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Leaving Sikhi


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Rochak Malang veer jee, Beautiful post ^_^

Just struck me, all in a sudden after reading the few posts, all the nonsense that seems to go on in the Gurudwara Sahibs today. I am not a person who can judge, and I seeem to know nothing as I have no knowledge about Sikhi whatsoever, may Vaheguru jee bless me with more and more ambition to learn about Sikhi.

But I do have to say something about today's sangat including me. It so hurtful to see sangat sitting in the darbar Sahib (and this example is from my experience) chit-chatting about what not. I have no right to nindya chugli, and that is not my intention to do so, but I feel disgusted when a couple of elderly bibia sitting behind me go on talking about what happened to someone so and so, when a Bhai sahib is sitting up there giving the most important katha to listen to, and saying Gurbani's most beautiful words with the utmost respect and sharda. And its sad to know that the Bhai Sahib giving katha knows and can hear the bibian (and not only the bibian, but in general) sitting all the way back talking about stuff that can be discussed later, and Bhai Sahib not saying anything, but keeps on praising Guru Sahib....there are kirtanis or other parcharaks who right in the middle tell the bibian to keep quite and usually its said in a funnny way, which makes all the others laugh, but still, its annoys me when chit-chatting about outside stuff is going on in the darbar Sahib during the recitation and praising of Gurbani. Again, I talk in the darbar sahib too and many other

s do, but i realize only after a little while that there was no use to this and i just wasted my 5 minutes chit-chatting when i could have spent those 5 minutes getting some laahaa of Gurbani. :@ I know of many other mistakes made by myself while at the Gurudwara Sahib, but working my way up and improving myself in these acts is the best way to go.

If I have offended any member of the sangat in any way, please forgive this moorakh, as I am just a learner. Bhul Chuk di khima..Waheguru jee ka khalsa Waheguru jee ki fateh!

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thats nothing come to fremont gurdwara and you will see men talking on cell phone at the back of the diwan hall.. One time my friend got real upset and went straight up to him and said.. Go outside, Katha is going on !

Anyway.. as many ppls said earlier that there are bad apples in every religion/culture/society.. We should try to fix them up instead of saying "Oooooohhh Im leaving my religion.. CRY CRY CRY".. rolleyes.gif Quitters are losers !

Bhup chak kaeey maaaf..

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My thought on it : WHO CARE ?  If they are leaving then why they have to make a BIG DEAL over it and ANNOUNCE to the WHOLE WIDE WORLD.. To me these ppls just want to get the attention or wanna be the center of the attention. I didn't read that post, cauz i have no interest in it.. :@

Singhooo and singhneeooo .. Dozen will go away. BUT thousands will come into sikhi.. Don't worry !

If they wanna be muslim then be a good muslim

if they wanna be a christian then be a good christian

if they wanna be a athiest then be a good athiest

if they wanna be a ABC then be a good ABC religion..

I cant agree more....... he was a sikh by name not by heart.....so loosing him to some other religion should not be something to be discussed about....... if he was misguided he should have asked fellow sikhs....but he chose to go his own way and accept islam.....let him be a good muslim now...... but i dont think he could be....... he was born n raised in sikh family and culdnt know about it then how can he know about other religion fully in matter of days...... he will go on and adopt some other religion after few days and then maybe other........ ppl look for those aspects in religion tht appeal to

them most and comforts them....... they want everything easier way.......... but attaing HIM is not an easy task to do...... all religions are different paths for same destination........i personally feel he was not really into religion...he was more of attention craving fella........ watever is the case...lets pray for him..... and for all........ GURUJI sabb nu matt bakshan.......we r luckier then him to have an iota of it.....he seems to be running out of it at present....... so lets not waste our precious time in knowing y he did tht and wat we could do to get him back....... we want quality in sikhs not quantity......... remember we r "SAWA LAAKHS" of our beloved GURU GOBIND SINGHJI....... ^_^ .... rochak u dont need to feel bad or shed tears for someone like him....... he is not worthy enough for tears of person like you........ i would rather say tht i wuld not mind loosing hundereds of sikhs like him to get one true sikh like you..... ^_^ .........

bhul chuk maaf karni.......

deg teg fateh!!!

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i hope all those who follow the "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY" principal learn a lesson from this...i hope all those who are crazy after jatha issues learn a lesson from this...i hope all those who have nothing better to do than hating others (be it india or hindus or muslims) learn a lesson from this...this is only 1 person...our lack of unity, our internal fueds, our fanaticism, our non-acceptance, our labelling others who dont agree with us as evil or wrong will pump up the numbers of those who will write such heartbreaking and painful messages and proudly announce that they are leaving this path of Sikhi, this path, for which countless Sikhs preferred to be tortured and killed in the most beastly manner ever known to man, but never ever even dreamt of turning their back to Gurujee.

in immense pain and not in a position to shed a single tear


vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

well said rocahk veerya ^_^p

'http://forums.waheguroo.com/html/emoticons/mellow.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mellow.gif'> ^_^^_^


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Progress of the Panth Khalsa and Peace

        In his presidential address at the Sikh Educational Conference held at Ferozepur in 1915 AD, Sant Ji Maharaj pointed out to the congregation that we are all interested in the progress of the Khalsa Panth. But dear devotees, this progress will come on the day when all of you start taking bath in the early hours (at least 3 hours before sunrise) of the morning in each house, each village, each town and each city and meditate on the Divine Name. When there is common treasury and everybody contributes one-tenth of his income monthly or yearly, then there will be no need to appeal for money for any common services. While making an appeal, the fearlessness in the mind gets weakened. Every one should give priority to the recitation of the Divine Name and Shabad Hari Kirtan (singing of the hymns).

I was just reading this and I thought I should share it with yall.....its from the life story of Sant Attar Singh Ji(MASTUANA WALE)


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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

This is in response to GuruJiDiPyari bhainjee,

bhainjee I totally understand what you are saying. Personally I have been the cause of much beadbi of Guru Sahib in the past. I have done many bad things like talk in the gurdwara or do chaur seva on days when I didn't do kes ishnaan, and other things.

However only with teh grace of Gurmukhs in sangat I have realized these things are just wrong, and no matter how much temporary pleasure I get out of it, there is a long term negative result. Therefore, I need to stop being lazy and JUST DO IT. I need to JUST do kes ishnaan every day otherwise I will not do Guru Sahib's hajooree seva, and I need to just STOP talking in the gurdwara, and I need to just concentrate on Guru jee rather than others. These improvements I hope Guru sahib can bless me with.

Bhainjee, when I was at the gurdwara there were two middle-aged Punjabi gentlemen talking while the Giani Bhai Sahib Ji was reciting the hukamnama of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Unfortunately, I was not able to fully concentrate on the hukamnama because of the distraction of the voices of the two men. Afterwards, deep in my mind I was thinking, "should I say something to them? Should i? No. I am bad, they are good." but then I thought - if I am Guru Gobind Singh jee's son, and if somebody is talking and they might also talk in the future and that is distracting people from the hukamnama, maybe I should tell them. If I don't maybe nobody else will, and the chain will continue. One thing you have to u

nderstand is I'm a very cowardly person. I don't really like going up to people and confronting them. But with the Guru's kirpa I went to them and I almost had tears in my eyes because I was so nervous. I just said to them, "I am really really really sorry if I am saying anything wrong. I don't know anything. I just wanted to humbly say that I was distracted by your talking during the hukamnama. Please don't mind my comments." They became so humbled by this and they said, "we too felt that we shouldn't talk. You see, we have seen each other for the first time in 5 years and we didn't want to talk but we couldn't help ourselves. But we understand that it was wrong and will try not to do it again." And I said, "thank you - I appreciate it." and they said, "no no we appreciate it."

So this was a heartwarming experience - you will not always encounter understanding people.

One time I was in the Gurdwara sahib, late after the deevan was over, and I was pouring myself langar. There was an uncle jee (clean shaven) who came from somewhere in the back of the langar hall (not from where the sinks were) and began to pour langar. Perhaps my ego was talking when I said it, but I tried to say it nicely, "uncle jee you did wash your hands right jee?" He became absolutely furious and said, "of course I did. Just because my hair is cut doesn't mean I dont' know anything. Who do you think you are? Don't think just because you have a turban you are smarter than me. I understand fully well your twisted thinking." I laughed in nervousness and embarrassment and said a few times, "I'm sorry I was just asking, I"m sorry I was just asking." and he said, in a sarcastic tone, "yeah... just asking... tsk"

So there are two sides to each coin. I think my experiences with people would be more pleasant if I followed rehit. I do not keep proper rehit and therefore people are not completely melted by the love of Guru. Only somebody who keeps rehit has complete love of the Gur

u and they can melt anybody. Guru Nanak Sahib melted the hardcore evil nature of Kauda Rakash and Sajjan Thug. The key to bringing a positive environment back into our gurdwaras is that we ourselves need to keep the rehit and then people will see us and talk with us and become inspired. Most of the gurdwaras I know where there are gurmukhs doing seva, gurmukhs in charge - those places just become as chardee kalaa as the gurmukhs because their light shines all around. Guru Granth Sahib is the ocean of truth, but sometimes people dont' want to dive into that ocean. When you look at a Gursikh, you see a walking droplet from that ocean. You are forced to recognize the pure water of the ocean of Guru Granth Sahib because a Gursikh represents the Guru. So may Guru Sahib bless everybody with the gift of determination and love, dedication and devotion, to keep rehit that I have been so lazy to keep. I pray that Guru Sahib gets rid of my laziness.

Two things will destroy the panth if we don't destroy them asap

laziness, and denial.

We have a problem, now let's solve it.

bhul chuk maaf karnaa jee

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

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Guest mehtab

mad respect to veerjee for keeping cool ^_^ ...i have a big flaw in me that i get very angry very fast...if i was in ur place, i'd have laughed and told that uncle that if u think u know that much then u shud know that u are supposed to keep ur hair, and make him feel wrong instead...but u acted out of humility ^_^

i so so so badly wanna control the 5 evils :@

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