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Riots Throughout Uk

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The way people are, in a few weeks everything will have died down and people will have forgotten. The media will have a new plaything to obsess over and discuss on their 24 hour news channels. That's how these things work.

Bro, I don't see this being forgotten. This has been the worst civil unrest for four decades! The riots of the past in the capital e.g. Notting Hill have been confined to certain areas. In this case we have seen the entire capital hit and cities up and down the country. Also the reputation of the Afro-Caribbean and black community has just sunk to rock bottom. The implications for the police are huge as well, as the government was considering cuts, those won't happen now.

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Bro, I don't see this being forgotten. This has been the worst civil unrest for four decades! The riots of the past in the capital e.g. Notting Hill have been confined to certain areas. In this case we have seen the entire capital hit and cities up and down the country. Also the reputation of the Afro-Caribbean and black community has just sunk to rock bottom. The implications for the police are huge as well, as the government was considering cuts, those won't happen now.

I hope so, brother. I hope the tide has turned and change does come about after this horrible event. But I'm not holding my breath.

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Sikhs protect local Gurdwaras and surrounding areas

East London, UK

10 August 2011

Over 400 Sikhs deployed their sewa around the 7 local Gurdwaras in the East London/Ilford area last night.

There were reported to be a small number of isolated disturbances in the Ilford/East London area compared to the previous night , it is strongly believed the visible presence if Sikhs on the streets deterred the local gangs from congregating in Ilford.

Two mob group had started to congregate earlier in the day in the town centres of Ilford and Barkingside, however they were dispersed by the Police presence and did not re-group as the night went on. A Muslim elder attending a local Mosque for prayers commented on how the "large Sikh presence gave him the confidence that the streets were safe for the night".

The residents and shopkeepers of Ilford, Barking and East Ham experienced property damage, lootings and muggings on the Monday night when gangs of up to 200 youths rampaged through town centres in Barking and Ilford as well as Ilford Lane, High Road, Green Street and High Street North. Missiles were also thrown at Gurdwara Singh Sabha Barking earlier on in the day which prompted large numbers of Sikhs to gather around all the Gurdwaras in the area.

A large presence of Sikhs will be carrying on the sewa in the local Gurdwaras tonight.

A number of articles in today’s mainstream media regarding Sikhs defending their towns:








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Sikhs protect local Gurdwaras and surrounding areas

East London, UK

10 August 2011

Over 400 Sikhs deployed their sewa around the 7 local Gurdwaras in the East London/Ilford area last night.

There were reported to be a small number of isolated disturbances in the Ilford/East London area compared to the previous night , it is strongly believed the visible presence if Sikhs on the streets deterred the local gangs from congregating in Ilford.

Two mob group had started to congregate earlier in the day in the town centres of Ilford and Barkingside, however they were dispersed by the Police presence and did not re-group as the night went on. A Muslim elder attending a local Mosque for prayers commented on how the "large Sikh presence gave him the confidence that the streets were safe for the night".

The residents and shopkeepers of Ilford, Barking and East Ham experienced property damage, lootings and muggings on the Monday night when gangs of up to 200 youths rampaged through town centres in Barking and Ilford as well as Ilford Lane, High Road, Green Street and High Street North. Missiles were also thrown at Gurdwara Singh Sabha Barking earlier on in the day which prompted large numbers of Sikhs to gather around all the Gurdwaras in the area.

A large presence of Sikhs will be carrying on the sewa in the local Gurdwaras tonight.

A number of articles in today’s mainstream media regarding Sikhs defending their towns:








Saad Sangat Jio, Fateh tha Jawab Fateh naal....WAHEGURU JI KA KHALSA, WAHEGURU JI KI FATEH!

We Thank Guru Maharaj for awakening uS Sikhs here in the UK and bringing us together in this tough and horrible time.:waheguru:

I am so happy to see soo much Unity Nationwide, it feels my eyes and warms my heart.

Guru Maharaj's Kirpa he has blessed us All with this Sewa and we have been able to carry it out standing shoulder to shoulder.

Other communitues have Thanks us and shown us alot of respect.

It is our Farz as Sikhs to Protect all and what an example we have shown here.

My Benti to All in your Charan, Hath Jor Kee, Head Bowed.......Lets please keep this together and going until the last breath!:khalsa2:

Bole So Ni Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallll, Sat Sri Akaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal!

Pull Chuk Maaf.


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A word of warning: Protect each other, our houses and businesses and our places of worship. Protect other peoples premises and holy places if you deem it necessary. But let's not get over-excited and fight other groups battles for them if issues escalate. There's a fine line that we should not cross. If history has taught us anything, its that Sikhs have a habit of getting screwed over even when undertaking honourable and selfless duties on behalf of others.

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A word of warning: Protect each other, our houses and businesses and our places of worship. Protect other peoples premises and holy places if you deem it necessary. But let's not get over-excited and fight other groups battles for them if issues escalate. There's a fine line that we should not cross. If history has taught us anything, its that Sikhs have a habit of getting screwed over even when undertaking honourable and selfless duties on behalf of others.

+1 to that :fight:

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It is shocking to see the scenes of violence and looting up and down the country, but equally shocking is the amount of racist language and idiocy displayed by some people in this thread (Anakin, I'm looking at you). What right does anyone have to use phrases like "Jungle Bunny" to describe members of the black community? There are people of all colours that are out there rioting and looting, this is not just confined to one particular ethnic/racial group. Making those kinds of statements and using that sort of language is uncalled for. There are only good people and bad people in this world, and you can get them in all shapes and colours. Remember that.

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