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(RIP) Sidhu Moosewala Shot Dead


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45 minutes ago, californiasardar1 said:


You make a good point, but I would take it a step further and argue that the need for community leaders and role models is itself a failure. Ideally, our role models growing up would be the people who brought us into this world.

What kind of person would fit your description? Whoever this hypothetical person might be, if they existed, there would probably be a thread about them on SikhSangat pointing out their various deficiencies. And that is unavoidable because everyone has deficiencies, and it shows how problematic the need for leaders and role models is in the first place.

Indians cannot function without figureheads. They cannot think for themselves. They require group consensus on a micro level, and a strong man / woman to inspire them on the macro. Probably goes to explain why they kept getting bent over by invaders, waiting for that hero to emerge to show them the way.

Sikhs in particular have a problem with realising that human leaders are flawed. They expect too much in some cases; in other instances they place their hopes into entirely the wrong type of person. Sikhs are simultaneously some of the most ignorant and cunning people around, lol. Total contradiction.

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All I'm going to say is that Panjab's criminal underground/syndicates is/are the real deal. Those boys don't play around. They lit Sidhu up with some serious firepower. Apparently that specific assault rifle is one that isn't even issued to the Indian military, meaning it had to be smuggled into Panjab. 

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3 hours ago, californiasardar1 said:


You make a good point, but I would take it a step further and argue that the need for community leaders and role models is itself a failure. Ideally, our role models growing up would be the people who brought us into this world.

What kind of person would fit your description? Whoever this hypothetical person might be, if they existed, there would probably be a thread about them on SikhSangat pointing out their various deficiencies. And that is unavoidable because everyone has deficiencies, and it shows how problematic the need for leaders and role models is in the first place.

Parents cannot be role models beyond a certain point, usually puberty. 

Hence why many youths were/are sent to Gurukuls to learn from a dedicated guru/master who teaches them using scripture to become self reliant. Unfortunately that system was destroyed to be replaced with nothing. But slowly making a comeback. 

Westerners throw their youth out for bad behaviour, not a model to emulate as most fall into drink/drug culture due to lack of support. 

The middle classes use boarding/private school to guide their youth. Others just struggle on since youth clubs were closed due to abuse of position. 

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7 hours ago, dharamyudh said:

Panjab is a hellhole, a prime reason why people are clawing at the opportunity to leave and make a life in the west. The criminal element lurking within the Panjab is some hidden stuff beyond the diaspora's understanding of the homeland. 

Yes, 100%. As a foreigner with Punjabi roots, we're raised on depictions of white and black gangs that are mythologised in films and music almost as untouchable beings. We seem to think that "our" equivalents are clowns running around in chappals in dusty pinds, but the reality is a lot more sobering. It IS very difficult to explain, because the frames of reference to how they think, operate, and conduct their business is beyond anything that we're familiar with. Even Punjabi gangs in places like Canada walk in the footsteps of what they've seen depicted in the media of their countries, but their native Punjabi equivalents are something else. You don't want to enter that world.

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On 5/31/2022 at 11:56 PM, dallysingh101 said:

I don't know about the small number that may go overboard about their deaths.  But some of their tunes are banging classics. Tupac started well, very conscious and talking about relevant issues in his community. He also had strong family links to the Black Panthers. I think a culmination of being robbed by people he suspected were connected to his friends, being attacked by the police and then being jailed for not preventing some of his 'homies' forcefully having sex with a women he had just had sex with, f**ked his head up. Prison time can do that to a person. Suge Knight wasn't exactly a good influence on him either. I think his life serves as a warning to people - that all of this was lost on Moosewala, who wanted to emulate the more destructive later part of his life and not learn from it, says it all. 

Biggie made banging tunes as well. From my perspective it was as much about the music production as the lyrics.

I know the state of the black community out there. Solely blaming that on rap and not facing the long term (centuries!), systemic moves against them is painting a skewed picture in my opinion. I've met with a few blacks from the states over the years. A lot of whites have a scarcely concealed deep rooted hatred for them, especially in the south.  Racism also plays a big part in opportunities being offered, like it does to many of us too.     

Plus where I live shapes my attitude a bit. I mean just last year there were 30 odd deaths of young men in my city, mainly through stabbings and the like. It was pretty much the same in the previous year. 



On 5/31/2022 at 10:21 PM, californiasardar1 said:


Tupac was a ballerina who just acted like a thug. 

Here is his real literally limp wristed personality:

Even when he became a 'thug' he still had the ballerina personality. Watch the second video from 3:00 onwards. 

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17 minutes ago, ChardikalaUK said:

Tupac was a ballerina who just acted like a thug. 

Here is his real literally limp wristed personality:

Even when he became a 'thug' he still had the ballerina personality. Watch the second video from 3:00 onwards. 


His fatal error was that he started to believe in the thug image that he manufactured for himself, got gassed up, and assaulted a known gang member without thinking of the consequences.

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