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(RIP) Sidhu Moosewala Shot Dead


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Some of you lot make me laugh. A singer from a relatively wealthy background who promoted casteism and gangster lifestyles, who then joins congress <confused face> who then advocates for K'stan <even more confused face> gets killed, and you lot go on like we've lost some panthic leader. And people acting shocked that he died exactly like many who glamourise that lifestyle die???


Anyway, it's obvious it's soon going to be time for me to leave this forum as I can't relate to any of this anymore. 

Every last one of you needs to get a lot more worldly and street wise. 

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18 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

Some of you lot make me laugh. A singer from a relatively wealthy background who promoted casteism and gangster lifestyles, who then joins congress <confused face> who then advocates for K'stan <even more confused face> gets killed, and you lot go on like we've lost some panthic leader. And people acting shocked that he died exactly like many who glamourise that lifestyle die???


Anyway, it's obvious it's soon going to be time for me to leave this forum as I can't relate to any of this anymore. 

Every last one of you needs to get a lot more worldly and street wise. 

Veerji I don't think anyone said he's a panthic leader.

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9 minutes ago, Shaheed4life said:

Veerji I don't think anyone thinks he's a panthic leader ?

He was a singer!!! Back in the day people would call that a mirasi. And a lot of what he sang was questionable too. 

Personally, the only thing I rate him for was that, boy did he get his hands in a lot of pies!! But that's probably exactly what led to his demise?

The confession of the Canadian guy is unreal!!!!!! Who the f**k confesses to red-rum online like that!!! Talk about helping the police make a case against you. I'd have thought the mounties would be on him!! What the hell is going on canuck land?? Maybe this is staged/faked too though? 

And no, the way some people have gone on is like we've lost some sort of panthic leader. 

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I don't think you understand context i am saying this under. Ofc i agree with what punjabi culture has become BUT look at the deaths in Panjab ..under AAP..40+ murders under Maan. They took out Deep Sidhu, then kabbadi player Sandeep who spoke against drugs in Panjab and now Sidhu.... 


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23 minutes ago, Kau89r8 said:


I don't think you understand context i am saying this under. Ofc i agree with what punjabi culture has become BUT look at the deaths in Panjab ..under AAP..40+ murders under Maan. They took out Deep Sidhu, then kabbadi player Sandeep who spoke against drugs in Panjab and now Sidhu....

What's the ideological "leaning" of AAP if you had to describe it according to Left vs Right in Anglo nations? Congress is currently - I suppose - what Labour in the UK / Democrats in the U.S. are globalist, Islamo-appeasing, neo-liberals, while BJP are Conservatives / "India First" Republicans? Or do those labels not apply to the sabji that is Punjabi politics, lmao?

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15 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

What's the ideological "leaning" of AAP if you had to describe it according to Left vs Right in Anglo nations? Congress is currently - I suppose - what Labour in the UK / Democrats in the U.S. are globalist, Islamo-appeasing, neo-liberals, while BJP are Conservatives / "India First" Republicans? Or do those labels not apply to the sabji that is Punjabi politics, lmao?


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  • The title was changed to (RIP) Sidhu Moosewala Shot Dead

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