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Warning To All Sikhs Do Not Waste Your Time With Shastar Vidya


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Ever heard of something called a Kirpan/Kard? Its that thing all Amritdhari Sikhs are supposed to carry.

If you think Krav Maga is the best, then stop trolling forums and practise. For someone who posts so much I doubt you even train in any art. For those who do SV, if they have understood its effectiveness then there is no need to convince someone on the net.

Anyone who doubts can come along to the akhara and test it out. This has always been the case. As SV opens up to the worlds martial artists, its ability to hold its own and receive acknowledgement speaks much more then some random singh on a forum who even doubts his own indiginous art, and licks the boot of the firangi.

When Nidar Singh comes to USA, i will let you know and you can go beat him yourself. Talking only goes so far, pick up your weapons and lay down your challenge.

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Muay Thai, Boxers, Wrestlers, Silat students and all other forms of martial artists have come to the akhara to train and learn. If SV was rubbish, surely in the 15 yrs of Nidar Singh teaching there would be an incident where he got beaten or the flaws of the art were highlighted. This has not happened, and instead top martial artists are organising seminars with Nidar Singh. The question should be, as a Sikh, how much are you really searching for the truth?

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haha gurbar akaal their are thousands of martial arts schools in the west that are waste of time and money

i call them waste of time and money cause students could invest that time and money in good schools

gurbar akaal your another loser who doesn't know anything about fighting who has fallen for niddar singh's lies

hahahaha I'm going to expose how easy you are to scam

name me the martial arts teachers that are top in the world who want to do seminars with niddar singh????

now I'm going to expose how stupid you are go watch the video i posted on this thread and look at how stupid niddar singh's hand to hand combat is

this explains why niddar singh is such a coward and doesn't hold open challenges cause his hand to hand combat system is so stupid

gurbar akaal I've emailed niddar singh and I've posted his email address for anyone to email niddar singh and his school regarding competing and having open challenges sad thing is i can't go to his akhara and kick his butt cause their to scared to have open challenges

and i live in canada buddy

as well Gurbar Akaal I'm here to warn sikhs about this stupid martial arts teacher and not to waste their time

Tell me Gurbar Akaal how can i challenge niddar singh if he's to scared to have open challenges hahahahahahahaha

he won't compete with anyone cause he knows he'll get rocked

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last thing you need to use is your kirpan against someone who doesn't have a weapon on them in a fight cause that will get the kirpan banned so grow a pair and learn to fight hand to hand for those situations

gurbar akaal you showed how stupid you are cause look at that video of the hand to hand combat system niddar singh teach's

why would real muay thai fighter or wrestler waste their time with niddar singh either your lying or stupid

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for all singh's who visit this thread

please don't fall for simple minded people like gurbar akaal

email nihang@gmail.com and ask niddar singh and his students why they don't compete and why niddar singh doesn't have open challenges??

cause simple minded people like gurbar akaal are easy to scam and their the once who fall for these lies that niddar singh has open challenges and if he is defeated he would step down

when niddar singh is to scared to do such a thing

gurbar akaal this is why niddar singh hasn't bin beaten in 15 years of training

he's to scared to compete he has never fought anyone cause he know's his stupid hand to hand combat system would fail

dude if you knew anything about fighting you would watch that video and laugh

now watch that video on his hand to hand combat system and you'll know that people would have to be very stupid to believe real muay thai fighters and boxers go their to train

anyone who has bin in a fight or has trained in muay thai or boxing would know these techniques would never work

also in the other thread i posted how to know that your martial arts school is a scam

one way to know its a scam is when their to scared to compete or let their students compete against other schools

schools who are to scared to compete don't compete cause they would get beat

now look at the video and you'll understand why niddar singh is to scared to compete

watch 7 min mark to 8 min mark and 11 min mark to 12 min mark as to why he doesn't believe in keeping his hands up hahahahahahhahaahhaha

as well if you want their have bin tournments for decades with no rules fighting with top fighters from each martial art competing and from these martial arts you learn which martial arts work and which don't and thats why most traditional martial arts schools are going down and only stay in business by scamming people who know nothing about fighting and putting these lies into their heads as to how their martial art is so lethal that they train to kill with one strike but you cannot learn this strike till you have your second degree black belt and and that is why you don't see their martial art in ufc

even though the top fighters from their martial arts got their heads kicked in no rules tournments around the world and the lies were exposed about these so called martial arts having the ability to kill 6 attackers within 5 seconds with pressure points hahaha and other lies

if you want to learn to fight investigate and learn what the top fighters in the world learn

to show how stupid niddar singh is he can't tell the difference between hinduism and sikhism

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Ever heard of something called a Kirpan/Kard? Its that thing all Amritdhari Sikhs are supposed to carry.

If you think Krav Maga is the best, then stop trolling forums and practise. For someone who posts so much I doubt you even train in any art. For those who do SV, if they have understood its effectiveness then there is no need to convince someone on the net.

Anyone who doubts can come along to the akhara and test it out. This has always been the case. As SV opens up to the worlds martial artists, its ability to hold its own and receive acknowledgement speaks much more then some random singh on a forum who even doubts his own indiginous art, and licks the boot of the firangi.

When Nidar Singh comes to USA, i will let you know and you can go beat him yourself. Talking only goes so far, pick up your weapons and lay down your challenge.

Muay Thai, Boxers, Wrestlers, Silat students and all other forms of martial artists have come to the akhara to train and learn. If SV was rubbish, surely in the 15 yrs of Nidar Singh teaching there would be an incident where he got beaten or the flaws of the art were highlighted. This has not happened, and instead top martial artists are organising seminars with Nidar Singh. The question should be, as a Sikh, how much are you really searching for the truth?

Two words: Well said.

To those who know about Martial arts (and who may be experts themselves), if you watch the SV videos you will be able to appreciate its authenticity, technique execution and history. The fact that this is our own indiginous art, and some of our own people do not except it annoys me. But to be honest it doesn't surprise me, as the will always be a few narrow minded individuals who are unwilling to forego their own ego and make a real effort to search for the truth.

Where there is a rose, there will be thorns.

Where there is honey, there will be flies.

To hgsingh, please view the video where Nihang Niddar Singh Ji is holding a training session with the Phialpino instructor (I forgot his name now, sorry). And also please view all of the seminar demo videos. My question is, if these masters of other martial arts and appreciate and praise SV, why can't you?

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Shaster vidya is a hindu martial art created over a thousand years ago

Anyone who knows how to fight sees shaster vidya as waste of time after watching that video

Watch 7 min mark to 8 min mark and 1 1 mind mark to 12 min mark

Sikhs should learn the best fighting systems out their

90's was famous for no rules fighting competitions and you had the best from all martial arts fight and from this the world saw muay thai always dominate over other martial arts in stand up and ji jitsu dominate the ground

Lot of ppl like buying stupid machines workout for 2 min and your in shape

Those people are once who get scammed into thinking shaster vidya works or lies told by traditional martial arts schools about how their martial art is so dangerous and have to lie to get students

Now people who know fighting go straight to mma school

Dan hardy uk fighter trained in the most famous chinese temples for traditional martial arts and said mma is the way to go if you want to be the best fighter on the streets

Traditional martial art schools lie just like these 2 min workout for being in shape

And ppl fall for them cause they don't want to work hard

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