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(RIP) Sidhu Moosewala Shot Dead


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3 minutes ago, Kau89r8 said:


Cant the police arrest them? These well know gangs in Panjab...We are talking about the Panjab police here. Do they not have intelligence services out there that well known for harassing / killing Sikhs after 84...lets not bury our heads in the sands...gov/agencies are behind those gangs..


If these same armed guys were flying Khalistani flags and shouting Sikh slogans, there'd be commandos swooping in from helicopters to take them out, lol. Instead, because they're fighting over drugs and other nonsense, the State wants to watch the tamasha so they kill each other off. Less potential reformed Sikhs to develop a conscience.

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1 minute ago, MisterrSingh said:

On the bright side, perhaps these armed Jatt soorme will be the only thing that stands in the way of Muslims when they begin to show their hand in Punjabi pinds. ??

If they are sociopaths (which is highly likely), they'll probably become bum-chums with the stronger ones. 

Way to go to look at these lot as panthic saviours. lmao. 



Regarding police arrests:

Well you know the 'establishment' is already corrupt as hell out there. These lot will have their tentacles deeply entwined in that. They'll be able to make lucrative bribes and infiltrate politics/police with friends/relatives. That's standard procedure. 

The PP are arguably even worse than these lot or at least no different. 


Watch the film 'The departed' to get an idea of how it goes down. 

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8 minutes ago, Kau89r8 said:


Cant the police arrest them? These well know gangs in Panjab...We are talking about the Panjab police here. Do they not have intelligence services out there that well known for harassing / killing Sikhs after 84...lets not bury our heads in the sands...gov/agencies are behind those gangs..

Also he based in Canada like India could ask Canada to hand them over / arrest them ....


Bro they are literally backed by govt. Why would they be arrested? People need to understand these so called elites only care about money and power nothing else. They hate sikhs because we still have anakh and will fight against the bad people who want to harm us. Look at the people in rest of India. They are dead of conscience and no matter how much injustice is done against them they just accept it. That is what Sant ji called zameer da marna. Because it leads to a person becoming a slave. There are way more so called lower caste people in india. If all of them were armed do you think these 5 10% upper caste people would be able to control the entire country? The conscience of these people needs to be awakened. 

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28 minutes ago, proudkaur21 said:

These gangsters are backed by the govt. 

It's a two way street. Look at how the whole thing seems wrapped around various political parties. These guys want to control politics, but I don't think for any noble or panthic reasons - more like to cement their strongholds on 'businesses' they have going on. Every gangster I've ever met (and a fair few seem to emerge where I grew up) is a sociopath or psychopath, they'll only do things for their own gains, even if they might hide behind some noble panthic facade or behind a 'salt of the earth type' image. End of the day, if your morality and ethics are completely skewed, it affects your whole worldview and behaviour. Mentality wise, there is very little difference in the thinking of a corrupt politician and 'gangster' - maybe only that the latter don't mind getting their hands dirty.  That's why they gravitate towards each other.      

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3 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

It's a two way street. Look at how the whole thing seems wrapped around various political parties. These guys want to control politics, but I don't think for any noble or panthic reasons - more like to cement their strongholds on 'businesses' they have going on. Every gangster I've ever met (and a fair few seem to emerge where I grew up) is a sociopath or psychopath, they'll only do things for their own gains, even if they might hide behind some noble panthic facade or behind a 'salt of the earth type' image. End of the day, if your morality and ethics are completely skewed, it affects your whole worldview and behaviour. Mentality wise, there is very little different in the thinking of a corrupt politician and 'gangster' - maybe only that the latter don't mind getting their hands dirty.  That's why they gravitate towards each other.      

True words. That is what I'm saying. the govt lets them run rampant as they know these gangs can be useful to them when they have to get their own dirty work done. 

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21 minutes ago, proudkaur21 said:

True words. That is what I'm saying. the govt lets them run rampant as they know these gangs can be useful to them when they have to get their own dirty work done. 

That nexus has many facets, some of the govt members are bribed, some blackmailed (i.e. gangsters supply them with prostitutes or children for sex, film it and then blackmail them). Some of them have common lucrative 'business ventures' going on (often drugs or gambling). It's not just straight forward.  

Loyalty is rare though (in the long haul), and often they turn on each other at some point. So the 'gangsters' can find themselves suddenly arrested and it'll be their own crony that has informed on them. Or the politician might set the crook up for a surprise encounter with the police.

Anyway, regarding Moosewala,  he's no panthic hero, and personally I don't think his death is some govt conspiracy, just the usual t1t-for-tat in that lifestyle. He's obviously business minded, and we don't know what else he had going on. 

One thing as a Londoner that I find completely alien and shocking though, is how apnay can confess to all manner of shyte from Canada, and it's like the police there do jack sh1t!  If anyone did that in London the pigs would be on them like ants on a piece of gurhh on a hot day. 

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16 minutes ago, proudkaur21 said:

Bro they are literally backed by govt. Why would they be arrested? 

Yes thats what i intended to say. Those gangs are needed and apne are bunch of fuddus who sold their soul.

Like that gang is based in Canada why dont they arrest them before..they spy on Sikhs in West look at Jaggi case..

Like you mentioned yesterday Mexico cartels backed by gov. CIA jeez killed JFK, Bin laden used to work them .

Better to face enemy face to face then this global complex one world gov world...

But i dont see who's left know ..Deep, Sidhu... it hurts 


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