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Guest Women

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2 hours ago, Guest Jigsaw_Puzzled_Singh said:

You've just described my ideal woman. :)

What's the problem and how is it ruining your life ? And if it is ruining your life, what is so wrong with your life that it can be so easily ruined by random women doing what they feel like doing ?

well it didn't ruin my life     i was a different person back then and didn't mind ,  but if someone did that to me now i wouldn't be very happy 

but to think that only men use women for sex and fun is wrong because women do the same with men.

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1 hour ago, puzzled said:

well it didn't ruin my life     i was a different person back then and didn't mind ,  but if someone did that to me now i wouldn't be very happy 

but to think that only men use women for sex and fun is wrong because women do the same with men.

What happened to you is sexual assault. 

There are different rules for men and women.

We can never be equal.

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13 hours ago, Guest Women said:

 bitter pill to swallow. Why are some men on here getting defensive? Noone is accusing you, the accused are those who are abusing basic HUMAN RIGHTS of women. The Feminism JKV spoke about is FREEDOM OF WOMEN from the opression we  have blatantly faced for centuries. She spoke of EQUALITY, being treated like humans, not becoming superior to men so relax, noone is trying to dominate you. 

Well, you don't know a lot of excessively stout Panjaban types (even if they were slim when young). They do everything they can to dominate a family. Most of the puppoos out there are the offspring of control freak, domineering bibian! Then the behaviour of these women towards new, better looking, better educated daughter in laws is appalling to the extreme and the cause of many family break ups, but you don't hear any jananis ponking about that problem!




If someone was being abused, you would try and help, not debate over whether they deserve help or not. 

There are real women out there who need help. That's what this thread is about. What can we do to help and spread awareness. I have met so may women who have been sexually abused,tied to chairs and beaten, emotionally abused to the point where they have become insane.


Yes, it's true, but I've even met daft birds who've actually chosen to be with some abusive guy, despite having lots of other options and have had strokes and crap. It's not straightforward.  Women often get attracted to flash, 'charming' types who end up having NPD, like where is your brains at? A lot of apneean think like children for some reason, that's why they get groomed so often. No smarts whatsoever. I think generally though, we need more clued up convos with the younger ones when growing up. Apnay (especially from back home) just relegate this responsibility (I don't even think they realise why it may be a good idea!) then you have puppoo and pinky out in the real world like lambs to the slaughter!



Four of my female cousins and some of my friends have been sexually abused by close family members in their youth for years. All of my close female family members have been physically abused and most of my other female family members and friends have been beaten by their husbands or boyfriends at least once. I myself was brutally beaten and abused.

How can we stop brushing this under the table and procrastinating from helping. It happens WAY more than we think. 

How do we help these women? I don't want a debate, just ways to Help. 


Well, a first thing is for women to stop emasculating young men in their family and removing their anakh, just because it's cuddly for them. That doesn't mean we encourage full on pendu bwaah! bwaaah! jut type stupidity btw.

If this type of crap was going on in the family, why didn't someone stomp someone else over it? Are all the men pajamas? What's the state of the blokes? Most abusers choose their prey quite carefully, making sure that they don't have any serious physical threat to themselves if exposed. That needs to change. Not only for what goes on internally, but we should all know the score about grooming by outsiders now.  

Raising strong, ethical boys and keeping an eye out for pedos is a must. That doesn't mean those caste obsessed fudhus that think they are tough but shyte themselves about any action that will make them collide with the police or genuine physical threats. Or the other type that is just some liability - more likely to attack their own than anyone else. I think in terms of raising boys, apneean are frequently proper shyte and bottom of the barrel. If we are raising soft boys - expect other more predatory individuals and cultures/religions to view us as easy prey. 

Mainly though, you can help these women by having older, cool role models who speak and teach them, especially during the crucial period just before and after puberty. - but you hardly see any jananis like this. Clueless. Then it's all dumped on blokes, like we've got to figure out everything for you. Try using your own brains and manipulating that 'girl-code' thing you all live by maybe? 


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56 minutes ago, Ranjeet01 said:

What happened to you is sexual assault. 

There are different rules for men and women.

We can never be equal.

not really though  because at the time i didn't mind (that sounds disgusting but its true)

what women do now is, they play around with men  get touchy feely and then years later they decide they didnt like (just how i now regret them doing that) and they decide to call it sexual harassment.

though there was this middle aged gay arab man at the same place who actually used to touch boys at work, he did the same with me when i was in the toilets, the faggot walked past me and stuck his arm out and touched my back, i told him to fvck off.  i was actually gnna go hr but then i thought hes just a faggot.     he even had a wife!    

just how a while back in the news there was that  british teen who had group sex with multiple greek men and then later accused them of raping her, it turned out she wasnt raped but agreed to have sex with all of them.  



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24 minutes ago, puzzled said:


just how a while back in the news there was that  british teen who had group sex with multiple greek men and then later accused them of raping her, it turned out she wasnt raped but agreed to have sex with all of them.  



I bet you that was on some sl@ggy ar5e island in the med that they all seem to love to go to and act as promiscuous as hell as some rite of passage in british culture!

I'd guess that they probably have all the gundh that went on with our lot with the daytimer 'bhangra' gigs out there, but they've just quietly normalised it in their culture.  

There's a famous club not far from me, and apparently some broad went on some dee-munching frenzy within (multiple blokes in the open!), in front of everyone on the dance floor. You get drunk, horny young women, with a little bad influence around them, they can get convinced to do any dumb crap!


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1 hour ago, dallysingh101 said:

I bet you that was on some sl@ggy ar5e island in the med that they all seem to love to go to and act as promiscuous as hell as some rite of passage in british culture!

I'd guess that they probably have all the gundh that went on with our lot with the daytimer 'bhangra' gigs out there, but they've just quietly normalised it in their culture.  

There's a famous club not far from me, and apparently some broad went on some dee-munching frenzy within (multiple blokes in the open!), in front of everyone on the dance floor. You get drunk, horny young women, with a little bad influence around them, they can get convinced to do any dumb crap!


do you remember when some girl in a club went down on 30 men so someone could buy her a drink!

if you think about it people with loose morals have always been around. i was thinking about it the other days. in this country back in the victorian days and even older there used to be brothels everywhere with drunk people having sex in the middle of the streets or under bridges. in fact brothels and sex in the open was more out there and in your face back then than it is now. brothels are more hidden now. 

like look at the painting "gin street" its no different to what you see on the streets on the weekends.

east london was full of this stuff

even the parts of london that were destroyed in the great fire were the parts with the commoners, brothels, pimps, gambling etc   

i believe the fire of london was set up by the elite! to tidy londons image up a bit.

while commoners openly engaged in this behavior, the elite did the same but in closed doors.  part of river thames runs through a town called maidenhead, near to where i live and on the edge of the river in maidenhead are massive houses where all the wh0res used to live. the elite Londoners then used to sail out of london to maidenhead and do all there dirty secrets there. that way no one knew what they got up to!   these massive houses in maidenhead still exist today in maidenhead, only difference is they are worth millions today with rich people living in them. 

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2 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

I bet you that was on some sl@ggy ar5e island in the med that they all seem to love to go to and act as promiscuous as hell as some rite of passage in british culture!

I'd guess that they probably have all the gundh that went on with our lot with the daytimer 'bhangra' gigs out there, but they've just quietly normalised it in their culture.  

There's a famous club not far from me, and apparently some broad went on some dee-munching frenzy within (multiple blokes in the open!), in front of everyone on the dance floor. You get drunk, horny young women, with a little bad influence around them, they can get convinced to do any dumb crap!



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18 minutes ago, puzzled said:

do you remember when some girl in a club went down on 30 men so someone could buy her a drink!

if you think about it people with loose morals have always been around. i was thinking about it the other days. in this country back in the victorian days and even older there used to be brothels everywhere with drunk people having sex in the middle of the streets or under bridges. in fact brothels and sex in the open was more out there and in your face back then than it is now. brothels are more hidden now. 

like look at the painting "gin street" its no different to what you see on the streets on the weekends.

east london was full of this stuff

even the parts of london that were destroyed in the great fire were the parts with the commoners, brothels, pimps, gambling etc   

i believe the fire of london was set up by the elite! to tidy londons image up a bit.

while commoners openly engaged in this behavior, the elite did the same but in closed doors.  part of river thames runs through a town called maidenhead, near to where i live and on the edge of the river in maidenhead are massive houses where all the wh0res used to live. the elite Londoners then used to sail out of london to maidenhead and do all there dirty secrets there. that way no one knew what they got up to!   these massive houses in maidenhead still exist today in maidenhead, only difference is they are worth millions today with rich people living in them. 

I think the notion that the past was somehow a period of chaste, wholesomeness that has been corrupted is a complete delusion. You highlighted interesting stuff above. I'd argue that Charitrio Pakyaan is our own culture's exploration of this very topic (amongst many others - some gupt - within). 

Base human nature, doesn't just come and go; humans and their societies are always subject to these things! We have a lot of references that suggest things were not in the mould of latter day (or even today's!) representations in our panth (and I believe heavily influenced by prudish, victorian values of the colonisers of the past). Hell, even this victorian prudishness was delusional in itself! They had everything going on, and then some. 

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