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Ask Your Sikhi Related Questions To Sant Baba Hari Singh Ji Randhave Wale

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Please do not ruin the thread by starting random debates with fellow memebers. The title is self explanatory, please stick to the theme of asking questions only. You can always open a new thread to discuss things amongst yourself.

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Are you seriously taking an piss? Since when jhatka, bhang or aarti-pooja part of vedant? :omg:

Vedant is science of atma-paratma. Have you ever listened to sant hari singh randhawa waley katha? He covers all gurmat advait vedant listed below...this is first time i heard vedant is manmat, its like science is manmat...what's next? air is manmat? water is manmat? earth is manmat? fire is manmat? sky is manmat? why its because listed in some puratan hindu granth...pretty insecure and over parnioa attitude

- concept of panj tats, 25 parkrityas, 17 sukhsham tat, karan sirar

- panj pran, sub pranas, upan, dhyan

- panj gyan indraies, karam indraies

-jagrath, suapoan, sukhopat, turiya avastha

- sato, rajo, tamogun

- panj koshas

- 5 chakras and dasam duar

- different types of shabad

- antish karan

-parloa, maha parloa

- keraman, sanchit and parlabdh karam

There are much more, here is an glimpse




It's science of atma-paratma.

If you read my post correctly you would see I said AND OTHER THINGS such as jhatka...

No where did I say Jhatka, Bhang is part of Vedant.

I am not denying Vedant that comes under Gurmat. Stop ruining this thread.

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I am not denying Vedant that comes under Gurmat. Stop ruining this thread.

Exactly, its not deny all or accept all, as some would want others to believe and then accept. Reading the Rig Veda, it is easy to understand they are doing rituals to preserver the earth. They believe if they don't perform these rituals, then the earth will be finished. This is manmat to the core. There is no talk about Atman equals Brahman in Rig Veda. Only later, many years later do the Vedant school come up with Atman equals Brahman in the Katha of Upanishads. Then many many years later do they come up with devotional service, where Krishna teaches Arjuna, but still they teach many manmat things along the way. Like the varna system and the sanskrit language can only be spoken by the higher caste and Krishna telling Arjuna (everyone) should worship Krishna. Krishna also tells people to make statues of him and then start worshipping them as they will be worshipping Krishna.

The list goes on, but i guess the picture has been painted clearly here.

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Exactly, its not deny all or accept all, as some would want others to believe and then accept. Reading the Rig Veda, it is easy to understand they are doing rituals to preserver the earth. They believe if they don't perform these rituals, then the earth will be finished. This is manmat to the core. There is no talk about Atman equals Brahman in Rig Veda. Only later, many years later do the Vedant school come up with Atman equals Brahman in the Katha of Upanishads. Then many many years later do they come up with devotional service, where Krishna teaches Arjuna, but still they teach many manmat things along the way. Like the varna system and the sanskrit language can only be spoken by the higher caste and Krishna telling Arjuna (everyone) should worship Krishna. Krishna also tells people to make statues of him and then start worshipping them as they will be worshipping Krishna.

The list goes on, but i guess the picture has been painted clearly here.

Yes!! Great to know someone else who feels the same way. I was starting to worry that all this Vedant Manmat has taken over Gurmat!

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Advait Vedant = Ant of Vedas- tat nichor of all vedas- there is no manmat in vedant. Yes there are lot of things in vedas which is contary to gurmat in vedas but vedant which is tat nichor of vedas does not have manmat but only tat gyan...!!!!!!!!!!

I guess its best interest for everyone to stick to the thread rather playing with semantics of vedant and dance around it just for sake of winning an argument...pretty desperate, sadistic and lame actually.

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Yes!! Great to know someone else who feels the same way. I was starting to worry that all this Vedant Manmat has taken over Gurmat!

Many of there followers are trying to fool the new generations by their tricks, but tricks are for kids. Some of them get sucked in because many things sound similar and they can't tell the difference, but Satguru taught the correct path. Education on these scriptures is a must and it really opens the eyes to how backwards they were and still are and telling others to do the same.

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Jatka, bhang etc....vedant

Waheguru waheguru

If maharaj guru gobind singh ji was around today most if not all sampadars would get a slap

Jatka, bhang etc may not be needed in todays age but it is and always will be apart of the khalsa panth

Stop turning it into a dirty secret within sikhi

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