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Future Prediction / Canada By Sant Baba Shisha Singh

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On 7/23/2021 at 4:48 AM, GurjantGnostic said:


Okay. So. Firstly. The Mayans didn't claim the world would end. We all did when we found their calendar ended or reset on a certain day in 2012. 

So they were timing something. What that was exactly is debateable. 

So if we use 2012 as our referenece it doesn't really necessarily relate to prophecies. 

Not saying what the Yogi says in this video is true, but it is entirely possible that 2012 coincided more with an event like he is describing than the apocolypse people envisioned. 

Surprised I could even find the video. I watched that when it came out just in passing lol. 

Personally I think what we have experienced is the transitionary phase into Kalyug ending and now we are in full Kalyug without the remaining influence of the past Yugh. I've encountered years related to yughs more accurate than what he describes. His years are short from what I gather. 

As far as predictions coming true many people have accurately predicted things. From mystics, to holy people, and even weird sources. 

For example. 


Now when we talk about things like Dharam Yudh, Khalsa Raj, the prophecies of the book of Revelations and things like this, the reinversion of the heart lotus of this place, or the resumption of Natural Order that's a huge event. Coming of Kalki Avtar? Huge. Predictions about that are only going to happen once really. 

Here's another perspective. 


Now, prophecy aside. Every generation must train and prepare for events like this, or they won't be ready and capable when it does ultimately happen. 

Society, the globe, the world itself is severely...unstable...drained..strained and stained. 

We could easily suffer environmental and economic consequences. 

Now, when major prophecies include north america as an epicenter, and you see what's happening here and around the world one might want to take note and be gone or ready. 

You don't have to get ready, if you stay ready, and I think we could all learn from mormon preparedness. When the dry goods need to be rotated we could simply cook the reserves into langar. Sikhs worldwide should have water, and food production and storage as a community and rotate out stored goods for new goods. Have basic weaponry. And then it doesn't matter what happens. We should just be set up for the apocolypse and helping each other and those that surround us at all times. 


For some reason, it kind of does feel like 2012 shifted/transitioned into something. Nothing feels the same from that moment on.  

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A near death experience (NDE) 

“When I was eleven years old I had a weird experience. It was 12/03/1990 and I was coming back from school. When I reached our house in the village, I started having these weird hallucinations and I fell, hitting a rock directly on my head. I passed out. Here is where it began. I lifted out of my body and something pushed me into a weird place. It was like a magnet pushing me there. I then saw someone who was dead. My grandfather. He said, ‘To the stars’. I got pushed by that force and fell on my knees. Free of that power, I fell into a weird city that looked like a very ruined version of earth. I then noticed it was earth. But earth during World War 3. Everything was rubble but thank God, it was only in one continent that was blown up. That was Europe. I then heard voices explaining how the savior of this event will be born in 2001 on this exact date in Canada. He too would be a Sikh. I awoke in the hospital and the doctor said that I had just died and was now alive. No one believed my incident except the doctors and my family.”

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4 hours ago, scali said:

A near death experience (NDE) 

“When I was eleven years old I had a weird experience. It was 12/03/1990 and I was coming back from school. When I reached our house in the village, I started having these weird hallucinations and I fell, hitting a rock directly on my head. I passed out. Here is where it began. I lifted out of my body and something pushed me into a weird place. It was like a magnet pushing me there. I then saw someone who was dead. My grandfather. He said, ‘To the stars’. I got pushed by that force and fell on my knees. Free of that power, I fell into a weird city that looked like a very ruined version of earth. I then noticed it was earth. But earth during World War 3. Everything was rubble but thank God, it was only in one continent that was blown up. That was Europe. I then heard voices explaining how the savior of this event will be born in 2001 on this exact date in Canada. He too would be a Sikh. I awoke in the hospital and the doctor said that I had just died and was now alive. No one believed my incident except the doctors and my family.”

Did you just write that yourself? 

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6 hours ago, dharamyudh said:


For some reason, it kind of does feel like 2012 shifted/transitioned into something. Nothing feels the same from that moment on.  

I think the world maybe cleaning itself. Look at how natural disasters are increasing globally due to climate change. 

Also, people globally are resisting and challenging inequality too.

We'll possibly be living in a different world within a few generations?

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16 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

I think the world maybe cleaning itself. Look at how natural disasters are increasing globally due to climate change. 

Also, people globally are resisting and challenging inequality too.

We'll possibly be living in a different world within a few generations?

Definitely. I believe recently the UN said that we are in a code red situation regarding climate change and that we have to act now or else we're screwed. 

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14 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

For real though, what the mormons did to utah we should do to northwestern nevada. 

Huge tracts of cheap farmable land, with wells and geothermal. Uninhabited. Driveable distance to a semi major high mountain valley city with it's own water source. 

If I had the maya to do it, I'd concoct a scheme to relocate Sangat from Afghanistan, Kashmir, and India to Nevada on visas. Circulate them between the farming bungas and working in the city. 

Somebody could set up New Punjab here for real. 

Working on doing that on a much smaller scale. Just being me and my own little clan right now. 

I seen some discussion about this on twitter. Nice thing about the States is their gun laws which can make it a perfect place. Also people were talking about some islands around South America but I would imagine there would be trouble with cartels around islands making shipments. 

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