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(RIP) Sidhu Moosewala Shot Dead


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2 hours ago, Kau89r8 said:


I don't think you understand context i am saying this under. Ofc i agree with what punjabi culture has become BUT look at the deaths in Panjab ..under AAP..40+ murders under Maan. They took out Deep Sidhu, then kabbadi player Sandeep who spoke against drugs in Panjab and now Sidhu.... 



You need to get a grip.

People are joking in this thread about Tupac and Biggie. But the sad thing is that there are some black people who go overboard about the significance of their deaths. Some of them act like a destructive, ignorant, hot-headed m0r0n like Tupac was some sort of hero who was going to uplift the black community. Why? Because he would occasionally say something thoughtful, while 95% of his music was pure ignorance and hate? Tupac had a far greater negative impact than positive, and he died because he was an idi0t who tried to live up to his ignorant lyrics. When a community is ready to make a hero/martyr out of someone like that, it is indicative of some very fundamental problems with the community. I am guessing you are Canadian or British, but FYI the black community in the US is not in good shape.

Similarly, it is ridiculous that so many Punjabis are making out these recent Sidhu deaths (why are they all Sidhus? lol) to mean so much. I don't know why Punjabis worship these stupid celebrities.

Let us please try to raise our standards.

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7 minutes ago, californiasardar1 said:


You need to get a grip.

People are joking in this thread about Tupac and Biggie. But the sad thing is that there are some black people who go overboard about the significance of their deaths. Some of them act like a destructive, ignorant, hot-headed m0r0n like Tupac was some sort of hero who was going to uplift the black community. Why? Because he would occasionally say something thoughtful, while 95% of his music was pure ignorance and hate? Tupac had a far greater negative impact than positive, and he died because he was an idi0t who tried to live up to his ignorant lyrics. When a community is ready to make a hero/martyr out of someone like that, it is indicative of some very fundamental problems with the community. I am guessing you are Canadian or British, but FYI the black community in the US is not in good shape.

Similarly, it is ridiculous that so many Punjabis are making out these recent Sidhu deaths (why are they all Sidhus? lol) to mean so much. I don't know why Punjabis worship these stupid celebrities.

Let us please try to raise our standards.

We need to produce normal, grounded, relatable leaders and role models with integrity and knowledge of how things truly work. Celebrities and, even the other extreme, hardcore brahmgyanis locked away in their religious compounds with little understanding of what life is like for the average person, are just no help to anyone.

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3 hours ago, Kau89r8 said:


I don't think you understand context i am saying this under. Ofc i agree with what punjabi culture has become BUT look at the deaths in Panjab ..under AAP..40+ murders under Maan. They took out Deep Sidhu, then kabbadi player Sandeep who spoke against drugs in Panjab and now Sidhu.... 


Sister, maybe I'm the wrong person to talk to about this?


But some of this might be 'gangta sh1t', extortion etc. or various 'business' deals gone wrong?

I've got my own perceptions based on what I've seen in my life and what I've learnt. 40 odd people don't seem that many to me. Plus for those who are in a certain lifestyle, this kind of end is pretty common.  

To me it looks like certain crews are consolidating themselves?   Redrum is part and parcel of this unfortunately. 

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1 hour ago, californiasardar1 said:

People are joking in this thread about Tupac and Biggie. But the sad thing is that there are some black people who go overboard about the significance of their deaths. Some of them act like a destructive, ignorant, hot-headed m0r0n like Tupac was some sort of hero who was going to uplift the black community. Why? Because he would occasionally say something thoughtful, while 95% of his music was pure ignorance and hate? Tupac had a far greater negative impact than positive, and he died because he was an idi0t who tried to live up to his ignorant lyrics. When a community is ready to make a hero/martyr out of someone like that, it is indicative of some very fundamental problems with the community. I am guessing you are Canadian or British, but FYI the black community in the US is not in good shape.

I don't know about the small number that may go overboard about their deaths.  But some of their tunes are banging classics. Tupac started well, very conscious and talking about relevant issues in his community. He also had strong family links to the Black Panthers. I think a culmination of being robbed by people he suspected were connected to his friends, being attacked by the police and then being jailed for not preventing some of his 'homies' forcefully having sex with a women he had just had sex with, f**ked his head up. Prison time can do that to a person. Suge Knight wasn't exactly a good influence on him either. I think his life serves as a warning to people - that all of this was lost on Moosewala, who wanted to emulate the more destructive later part of his life and not learn from it, says it all. 

Biggie made banging tunes as well. From my perspective it was as much about the music production as the lyrics.

I know the state of the black community out there. Solely blaming that on rap and not facing the long term (centuries!), systemic moves against them is painting a skewed picture in my opinion. I've met with a few blacks from the states over the years. A lot of whites have a scarcely concealed deep rooted hatred for them, especially in the south.  Racism also plays a big part in opportunities being offered, like it does to many of us too.     

Plus where I live shapes my attitude a bit. I mean just last year there were 30 odd deaths of young men in my city, mainly through stabbings and the like. It was pretty much the same in the previous year. 



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On the serious. 


When people used to say that juts are being targeted like blacks were in the US in terms of pigeon-holing them into criminal, entertainer identities I used to think that it was a load of paranoid conspiracy theory. What I'm seeing now is making me seriously re-evaluate this. 


Tread carefully folks!!!! I think you may be getting shoehorned by a number of govt agencies. And this is global - Canada is already neck deep.  

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12 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

That's a red herring in itself. The politics over there appears to have dimensions totally unlike this framework.  

Heres some insight into the shenanigans in Punjab. Engineered by Congress and allying with AAP. Not sure how this can be countered apart from sharing awareness. 

Could 'murder referred to mean Sidhu Moosewala murder? Shock and awe tactic? Next is water dispute?





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