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Bhangra isn't a Panjabi folk dance


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7 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

Oh okay, so Doabans have traditionally been known to be a bunch of 'fankars'............hhhmmmmm

Satinder Sartaj (also from Doaba) talking about characteristics of Punjab regions.

They haven’t all been a bunch of Fankars but the region did have a lot of famous artists (like Fateh Ali Khan pre-partition).

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On 1/12/2022 at 8:02 AM, justasking said:

i was always under the impression tht bhangra dancing and boliya were a malwai thing

There’s a difference between boliya and Bhangra. Boliya, Mahiye and/or Tappe are commonly sung all around Punjab by women (and sometimes men) in rural areas during festivals and marriages. 

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On 1/11/2022 at 2:04 PM, 5aaban said:

There’s a difference between boliya and Bhangra. Boliya, Mahiye and/or Tappe are commonly sung all around Punjab by women (and sometimes men) in rural areas during festivals and marriages. 

I saw this Bhenji and thought of you. 


While I myself lean in this direction, I don't impose that on other people I've always been one to get the women in my family the things that they need to feel good about themselves and feel comfortable. 

However there are different levels of expectation for different people, whether they are Sikh, or not, or Sehajdhari, or Keshdhari, or Amritdhari, or really giving up themselves to Guru Ji in a way beyond even that. 

The Gurmat direction is clear however in moving away from shallow thinking of materiality. And those of us that are visibly representing Saroop, should be reflecting these values the most I feel which is why I myself don't yet wear Saroop. We're all familiar with the mouth I have on me. And until I can conduct myself truly like a Gursikh, I will not be found looking exactly like one. Even then I reserve the right you know to be a bit like a Nihang because it's required and especially on the part of people like me who have the minerals for it. And the intention to stand up when necessary and when other people are unable or too nice or too civilized, romantic too naive too afraid. 

Usually if I'm cursing on here, behind the scenes I'm beset by responsibilities and people with the worst behavior you could imagine.  But I most certainly am working on my conduct and continue to do so and it will be fitting before I don Saroop of any fully recognizable kind. 

The only thing that impresses me more than seeing my brothers step away from materiality and certain behaviors in a very successful way is watching my sisters do it, and that's why I applaud the ones that seem to be the least stuck on themselves, the most most interested in Sikhi and really representing values not fashion. 

And while it may seem like trivial stuff those of us who were foolish enough to date according to the western model, even going about it truthfully and cleanly, have learned the hard way exactly how damaging some of these simple mentalities are and how much of a warning sign it can be to see even a hint of a certain mindset. It's not really about the baubles. If all the work ethic and knowledge and values were still there who cares what she's wearing but unfortunately there's a trend with this superficial selfishness that's an indication that the person behind that clown paint is incapable of being a householder or loyal to Sikhi.

The kind that doesn't work hard, doesn't know how to clean a house, doesn't know how to raise children, doesn't know how to cook, doesn't know how to hold a job, doesn't know how to be faithful, doesn't know how to refrain from being abusive, doesn't know how to tell the truth. I'm not saying any of these things are one person's job or another gender roles I believe are flexible but what's not flexible is that all these things need to happen and then it needs to be a collaboration between the entire family to see that they happen. 

Unfortunately with all the people simping around females, combined with the fact that mothers control an important narrative in raising children, things have kind of gotten twisted to the point where not a lot is expected of women, and they're languishing and giving in to all sorts of selfish and immoral behaviors, prostituting themselves online for money basically, in photo form or otherwise, and being applauded for it like it's some form of liberation. The internet's not going anywhere unless it does your kids are going to be able to see that. Your kids friends can find that stuff. 

Believe me when it comes to associating with people, and all their behaviors.. I'm very liberal or understanding ..for lack of a better words..or I have associated with all types you know... and I have love for a lot of different kinds of people ..that do a lot of kind of different stuff. 

It would probably be really confusing to most normal people to see some of the people I refuse to have anything to do with, while looking simultaneously at some of these other people that I'm quite willing to have a conversation or even call a friend on a certain level. 

When it comes to just you know, average women, going about their life, girl do you, whatever, whatever it is you need to feel good in life, is going to help you cope, that you think is special. The look you want or whatever, you know, rock it. The more natural it is you know, where you're not destroying your body the better. Just don't have it be Saroop if what's underneath isn't. 

When it comes to what we're talking about when it comes to having families raising generations having integrity and values and discipline that is a whole entire different game than what the world is doing and it requires entirely different elements to be successful. 

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  • 7 months later...
On 8/21/2022 at 12:20 PM, 5aaban said:

Origins of Bhangra culture from "East of Indus" by Gurnam Singh Sidhu Brard (the author was born in 1930, Patiala state). This is how Bhangra made its way into Panjabi culture. 


Great find! 

Explains why I didn't see any bhangra growing up until I was a young teenager and the bhangra scene 'blew up' in the UK, partly as a haven from widespread racism and the exclusion of brown folks.  But as expressed in the above, I did routinely see the women do giddah and boliyan at private wedding celebrations though.  

As I recall, before the late 80s, celebrating Sikh marriages (maybe from a Tarkhan perspective?) used to be quite sombre affairs for the men, who'd be sitting separately, usually in another room, with maybe a few of them discreetly drinking - there was no bhangra. And there were a few Jut 'uncles' at these events too. I didn't see any of them prancing about. The whole demeanour of blokes back then wasn't excessively exuberant and fudhoo like today.

Then about this time (whether incidentally or not, some of our people began to dominate the booze tekha industry, with both off licenses and warehouses and inter-continental smuggling), this (to me), new boisterous, boozed up, partying jamboree style of wedding celebration emerged. (It emerged in parallel to the growth of 'bhangra bands' like Alaap, Chirag Pehchaan and Heera). I know some of the readers will be butt hurt from me saying this, but a particular jaat would explicitly say 'this is how we do things' as a marker of differentiation  (take a wild guess who......). At that young age, it seemed fun and exciting to me, the way I'd grown up seeing weddings celebrated seemed dry and boring in comparison. Fast forward a few decades - this way of celebrating had become a norm in the wider community. Mainly because I think our lot have that weird complex of not wanting to feel left out and trying to keep up or upstage each other, most especially at weddings.   That reserve I saw older apnay blokes having seems like a a dream now.  

To me, it's gone from being a relatively harmless and fun way of privately celebrating - into some jaloose, public exhibitionism by apnay and apneean. The UK is probably responsible for starting the trend, but as we can see from Canada right now - it could get much worse here. It needs to be checked for a variety of reasons - not least of all because it puts females on platters for predators. 

Also, I might as well add this here now, the other week, I had to pass through a late night card game, I was there for a few minutes and the majority of people there were from 'across the border'. What I saw was that they had scantily clad Bollywood dancing b1tches doing their routines on a big screen in the room while playing. We don't want to go down this route.   



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