlement of Sikh refugees in the district after partition. However, due to the migration of Sikhs to the west and also into Terai region of UP and because a large number of so-called lower castes declared themselves to be Hindus in order to avail themselves of reservation, which until 1956 was only available to Hindu lower castes, the Sikhs became a minority of 44.8% in 1961.
    1 point
  19. A balanced and fair view of the situation, taking into account our duty as Sikhs, as well as living in a secular society where tolerance (even, and this may come as a shock to some people, tolerating things we don't agree with). But that kid situation is weird isn't it? Best to sit them down and explain the situation with homosexuality without getting graphic. Then end that little talk by threateningly stroking your chappal with a mad look in your eyes; they'll get the message. :lol2:
    1 point
  20. I have no issue with them marrying each other but we have to look to the future. Homosexual lifestyles and relationship choices are now being presented to our children, in schools as acceptable and on equal terms as the sacred tradition of marriage between man and wife. This whole "acceptance" thing is fine but it does open up a can of worms. How long is going to be before we have "Sikh" same sex couples turning up to the Gurdwara and demanding to be married? Why are people not looking at the fact such relationships are not beneficial to a person i.e. the rate of HIV infection for gay men is many times than that of heterosexuals and in fact such same sex infections account for half of new cases, even though they are a minority. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20526380 Now I may be sidetracking a little but I feel this is worth a mention. The fact is their relationship choice has taken them out of the biological process of producing children but yet they are allowed to arrange "business deals" to have kids i.e. a mother is paid to carry the foetus of a couple. They can also adopt and have IVF treatment. How healthy do you think it is for a child to be raised with two dads or two mums? Isn't this a mocking of the natural order WaheGuru has given us? Living in London it is more and more common to see such couples displaying their affections in the street, how do you explain this interaction to your children, nieces and nephews and grandchildren. For the record I am totally against any discrimination against gay people and I do agree with their right to marry/be in a civil partnership etc. Many gay people I have met are very nice, warm and friendly and make great colleagues, work mates etc. Also NO WAY can homosexuality be compared to more vile acts such as robbery, rape and murder. This is after all consent between two adults and their personal business. But I don't believe Sikhs should embrace or jump behind the cause, especially in light of the things I have mentioned.
    1 point
  21. ksajfk;akf LOOL. LOOL Can't Double Post. Edit - VJKVJF||
    1 point
  22. I think you might have got your information from that jatt website which makes all sorts of claims without presenting any evidence. There is no doubt that Punjab having been the gateway to India, it saw more than its fair share of invasions and migrations. But these migrations would have been from Central Asia and not from Syria and Palestine.
    1 point
  23. For Ludhiana district in 1881, the first time a reliable census was done in Punjab, the HIndu Jats were only slightly less than the Sikh Jats, 95,000 compared to 102,000. But this does not give a true picture. In the western part of Ludhiana like the Jagraon tehsil, the Jats were mainly Sikhs but in the eastern part (Samrala tehsil) the Jats were mainly Hindus. The reason given is that Jagraon was a part of the old Jangal desh where the Sikhs would seek shelter from the Muslim persecution. Samrala was close to Sirhind which was the seat of Mughal power between Lahore and Delhi. Also although the British classed all the non-Muslim and non-Sikhs Jats as Hindus, they were in fact Sultanis worshipping Sakhi Sarwar. As education spread through the Singh Sabha movement in the eastern part of Ludhiana district, The Sultanis started to become Sikhs. By 1931 when the last census which enumerated caste was taken, the Sikh Jats were 211,000 and he Hindu (Sultanis) Jats were 3,500. Hoshiarpur district might have had the same situation but the Hindu Jats there would be more influenced by the Devi worship culture of the hills rather than Sakhi Sarwar worship. The Sikh Jats were mainly in the low lying areas whereas the Hindu Jats were in the hilly areas. In comparison in 1881 the Sikhs Jats were 29,000 compared to 86,000 Hindu Jats. By 1931 the Sikh Jats had gone up to 86,000 and the Hindu Jats had gone down to 41,000.
    1 point
  24. It is best to read from the translations and commentaries to get a good understanding of Gurbani. Try also to do Paath(recitation) of Gurbani. Sikhs usually start off with Japji Sahib. Many Sikhs do meditation on Gurbani by focusing on it's recitation and reciting it numerous times with concentration. One can also listen to online recitations to improve one's own pronunciation.
    1 point
  25. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsaa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! This path, on which we all are on, has many many different and beautiful experiences. We do abheyaas not only to remember him, but to connect with him. This path is very long and as you know we progress through stages. Maharaj ji says eventually calling out Guru Guru, we become like him. But that, is obviously a higher awastha. First is rehet, then comes abheyaas. Abheyaas is when we can progress on this path in connecting with him. In the very beginning it is hard to control our minds, but with Guru ji's Kirpa it is possible. Then, when our mind quites the worldlly thoughts, the voice of our soul is heard. Maharaj ji says only when the mind is silenced, the voice of our soul (soul, which is already Guru roop and wants to experience Waheguru) is heard. With Guru ji's Kirpa, we are able to forget our bodies when we are connecting with him. It is the soul which connects with him, and when it does connects, no thought of worldly things(including body) is there. The reason why you breath quickly is because you are nervous. Many people experience this in the beginning. When you start to get nervous, remind yourself to let your soul go wherever it wants (to Waheguru). Nothing will happen to you, you are save in Guru ji's hands. Guru Sahib ji says if you want to play the game of love, step on this path with your head in your hand (don't try to use your common sense or opinon - give your head to Guru ji instead). And there is no need to stop simran and try to observe it. If you do this, obviously your dheyan on simran would stop. If Guru Sahib ji wants you to sit back and see something, he will himself make you see. Just continue to do simran and let go of worry of what is happening to u Keep on doing abheyaas, and ardaas. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
    1 point
  26. As I've mentioned I'm not in the business of saying who's worse. That's Dharam Rai's job. I am however saying homosexuality is a sin just like paedophilea, slaveowners etc. Using the term shaitan does not make you Muslim. It's used informally throughout common punjabi. Your just looking for lame arguments that's don't support your case. At the end of the day Sri Akal Takht have not only condemned homosexuality, they have quite rightly ridiculed it. Just 10 years earlier nobody would have had a problem with this. The reality is western society see homosexualsas a race. It's NOT a race. It's a despicable behaviour and should be treated as such.
    1 point
  27. Due to various strict protocols by our supreme body (Akal Takht, Amritsar, India), there is no printing of Sri Guru Granth sahib in single volume in english. So, you can buy steek (divided in volumes/parts) from various sources. Sikhnet sells Five volumes for price of $250. http://www.sikhnet.com/GuruTranslation From this old thread: These translations do a great service in making the meanings and message of Guru Granth Sahib ji very clear to the common man and Sikhism enthusiasts . There are translations of complete Guru Granth Sahib ji in English, Hindi and Punjabi and all of these have been excellently done . Some of them are just translations while others contain the transliterations and bani in its original form also. Following is the list of translations that have been added : English Translations of Guru Granth Sahib Ji : 1. Guru Granth Sahib English Translation By Dr. Gopal Singh 2. Sri Guru Granth Sahib By Gurbachan Singh Talib in English in 4 Volumes in English 3. The Essence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib by Gurbachan Singh Makin in English - Punjabi in 5 Volumes 4. Guru Granth Sahib by Dr. Darshan Singh in English - Punjabi in 5 Volumes 5. Sri Guru Granth Sahib by Manmohan Singh in English in 8 Volumes 6. The Holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib by Kartar Singh Duggal in English in 4 Volumes
    1 point
  28. Physical holy scripture of sri Guru Granth Sahib ji: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/SikhNet I would recommend the ebook on amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B007OXGLTU
    1 point
  29. Calm down now Neosingh. Simmer down my friend. Nobody said anything about sham marriages for immigration purposes being 'acceptable' but you have, 3 times now on this thread, associated immigration sham marriages with 'incest' and 'peadophilia'. Its almost as if you believe people in a sham marriage actually sleep with each other. If, even after taking a few deep breaths you find yourself still as angry and irate as a Daily Mail reader then may I suggest, if you're from the UK, you ask your parents or grandparents for the truth of how so and so in your family came to this country in the 60's. After hearing the answers, and knowing how angry you are, I fully expect you to give yourself a damn good beating before throwing yourself out of the country in disgust at yourself. Seriously now bruvs, the thread is about the true evils of peadophilia and incest. You cheapen the seriousness of those crimes by likening them to insurance fraud and immigration fraud.
    1 point
  30. Singh559, the last post highlights what a great bloodline Adam represents. The Majhuke/Chuner bloodline is unmatched. Cover an average mare with Adam and you are guaranteed a good foal
    1 point
  31. Gurbani defines what acts of true Muslim should be, so we should go by that.
    1 point
  32. How much more of an open mind do you need? If you want more of an open mind then we have Nihang Singh with his stick, no problem..!!..lol Oh go friend, you here Nihang Singhs pulling gay lesbian in topic...for no reason drink make See engrejij vich oh gall ni bandi
    1 point
  33. Yaar aj ton bahad assi Punjabi vich hee gal kariya. Engreji bohlan da swad ni aunda. Avain moou vinga kar-ke Engreji bohli jaande ah saare. Menu pata twade sariya da, jadoun gussa chardiya, mann Punjabi bohli vich chaperdan maarda, par aukha ho-ke engreji vich massan translate kardeh oh lol
    1 point
  34. Ki farakh pehnda bhai. Lapard maar ke kisse da "gay" tan ni kad sagde. Jeeyoun deyo ehna nu, avain pange vich na payou ehna de vich. Panth da kam hor bathera peya karan waala. Respect Akaal Takhat's hukam that Anand Karaj should be according to Gurmat, not our own preferences and we have no problem.
    1 point
  35. Thats actually very true. Before partition, for rural jatt Sikhs it was the mirasis that kept the records of family history. Not written records mind.....the mirasi tradition was and is purely oral, passed on from generation to generation. After 1947, the only mirasis that stayed behind were the bhangra singers such as kuldip manak etc. The rest all left for Pakistan. Thus, as the muslim half of my clan has since re-settled in rural district Faislabad, thats probably where I'd have to go to get an in-depth history of my family. If I had to guess though....I'd say we only became Sikhs from Guru Hargobind ji's time onwards. Most Jatts only joined when the martial fighting tradition started. Btw....that Punjab govt website is total rubbish. Not only can I not find anything on it but it even has my village listed in the wrong Tehsil.
    1 point
  36. Yes of course everything's fine in UK !! The term ''islamisation' has just been coined by some racists for some fun ! There are no muslims in UK that are demanding everyone be converted or rot in hell. There are also NO muslims in UK that think they do NOT have to obey the law of the land or the commonwealth because they firmly believe that the ONLY law they have to obey is Islamic sharia law.! Pakistanipunjabi.. you need to wake up and smell the coffee and realize the true situation out there.
    1 point
  37. I think Legalsingh ji has highlighted the main points. There is a huge difference here in Canada. We have to remember that Canada is where the UK was in late 70's and early 80's. Remember that most of the Sikhs in late 20's and 30's here are born in India,and their parents have come over as visitors/permanent dependents. Whereas in UK most Sikhs in late 30's and 40's are actually born there and their parents migrated there back in 70's and on. I myself am a 3rd generation in my 40's who was born in UK and so was my father!!! (Grandparents came in late 40's!!)- I haven't met anyone my age here who is same generation as me! At that time in the late 70's and early 80's in UK (where Canada is right now) they had no problem with muslim influx or trouble AND the majority of the ethnics were Sikhs and hindus. Canada and most of US is at the very same stage right now, but muslims are slowly increasing in numbers and mosques seem to be springing up leaving people surprised !!! Journalists and governors have already stated that North America needs to learn from what is happening in the UK to avoid the problems of 'islamisation' and the trouble that lies ahead. If Canada is not careful, I can see the same problems ahead in the next 10-15 years, so they must see where exactly UK went wrong.
    1 point
  38. Thank you very much Veer Ji VJKK VJKF
    1 point
  39. Once a king in India went to Guru Nanak Dev Ji and asked, “O Guru! As you told us that God Himself supports His true worshiper, but God has so many apostles, why does He support His devotees Himself? Why does not He send His apostles to help the devotees?” As he said this, his own son who was playing at the bank of a nearby river slipped in the river. The king did not waited for a second and jumped in the river right after his son to save his child. After saving his child he returned to the Guru. The Guru asked, “My dear friend, you were sitting here with me a minute ago and why did you jump in the river?” King explained that his son had slipped in the river and he went to save him. Then the Guru asked, “Dear friend, you have so many servants then why did you jumped in the river by yourself? Why did not you send you servants to save him?” The King said, “When it come to my son. I do not want to take any chances and would do anything it takes to protect him. I love my son very much and I do not want to lose him at any cost.” Then Guru Ji said, “My dear friend, God loves His devotees the same way as you love your son. That is why he Himself saves His true worshipper.”
    1 point
  40. The Mirpuri's speak there own dialect of Punjabi and think that Sikh Punjabi's and all non-Muslims are inferior as the Quran says. Plus the fact that most Mirpuri's are Hindu Punjabi converts from mainly the Jatt, Rajput and Gujjar castes means these Mirpuri Pakistani Muslims try to prove how Muslim they are by converting and grooming non-Muslim girls even more than the Qureshi and Mughal castes which have been Muslim for longer.
    1 point
  41. Bohle Sohnihaal Sat Sri Akaaal Down 10-20 generations your great great great potay and potian can see the first Sikh dada ji making funnies on SikhSangat http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?/topic/39639-sikhi-dancing-bhangra/page-3#entry371246
    1 point
  42. I am the first Sikh in my family, all Hindus till now, does that count? :D
    1 point
  43. Only after bhramgyan one can totally negate mind before that we are all affected by mind/thoughts which is made out of rajo, sato and tomo. However, we can minimize bad thoughts in our mind...Here are some of the tips which may help you: 1. Divide your mind in two. One has dya, dharam, sat, santokh, gyan and other one effected by kaam, krodh, lob, moh, ahankar..whenever bad thoughts come in/5 vices, let your other portion of mind of good attributes dya, dharam sat, santokh, gyan to take control of your other portion of mind effected by five vices. Control kaam with gyan, if you are getting kaam thoughts, instead of looking at his/her body or act, look at the light behind him/her and look at the body with the reality how its made of five elements which will be reduced to dust one day or another. 2. Listen to gurbani, memorize some of gurbani tuks which talks about kaam, take sahara of guru maharaj to remove the thoughts of kaam. 3. Do self inquiry, always question whenever bad thoughts effected by 5 vices comes in, ask to whom is it for? is it for my body or mind/egoistic mind and do self inquiry right away -my real self is beyond body and mind so its not for me as my real soul does not have even have mind made out of rajo, tamo and sato let alone bad thoughts. 4. Dont pay attention to bad thoughts, let them come in- don't enforce anything, perceive everything comes from the light and start seeing light behind everything, you will notice after a while bad thoughts like waves will go away by itself. For eg- water just like waves in pot always moves in open sun light .Hence we cannot see sun light reflection from sun but once we ignore waves and focus on light behind it, after a while you will notice only light in the pot nothing else will move your perception. 5. Keeping doing ardas to guru maharaj and these thoughts effected by 5 vices are not for me, please make them go away. 6. Make your mind busy with other good things, never let mind sit bored to let your thoughts accumlated in your sub consciousness mind attack you. 7. Don't suppress the thoughts neither let them go loosely, sit in resonance of vahiguroo/ikongkar mantra visualize as if everything is folding itself back in ikongkar...these thoughts are being destroyed and everything merging/folding itself all in all in ONE- IkONGKar and thats the source of everything so focus on Ik0ngkar. 8. As soon as bad thoughts came in, visualize yourself as light, above ground where you can see earth liquaditing or disapearing itself into multi universe...where are bad thoughts? no where, just beautiful view of Vahiguroo's creation. 9. Always have gurbani on headphones or speakers..don't just listen but also imagine each akhar into real story for eg Bisar gayi sab tat paraie or among others ..visualize it or think about this stage which gurbani talks about. 10. Keep your socializing to very minimal whether it be regular joe blow freinds, t.v, ads, movies if you are begineer. It will easily sway you away from your real purpose of being sikh....always keep doing sangat of elder gursikhs or mahapursh to clear further doubts or sansas. 11. Finally, cheer up life aint bad..present is very actual moment of all moments- neither past or future..what matters what you do now in present neither past or future.
    1 point
  44. The grooming issue is slowly appearing in canada as well, I heard of a couple of cases of punjabi girls in Vancouver and Surrey with Pakistani boyfriends who then tried to get these girls to sleep with other Pakistani men..or just used them then dumped them. Your right though..I dont define the girls as "Sikh" the majority just use the label Sikh because theyre born into Sikh families they dont have any knowledge or pride in the identity or history. But then I again i also know of girls from apaprently well respected Sikh families who have got themselves into these dort of situations..the integrity of a family doesnt mean their children are good however,... As above posts say..you dont have enough Pakistanis in Canada yet to cause issues, wait till theyre poplualtion increases, research "al-taqqiya" it means Muslims are allowed under Islam to lie to and decieve to non-muslims on the pretext of furthering Islam. You might think theyre harmless and they are your friends now..wait and see how it turns out. UK communities dont say these things because theyre racist, it's because over the years they have seen and experienced a lot of issues, and continue to do so today. Learn from the experience of the UK sangat and keep yuor gaurd up educate the youth before it's too late
    1 point
  45. These 5 marriages you talk about are they all in canada, the pakistanis in the uk or so call muslims are grooming young girls/children for sex and prostitution they trick these girls into believing they are having a relationship with them, then they betray that trust, so that is why in the uk no one not only sikhs but other groups dont trusts muslims/pakistanis. Those of us who know are sikh history know that even during the times of Guru Gobind Singh JI they swore on the koran and lied ( was told this as a child by my grandmother many many years ago about how they lied to Guru sahib ji kind of stuck with me). Personally i dont trust any of them or not so that i would form a close friendship with them or have them in my home, but i would not insult or trouble them either, its a case of live and let live, if you are friendly with them then good luck, just be careful play with fire and you may get burnt, never trust them around your women folk thats for sure!! Where in canada are you.
    1 point
  46. I think it's more a Pakistani vs Sikh issue. The Pakistanis are twice the number of Sikhs in the UK and I think the Sikhs outnumber the Pakistanis in Canada. You will have a wait a few more years before enough Pakistanis migrate to Canada and once they have the numbers then you too will find what kind of people they are, Sikhs and Pakistanis had good relations when the Pakistanis were in their own areas and Sikhs in their own area. But when Pakistani turn up in an area they will open up Halal shops and chicken joints. They will then turn one part of town into their own and then encroach on the rest of the town. In Southall it is only because of apnay freshies coming over on student visas and overstayers that Southall has stayed a Sikh town otherwise the Pakistanis were about to swamp the place.
    1 point
  47. Fair point. But giani is nowadays a derogatory term in a broader sense whereas Gurbani has talked about Brahm Giani very highly. I'm just annoyed at the general situation rather than the video guy directly.
    1 point
  48. continued Translation 2 inrvYru Nirvair Nir = without, Vair = vail which in turn means addiction God does not have any addiction or vice to anything. He is not addicted to things like any other beings. He does not yearn for tea, for tobacco, for drugs, for alcohol or any other bad vice like every other specie. God does not yearn for lust and sexual desire like other beings. God does not have any bad habits. inrvYru Nirvair Nir = no, Vair = enmity towards saints Those people who have enmity towards the saints such as the demon king Harnaksh, God sends the demi gods in different incarnations such as Narsingh to destroy their enmity. God is one who rids of enmity and this is his form. God again is divine and unique. There is no other like him. Akwl mUriq Akaal Moorat Akaal = immortal, Moorat = form God is exempt from death and this is his form. All other things are created from gold, silver, lead, iron, copper, paper, cotton, silk, etc. People are created in the womb of the mother. This form is not the same. This is due to at some point all of these forms being created, being broken, getting repaired and then being destroyed. These are not timeless and exempt from death unlike God. This shows that God’s form is exempt from death unlike every other form. Akwl mUriq Akaal Moorat A = without, beyond, Kaal = imagination, speculation, etc, Moorat = being God is beyond imagination, speculation, assumption and thought. Akwl mUriq Akaal Moorat A = without, Kaal = dark thoughts, Moorat = being God is exempt of having evil and dark thoughts. Akwl mUriq Akaal Moorat A = without, Kaal = blemish, Moorat = being God is without blemish and is not tainted. Akwl mUriq Akaal Moorat A = without, Kaal = misfortune, Moorat = being God is without misfortune and does not ever beg for charity. Akwl mUriq Akaal Moorat A = exempt, Kaal = time, Moorat = being God is in all of the time zones at the same time as he is exempt from time itself. God is in the past, present and future. mUriq Moorat Moorat = form Moorat means a persons form. Underlying meaning is that some forms are in the past, some are now in the present and some are going to be in the future. God does not have a form that changes it always remains the same. All other beings are born during time. Some are born during the night and others during the day. God however is exempt from time such as this. God is a spectator, he creates the universe and watches it. He cares for it and nourishes it. He is independent from all law and is exempt from time and death. Akwl mUriq Akaal Moorat A = Vishnu, Kaa = Brahma, L = destroyer known as Shiva, Moorat = creator of their forms God is the creator of the forms of Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva. Akwl mUriq Akaal Moorat Akaa = pain, L = destroyer, Moorat = being God is the one who eradicates all of the pain that a person endures. AjUnI Ajooni A = without, Jooni = birth God is free from transmigration and never enters the cycle of life and death. The Lord does not ever take birth from the womb of a mother. God is exempt from life and death. Those people who state that God has to endure life and death they will be banished to the depths of hell. AjUnI Ajooni Aj = Brahma and the others, Ooni = incomplete Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are incomplete compared to the Lord God. They are not even close to the great being or his equivalent. AjUnI Ajooni A = exempt, Jooni = illusion known as Maya God is exempt from the illusion known as Maya. God is the form of supreme consciousness. AjUnI Ajooni Aj = illusion known as Maya, Ooni = incomplete The illusion known as Maya is also known for not taking birth from another. God is different to Maya as he is complete in everyone. AjUnI Ajooni A = unique, Jooni = reason for the cause God due to being unique and distinguished is the cause of all in creation. AjUnI Ajooni A = in everything, Jooni = resides God resides everywhere and is the cause of all of creation. sYBM Sai Bhang Sai Bhang = self illuminating form God is the only form that is self-illuminated. sYBM Sai Bhang Sai = many, all or others, Bhang = illuminator The sun, moon, stars, a humans knowledge, etc all are illuminating however they all get their powers from God. God is the one who gives power and strength for others to illuminate whiles he self-illuminates. sYBM Sai Bhang Sai = many, all or others, Bhang = destroyer God is the destroyer of all that has been created. sYBM Sai Bhang Sai = is, Bhang = illuminated form God is the supreme form of illumination. sYBM Sai Bhang Sai = all beings, Bhang = illuminates In all of the beings that have been created God resides and he illuminates them with knowledge. God is the support for all of the beings. All of the beings that have been created all of the sense organs, the vital life force and the intellect are all illuminated and controlled by God. God also destroys them. gur Gur Gur = supreme consciousness God is the form of supreme consciousness. He is the real spiritual master and is worshipped by all. In all of creation he is the supreme spiritual master. gur Gur Gu = rids ignorance, R = Ru which means gives light or knowledge God is the being that destroys ones ignorance and gives a being knowledge. God is the form of supreme self-consciousness. In the Shiv Sangta it states that Gu stands for darkness. In the Sham Veda is states that R means the form of self-consciousness and one who gives light. It shows that God is the one who rids ignorance and replaces this with knowledge. gur Gur Gur = greatest The name of Gur is given for the greatest. God alone is the greatest. God is the foundation of all. gur Gur Gur = Gir which means to devour God is one who devours the ignorance of a persons. gur Gur Gur = scriptures and words from spiritual master Gur also represents the divine scriptures and utterance of the spiritual master. gur Gur Gur = weight, heavy Gur also means the heaviest or overwhelming. God alone is overwhelming. gur Gur Gur = never changing, constant God alone is constant he never changes. gur Gur Gur = enlightener, illuminator God alone is the illuminator of all the beings. gur Gur Gur = mountain Gur also means a great mountain. God is the greatest mountain. God is all of these things. pRswid Parsad Parsad = supreme bliss God is the form of supreme bliss. pRswid Parsad Sad = tastes, pleasure Par = away God is beyond all pleasure and enjoyment. pRswid Parsad Parsad = means abode of God or temple God is like a temple and he makes all a temple when he resides in all. pRswid Parsad Parsad = gives grace God is the one who gives grace to all others. pRswid Parsad Parsad = happy, delightful God is in a state of constant delight. God is all of these things. The translation with Gur and Parsad together is “with the grace of the true spiritual master one can attain the Lord”. End of translation 2
    1 point
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