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Germany: Multiple Shootings In Multiple Locations, 6 Likely Dead

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I just think these kind of random attacks in the west are going to be sporadically common now.

I was reading that Sun Tzu's Art Of War and it pretty much laid out how to successfully conduct guerilla warfare and these sullay seem to be following those maxims.

Strike randomly and unpredictably and stretch the enemies resources. Use a small amount of your own 'soldiers' or operatives to cause a much larger amount of death and discord amongst your enemy population. Create uncertainty, negatively effect economies etc. etc.

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Could be white right wing terrorist like andres brevik or islamic terrorist not clear yet. But its quite clear rothschild puppet angela merkal's domestic policy of allowing millions of muslim hordes into her country and therefore into europe has played a part in the recent attacks in the EU.

Maybe in order for a white far right nationalist fascist backlash and civil war in europe.... seems to me like the long term agenda and game at play. Sowing the seeds for a totalitarian fascist nationalist police state as the end goal, thanks to the "elites" funding the extremists of all hues indirectly.

Isnt it weird how the extremists never go after the rothschild family, royal families and western political leaders they always go for random civilians. Last time an extremist attacked and killed a member of the "elites" a world war was started back in world war 1.

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Shooting done by 18 year old Iranian who was apparently shouting Allah hu Akhbar before firing.


But obviously, it has nothing to do with Islam of course.

Just like the axe wielding 17 year old Pakistani kid who pretended to be Afghan a few days earlier.

And how many countries did Germany invade, who did the Bavarians repress?

These things do not happen out of a vacuum.

The media keeps tippi toeing around the elephant in the room which we know is the problem?

Blaming the right wing? It's funny how when it comes to the religion of peace they do not want to be certain but then assume German right wing even before the facts emerge. And even after the facts emerge they try to rationalise it?

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Germany and France is in news now days for all the wrong reasons. Angela Mercel has a lot to answer for. What was she thinking when she decided to allow such a huge amount of Muslim migrants into her country. She should have opened the door for the minorities like Yazidis, Christians, Druse of Syria and Iraq who are on the verge of genocidal extinction. Yazidis have already gone through a genocide. Instead she she opens the door for the Sunni Muslims which is a recipe for disaster.

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I wonder what could've motivated the shooting, because politically and socially, Germans have been nothing but forthcoming with their response in welcoming migrants into their country:


I mean, what kind of human beings - and I use the term in the flimsiest sense - would then reward such warmth and acceptance with:




I suppose the Germans were asking for it. Yes, that's it, they must have done something wrong to upset these peace-loving, tolerant, pure-hearted individuals. Case closed, job done, let's go home.

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Some of you lot are borderline retarded.

The guy who did shooting was apparently some 18 year old kid of Iranian descent who grew up in Germany (Shia maybe??). It looks like he was some deranged loner, who had suffered bullying more than some 'ISIS soldier'.


Trying to pin everything on 'immigrants' just shows how simplistically certain people's mind works as well as how easily weak brains jump onto bandwagons.

When things go haywire (like they are now) all manner of crazies get stirred up by events and and do acts that are ...well....crazy.

Remember, we had some fudhu Sikh goth boy who went on a shooting spree in Canada. White mfs seem to do this on the regular in the states too (including in a Gurdwara for all the numbskulls with goldfish brains). Why don't they have protests about stopping more white people immigrating into America as a consequence?

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