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Its Time To Let 1984 Go


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its funny how when you start a thread like this you always get teh fundamentlists saying this was started by a muslim or hindu or christian ..khalistani gunman - would you ever call your mothera baandri ???? as for ex prince - who are the killers ? who instigated all this ?? just think what you are saying .. .. some of the posts on here are soo racist and one sided - some people need to get a life and stop living in the past ...

So you are ignorant. Okay, I will educate you then. The killers are the Congress party members who are now the cabinet ministers. They rounded up goons, gave them addresses of Sikh homes and went systematically from house to house killing, raping and looting any Sikh they could find. Mass graves were found in Hondh-Chillar and Delhi, but instead of rewarding the people who discovered them, thugs were sent to their homes and vandalized their property. The man who discovered Hondh-Chillar was immediately fired from his job. Thousands of young men were abducted from their homes in Punjab and never heard from again. Human rights activists who have investigated these crimes have gone missing or have been killed. Eye witnesses are threatened, beaten-up or bribed.

Why is it extremism to point to these blatant human rights abuses? How can a Sikh tell us to move on when justice was never given? No closure at all....Put those responsible in jail and we will gladly drop this issue.

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The one thing that is genuinely a real shame is that when someone really does ask questions, especially regarding Khalistan 1984, they are shot down and called names lIke Hindu etc, and I speak from experience. I am not revering to this thread in this instance but in general.

Those of you who are clued up and passionate need to remember that you have learnt things and there would have been reasons for delving into history. Sometimes there are genuine people who don't know what happened, don't understand underlying issues and thus ask questions.

Have some patience and remember, someone either took the time to tell you or pointed you in the right direction. Not everyone who asks a question is a undercover (fill the blank) out to get you, I know I'm notyet I was called a Hindu.

Hostility or making fun just turns those who are genuinely interested away and then there are comments like 'so many Sikhs aren't sympathetic to the cause', I wonder why that could be..

Again, this is a generic comment - not based upon this thread in particular.

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This issue stirs up emotions in a lot of us, and if they spill onto the forum then it is due to the nature of the topic. He didn't come on here asking a question or wanting to know what happened. He came here to tell us that we sound like a bunch of black people talking about the slave days. If you start a thread with an insult, what do you expect to get in return? Every Sikh knows what happened in 1984, and if they don't then a quick internet search will fill you in. Whether he is a Hindu or not (who really knows on the the internet), he is taking a Hindu stance on this issue i.e. let's forget and move on. There is something called internal oppression. It is when you demoralize a population into thinking that any action they take will be futile. Statements like forget and move on, it happened in the past, let it go, etc. are damaging to the collective psyche, especially when they come from supposed "Sikhs". The fact of the matter is that the mass graves discovered in India have given us a new push towards extradition of Kamal Nath to face trial in New York, a case is being filed in the U.N., and similar steps are going to be taken in England. Progress is being made on these cases, and all we have to do is see them through. The diaspora is growing stronger and India is scared that we will reveal the true face of India to the West. A face riddled with corruption and human rights abuses. It is the not beyond the scope of reasoning to assume that India will do everything it can, including utilizing "internet warriors" to demoralize the sangat from even discussing these issues.

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My relative was banned from entering India and had to change his name becuase he spoke up about it and asked for answers.... The leaders of countires are heartless- The kings have become butchers.

1984 was a holocaust but wasn't made as public as the jewish holocaust, the fact that criminals still rule India is truly a reflection of the Maha Kalyug, while german war criminals were hunted down, Hindus and so called sikhs(on the govts side) who were involved were not....But the cowards who indulged in the mass murder will pay in the life or the next, do not fear...

The people on here who are speaking up are warriors, they are serving Truth, not sitting back watching the sinners continue sinning.. how will the sinners ever learn if they are not spoken to about the issue, Guru Gobind Singh Ji issued the Zafarnama to Aurangzeb, and Aurangzeb repented...Even if they are not gaoled or killed, the sikhs mission is done when he speaks the Truth, unless fighting as a last resort( i.e in defence while being attacked physically or helping others being attacked physically)...

It is up to the sinners to accept but it is our duty to at least speak it or we are denying them the Truth....

All of our gurus taught(spoke the truth to) great sinners, some sinners fell at the Gurus feet in repentance, others did not- following the Gurus/Sants examples of how they lived etc is what a student of Truth(God) should do..

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I'm not disputing what you say, but as I've already said not everyone who asks a question is looking for trouble. I have experienced the wrath of people on this site for simply asking a question. It's outbursts like that that put people off, on the other hand if an <banned word filter activated> is obviously looking for trouble then put them in their place.

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Yes your the one whos narrow minded because you automatically assume that were all hatefull or what were saying will cause hatred in the future i dont have hate for anybody and niether does any sikh i know hindus are my brothers (same with muslims,christians,buddhists etc) were all human

"my revolution is not born out of hatred for other people but out of love for my own"

now il explain to you why we cant forget and "move on"

1.The organizers of the riots and later killing throughout 84-93 were not punished but walk around freely to this day this one fact alone is a good enough reason by itself why we shouldnt forget how could anyone have so much dissrespect towards the victoms by suggesting they forget when the killers are still free hell forget about being punished they were even given medals and promotions

2.Government sponserd deras all over punjab distorting sikhism instead of being banned they have been given support by the government same with the terrorist group RSS they distort sikhism and sikh history yet they have not been banned

3.Punjab does have control over its river waters, punjabi farmer arnt allowed to sell there farmland to other states ,alcohol is 4times cheaper in punjab then it is in other states

The point is how can we forget when they are still attacking us perhaps not psycally like from 84-93 but mentally with propaganda and drugs

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We keep going about this and i think we should let it be

Lets all move on it not nice to hold grudges .. love and peace people love and peace

There's a reason why people cant move on, and you may be right about grudges but to the people who it happened to and the people who felt their pain, its not about grudges or point-scoring but about human ethics, which include justice and equality. If you want to send out love and peace, think about who you want to send it to; the murderers or the victims.


What truth? and what gives you a monopoly on truth? What sense is there in denying justice to people, Sikh or non-Sikh?

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Kally, let me ask you something : If I were to come to your house today, smash your kids around and then make them watch while I rape you.....and then make you watch while I rape your daughter....and then make both you and your daughter watch while I put tyres around your husband and sons necks and burn them alive.....If that were to happen, are you honestly saying you would turn around to me and say "Ah well...whats done is done....no point dwelling on it....lets move on" ?

So you're telling us that is what you'd do rather than want me arrested and brought to justice ?

No ? Well then why are you suggesting those that went through exactly that in 1984 "move on" ? Do they not deserve justice ?

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