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Raagmala Steek In English


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Just buy the book and read through it, the arguments dont make sense once someone has read the book as everything is answered. I could have posted 20 pages of shabads that end in 1. Read through the spiritual arths, like before this isnt for debate, just highlighting a new book release that has raagmaalas spiritual arths.

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Just buy the book and read through it, the arguments dont make sense once someone has read the book as everything is answered. I could have posted 20 pages of shabads that end in 1. Read through the spiritual arths, like before this isnt for debate, just highlighting a new book release that has raagmaalas spiritual arths.

im confused

the book is about raagmala. the topic is about raagmala, all positive views about raagmala are allowed, yet if anyone writes anything against raagmala, its a debate?

if you didnt want to make a debate about raagmala you shoundt have posted the topic, strictly speaking, even though ur jus advertising a book, the rules of "talking about raagmala" on SS, are being broken.

yes these meanings of raagmala may make perfect sense in your eyes, and you may belive them, however other people dont. yes, whereas someone may have tried to counter other arguemnts made in mundavni book, that does not make them counter arguemnts necesarily correct.

if you to advertise points of raagmala being bani in this thread it is ONLY fair, u accept the opposite point of view

if a thread was created advertising the book mundavni, im sure it would soon be closed by admin.

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im confused

the book is about raagmala. the topic is about raagmala,....

The topic is to inform Sangat about a book that proves thet Raagmala is Gurbani, not a topic to debate that point. The explanation contained therein have never been translated to English before and so it is important to give this not-for-profit book exposure. All questions posted here are answered in the book, so rather than debate here, just buy the book and read for yourself. It's only £2.99.

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im confused

the book is about raagmala. the topic is about raagmala,....

The topic is to inform Sangat about a book that proves thet Raagmala is Gurbani, not a topic to debate that point. The explanation contained therein have never been translated to English before and so it is important to give this not-for-profit book exposure. All questions posted here are answered in the book, so rather than debate here, just buy the book and read for yourself. It's only £2.99.

if the book "proved" raagmala was gurbani, there would be no panthic issue, and every1 wud belive in raagmala

this is not the case

so well u may bnelive that this book proves raagmala to be gurbani, please do not state it in way that portrays everybody beliving that same thing.

and although the questions may be answered in the book, not all will agree that these answers are correct

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There are several book available concerning guru jees bani, however they mainly go into controversial points about, nubering, mahalla, nanak, no spiritual guidance etc etc and the debate continues.

The book by Bhai Kamalpreet Singh concentrates on the Spiritual Arth of Raagmaala, those narrated by Sant Giani Gurbachan Singh Khalsa Bhindranvale and by other Great Saints of the Sikh Panth

These Arths have NEVER BEFORE been translated into english and is the first time that this has been done, so for those who say, we have read both sides of an apparent argument and have done ''research'' i do benti to you to read the book, and read the beautiful spiritual arths, they are amasing and mind blowing... To be truthful, i didnt know that raagmala was that deep untill reading the english translation of sant jees arth, i had heard the katha and read the steeks but i cudnt fully understand, this is a brilliant book and i hope everyone reads it and learns about the spiritual path to god as told in sri raagmala by guru arjan dev jee

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For example, look how beautiful and spiritual the arths are:

Whose glory is being sung in all of creation?

Guru Arjan Dev Ji replied

gvrI gwvih AwswvrI ]

Gavree Gaavhi Aasaavaree

Gavree = focused intellect (Parbati), Gaavhi = to sing,

Aasaavaree = Aasaa = hope, Varee = to invite

Those people who sing the praises of God with the focused intellect

also invite hope. All of the demi gods such as the goddess Parbati sing

the praises of God’s glory.

mmqw jwl qy rhY audwsw ]

pRxviq nwnk hm qw ky dwsw ]20]1]

If a person remains disassociated from the web of attachment then they

will become the form of God. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji state that they are

singing the praises of the Lord.

(Bilaaval Mahalla 1 Tithee – ang 840 of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji)

How does one eradicate desires?

Guru Arjan Dev Ji replied

iqh pwCY isMDvI AlwpI ]

Tih Paachai Sidhvee Alaapee

Tih = desires, Paachai = away from, Sindhvee = Sindh = ocean,

Vee = like, Alaapee = praise

The saints who have pushed the desires away from themselves,

their praise and glory is difficult to comprehend similar to expounding

the praise of the huge ocean. They understand the Lord’s vastness like

the ocean and sing His praises. By doing this they were able to eradicate

their thirst for desires.

iq®snw Agin pRiB Awip buJweI ]

nwnk auDry pRB srxweI ]5]1]55]

Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji state that if a person comes in the shelter of the

Lord then the fire of desire and greed will be extinguished by the Lord.

This individual then crosses the worldly ocean.5.1.55.

(Dhanasree Mahalla 5 – ang 684 of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji)

iq®snw buJY hir kY nwim ]

Through the singing of God’s name the fire of desire and greed can be


(Dhanasree Mahalla 5 – ang 682 of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji)

How does one eradicate distress?

Guru Arjan Dev Ji replied

isrIrwg isau pWcau QwpI ]1]

Sireeraag Sio Paanchou Thaapee

Sireeraag = Siree = the greatest, Raag = love, Paanchou = five

things that cause distress, Thaapee = prevent

Those who have complete love with God who is greater then all,

are able to prevent the five causes of distress affecting the individual’s


The five causes of distress5 are;

a) Avidiya – ignorance to the illumination of the soul.

b) Asamita – being unable to control the concentration also

known as egoism.

c) Raag – attachment.

d) Dvaikh – enmity.

e) Abhinivesh – to cling onto life and fear death.

klI kwl ky imty klysw ]

eyko nwmu mn mih prvysw ]1]

Within the age of Kaljug all of the causes of distress have been

eradicated. These will be eradicated if a person has the name of God

forever in their mind.1.

(Soohee Mahalla 5 – ang 744 of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji)

Raagmala : Spiritual (Intricate) Meanings

5. Also known as the Five Kalesha’s.

These are just examples from the book, please purchase to read the rest

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