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In Order To Attract More Non-sikhs To Sikhism, Sikhs Will Have To Modernize


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If Sikhism is ever to spread beyond the 20 million Punjabis who are Sikhs then Sikhism will have to change dramatically. For example, the discarding of the archaic beard and turban will be a major step in marketing the Sikh faith. Since the vast majority of people around the world (including Sikhs) do not wear beards and turbans Sikhism will be in a great spot to get rid of them permanently. Besides, why would anyone interested in becoming a Sikh want to wear them anyway??????? :rolleyes:

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Guru pyaare catsagdn, are these your thoughts or something you came across?

If Dasmesh Pita Ji was interested in seeking converts, the kesh would never have been a priority. But He was interested more in preparing those who had shun their ego, their fear of death, and had only their SatGuru as their top priority. I personally define life as a road on which we run after our priorities, and since our priorities keep changing from time to time, we keep running. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, but we keep running. Thats life. When we stop, thats when our Sohila is recited.

Sikhism is not a fashion trend that we would require it to spread. It is a fragrance, a divine one direct from Sachkhand. It does not need any methodology or a plan of action to spread. Just like fragrance, it will spread, on its own automatically, in the face of the most stiff resistance anyone can ever throw at it.

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Sikhi isn't about "attracting" or "converting", Guru Sahib actually condemns it. Besides being the 5th largest religion i don't think we are exactly shy on numbers. I'm guessing this isn't your views on sikhi but, sikhi is one of the most forward thinking religions.


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If Sikhism is ever to spread beyond the 20 million Punjabis who are Sikhs then Sikhism will have to change dramatically. For example, the discarding of the archaic beard and turban will be a major step in marketing the Sikh faith. Since the vast majority of people around the world (including Sikhs) do not wear beards and turbans Sikhism will be in a great spot to get rid of them permanently. Besides, why would anyone interested in becoming a Sikh want to wear them anyway??????? :rolleyes:

....in other words become Hindus again. At one point only 8,000 of us were left :gatka-singhni:

Raaj Karega Khalsa

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Firstly we don't need to attract people this isnt a business that we need to attract customers. Secondly am insulted by your article, we are proud of our identity just because you dont want to look like a sikh doesn't mean others don't. Just shows your a very narrow minded person. With no respect for other and what they believe in.

if your looking to become a Sikh it is fundamental to keep your hair uncut, there is no middle ground or any valid justification otherwise. Your argument to attract others to Sikhism we need to modernize. Sikhism views and values are said to be well a head of its time. example equality among men and women. So you could say we set trends not follow them.

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