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Sikhs Praised For Protecting Muslim Mosques


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On Sangat TV it was broadcast live when one of the brothers came out of the hospital devestated as he announced his brother was dead. at this the sangat tv presenter cried (again)...

about 5 mins before this, upinder was talking about oneness of humanity etc he was saying we should do aatdas for our "children" and "sons" who were "fighting for their life" in hospital.

when a paki youth was asked to coment he said what i quoted above.

this was aiired (on replay) at elast three times on sangat tv that night. (after the deaths were confirmed live, the broadcasting stopped).

This was said..... if anyone has a recording of the live footage it would also show it. this shouldnt be kept a secret.... some poeple are going on as if each adn every pakistani are our brothers and as if they were all out there defending the entire community. this is not the case.

dont be angry for me because of the comments this muslim youth said... also its stupid to pretend it didnt happen.

It's interesting how we have two very different descriptions of what happened. One which states that two Sikh interlopers crashed a Muslim solemn occasion and the other that a Muslim used Sangat TV to put across his dawah. Will be interested to see what is the truth but knowing Pakistanis I would guess it would be the latter!

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Thank you for the warm welcome.

I agree completely. Unfortunately although the extremists may be small in number they normally shout the loudest. There are also those who want our communities to hate each other as it serves some of their own motives, both other Asian people, but also many white people (members of the EDL and BNP in particular).

I would rather stand with the EDL than you and have been to EDL meetings.

Bnp dont bother me and i dont bother them

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Kaljug Singh

Of course there is an extremist element within the Islamic and Pakistani community, and I would never deny that. The Anjem Choudhary lot are a minority, I can assure you. I am anti-extremist just like you are, and dislike those who openly want to convert everyone in an aggressive manner.

These people are a minority. The vast majority of us just want to live peacefully and look after our families, just like the vast majority of the Sikh community.

Read the links to the news stories I posted regarding the kidnappings and forced conversions of non-muslim girls by muslims in Islamic countries. In every case, the kidnappers and rapists were supported by the muslim community and the parents had to battle againt police and a sharia-based court system which was actively engaged in preventing the girls being reunited with their families. in one case, only one of the kidnapped daughters was returned by the islamic court system! It's this kind of thing that suggests that these kinds of things are not seen to be the work of extremists in the international muslim community but a common theme. If anything they suggest that you are the minority rather than the majority.

If you truly want to live peacefully alongside the rest of the British public, I suggest you stop ignoring problems in the muslim and pakistani community, stop blaming the edl and the bnp when these crimes are committed by pakistani muslims and reported in the news, and start taking out the trash in your community.


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Dustofsaintsfeet, you can hook up with your Christian, Muslim and Hindus friends and sing "Kumbaya, my Lord" but most people live in the real world and will give that a miss. I fear for you my friend because you are so naive.

My friend although you slander me I still love you, see how nirvair works?

One striving to live in Nirvair understands every single little occurance to be Perfection and deserved, the results of our deeds in this lifetime or previous lifetimes...

We can reap some truly Awful karams, but to see that it is God himself Beating us is Truth, there is no ego in it, no seperation of You and Me, it's just a Game of Balance, the Muslims serve their purpose as did the Moghuls of their time...

Now do we honestly believe that our Beloved Gurus, the very embodiments of the Lord himself could not have floored/ kiilled the moghuls with one sweep of the hand? Of course they could have, they were no different to the Lord

But that would not have been respecting His hukam, hence Nirboah and Nirvair, they lived a Fearless, all loving existance by accepting hukam , God's command, Walking in the way of gods will is the Way we become truthful as described by gurbani...

They taught and fought back when they could, as per hukam... They hated NOONE for they realised that God was Everyone and everything as described in Gurbani..

The Perfect Master is pervading everywhere. sarab bi-aapat pooran Dhanee. jw kI soBw Git Git bnI ]2] His Glory is manifest in each and every heart. ||2||

We do not like injustice- yes I have already stated that Gurbani claims muslims to be ignorant, that is where the darkness stems from, that is where the Duty of teaching Truth comes in, God is wherever Truth is spoken- Guruji's walked the earth and preached gurbani, they even taught the sinner, Aurangzeb was taught the errors of His way, Guruji could have let him rot away deeper and deeper in the Sh**t of maya but he spoke the Truth to him in Zafarnama which caused him to repent- He loved the man who tortured his sons horribly and was the reason his two other sons were dead also- Do you not see Love in GuruJi's actions?

What I am trying to say is, don't get caught up in the game, we live in an illusion, everyone and everything we see around us is a false illusion, He lives in the nothingness(void described in Gurbani), if we do not live Nirvair and nirboah, we cannot be close to Him/Truth- This is His game, and he plays it and feeds us karma from our loved ones aswell as our enemies, those who can see him in Every action through Thick and Thin excel- negativity is Him teaching us a fault still exists, our Gurus didn't let negativity/hate/enmity touch them once they started living Truth...

Even in wielding the sword- have you not heard the stories of those who gave injured moghuls water on the battlefield and of Guru Ji requesting their heads be chopped off with a clean sweep to avoid extra pain? A serial murderer Sajjan Thug became one of GuruJis greatest disciple, do you not see the lessons the Gurus were giving us in their actiions and the ways they chose to live life, they showed that the greatest sinner could become Jivan Mukt, is that not proof within itself what Truth can achieve?

Even hell is Love, it is god pushing us to learn from our mistakes and to become closer to the Truth, God loves Unconditionally, that is what our complicated minds cannot fathom, we forget him and curse him when things dont go our way in a worldly sense and forget that he Is the muslim, he is everywhere and anywhere...

Universal Love, it is not a hippy saying, it is the Truth, because God=Love, it is the emotion needed for us to discover who we Truly are....

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I am willing to bet good money that your black christian friend develops mental problems in her old age, this 'talking to god' thing is something some in their community take as the first step in that direction.

BTW, if some of us are so immature and low in IQ, at least we paid enough attention at school to know that Buddhists dont believe in God. Any God. And that different religions have different interpetations of God even if they show their love in the same way. But if these people really believe in the greatness of their Heaven/Paradise etc, why do they mourn the death of loved ones? Surely they have gone to better places? Are they sad because deep down they dont really know what happens after they die? Or because they fear they wont get in lol?

I could go on, but it will mostly go over people's super IQ and mature heads so I'll leave you all to sing Kumbaya

I have already stated that gurbani has deemed muslims and hindus as ignorant, I was not denying that..

Your statement that Buddhists do not believe in God is ignorant to say the least, God lives in the nothingness, he has no description, no image, no form-

  1. The practice of non-extremism: a path of moderation away from the extremes of self-indulgence and self-mortification
  2. The middle ground between certain metaphysical views (for example, that things ultimately either do or do not exist)[39]
  3. An explanation of Nirvana (perfect enlightenment), a state wherein it becomes clear that all dualities apparent in the world are delusory (see Seongcheol)
  4. Another term for emptiness, the ultimate nature of all phenomena (in the Mahayana branch), a lack of inherent existence, which avoids the extremes of permanence and nihilism or inherent existence and nothingness

The bold print is what they believe, that sounds like a god of no form or image, living in a state of Nothingness, don't you think?

None of us truly know god as long as we live in maya, If you knew who God actually was, you'd be enlightened/jivan Mukht by now...For it is our minds/worldly knowledge that keeps us in the darkness of ignorance/Maya/Illusion

The basics are the same, one God, the sustainer, the creator of all beings, all loving, compassionate, All pervading and Most humble(Most humble= Nothing)....

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Thank you for leaving your comments, I must say it has been interesting reading some of them.


The examples of the Islam forums. I am not active on any, but I can only put it down to ignorance. Unfortunately most Muslims are against the idea of learning about the faiths of over people (which I am all for). Whereas I would imagine the Sikh community is much more likely to learn about other world religions. Also, let's not forget that the Sikh population is much less than the Muslim population worldwide, so I would imagine this contributes to the ignorance. Therefore coverage is not as much, and it is not discussed as much. Also many Muslims would not regarded as a large or significant religion.

I agree the crazy extremists make a lot of noise. They are also very militant. Most Pakistanis just stay quiet, but we do need more people willing to speak up (like the Qulliam Foundation and Maajid Nawaz)


"Muslims only understand the language of violence" - wow, where do you learn to generalise like that?

You believe there is a big conspiracy going on which is laughable. There are hundreds of different views and personalities within our community. We do not have some big plan like you would like to believe. Some of us are extremists, most are not. Some are religious, some are not. Some want to integrate fully with whites, some want to separate completely. Some want to integrate whilst preserving culture. Having lived in Bradford, Sheffield, and knowing Manchester well...I can tell you we do not all have one agenda!!

I am not a small minority. I am the large majority which you never hear about because we are nowhere to be seen on TV. We are not extremists and we are not criminals. My majority are the ones that are students, business owners, employed ones (working in public and private sector). A good example of my type is Mr Jahan who you must have seen on TV. We just want to live our lives and look after our families. Bet you didn't think we existed?

There are close to 1 million British Pakistanis in this country. If most of us were extremists, trust me, this country would have bombs going off every week with a possible civil war scenario!!!

If the rest were mainly criminals, we would be the biggest prision population. Black people are half the asian people in the country, but there are twice as many in prison. Pakistanis are not about to take over them any time soon. I am astounded at some of the things you are saying, and would urge you to look at your own views and not just focus on us.

And yes, there are issues that need to be addressed within our community, but these issues do not define us as a people or race. They are specific to us in this country at this time. There are countless Sikh gangs in Canada, does that mean Sikhs are criminally minded people?

I have no idea where you get your views from. You must have had 1 or 2 bad experiences. But I'm telling you, most of us are causing you and this country no problems.

"The Pakistanis have the worst reputation in the UK even worse than the Kalay have. Even though a majority of the rioters were kalay yet you will still hear and read more bad comments from the general society against Pakistanis than kalay."

This is one of the issues I have. Yes we have a very bad reputation in the UK and whilst I think we have big issues in our community, we do not deserve to be treated the way we are. As you allude to, we are not the biggest criminals but have a worse reputation that black people. There are a few reasons for this. One, the terrorism and extremist factor. Secondly, the fact we are not "mixing" like people want us to, whilst black people do. Both are issues we need to address, but I would repeat that just because our criminals and extremists speak loud, for a community close to 1 million people, this does not make us all bad as you seem to think by suggesting we are a minority.


You would rather stand with EDL and organisation that is made up mainly of white supermacists and thugs who attack not just mosques, but temples, than an average British citizen who wants a society where we can all get along with no extremism whether that is Islamic or fascist?

Says a lot about you dude. You are obviously not even able to have a civil discussion. Good luck to you.

The BNP should be a problem to you because they have openly said targeting Muslims is a tactic, get rid of us first with Hindu and Sikh support, and then go after you. Not that it will ever happen of course.

Kaljug Singh

I am not here to defend Muslims or the Islamic country around the world. There are very serious issues of course. I am not very religious either so I don't want to get into a religious debate.

But to the issue of my community in the UK, there are some serious issues. But there is trash in every community. You phrase it as though we are the only ones who have problems.

The BNP and EDL have their own agenda and they are supported by people who have serious issues themselves.

One of the answers to the problems currently in our community is education. I can guarantee you that there will be less problems with our next generation. Another issue is that up here in the North and West Midlands, Mirpuri communities have not integrated as well as they should have. This has led to issues of criminality and extremism. They took the wrong approach, but I'm happy to see that their sons and daughters are learning from those mistakes. Being from a Punjabi background myself I have picked up on these factors.

But I would repeat, that the vast majority of us are not causing you are anyone else problems. I hope you can see that!

I have already stated that gurbani has deemed muslims and hindus as ignorant, I was not denying that..

Your statement that Buddhists do not believe in God is ignorant to say the least, God lives in the nothingness, he has no description, no image, no form-

  1. The practice of non-extremism: a path of moderation away from the extremes of self-indulgence and self-mortification
  2. The middle ground between certain metaphysical views (for example, that things ultimately either do or do not exist)[39]
  3. An explanation of Nirvana (perfect enlightenment), a state wherein it becomes clear that all dualities apparent in the world are delusory (see Seongcheol)
  4. Another term for emptiness, the ultimate nature of all phenomena (in the Mahayana branch), a lack of inherent existence, which avoids the extremes of permanence and nihilism or inherent existence and nothingness

The bold print is what they believe, that sounds like a god of no form or image, living in a state of Nothingness, don't you think?

None of us truly know god as long as we live in maya, If you knew who God actually was, you'd be enlightened/jivan Mukht by now...For it is our minds/worldly knowledge that keeps us in the darkness of ignorance/Maya/Illusion

The basics are the same, one God, the sustainer, the creator of all beings, all loving, compassionate, All pervading and Most humble(Most humble= Nothing)....

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BritishPakistani I do applaud your courage for coming on here and representing your community. I'm sorry that you had to endure insults on here i.e. your prophet being called a nazi, your community is inbred.

As for the issues that have been discussed there are some real concerns that some of my brothers have put across well. However I do feel that some will never listen and hate your community. To be honest warm ties are possible but there has to be some clear boundaries and issues out in the open. By the way I know there are many decent people amongst your community, of which you are one. My father journeyed to Pakistan and encountered nothing but love and respect.

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Thank you for the kind words esingh

It has been a good and valuable experience to learn the views of the Sikh community in the UK. I enjoy interacting with people of all backgrounds and faiths, and it is my aim to one day to represent my community through politics or other mainstream means - rather than typing away on internet forums! :-)

One thing which you get over the internet, which is not always possible face to face, is honesty. Sometimes that is hatred, but if that is the truth then it needs to be accepted for what it is.

Discussion is definitely the way forward, and as I said earlier it would be good to see ties with Sikhs (other asian communities) further improved.

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I can not believe a sullah decided to show up at MiriPiri Gurdwara with a Sikh Girl (he claims they are "just friends") whilst all singhs were standing there tooled up.

This sullah and sell-out apni standing there giggling, flirting and touching each other.. whilst singhs all macheted up.. He could have linked her up anywhere.. but they still jaankeh do this to take the P*SS..

"oi.. look.. u think u badman singhs with your tools.. i'm standing in front of you chirpsing your sister"...

Do you have a source for this? Any sort of YouTube clip or article or anything? If this is true then it is absolutely shocking behaviour and flies in the face of everything that the singhs were standing for that night. If this is nothing more than a rumour/hearsay then why post it? To stir up ill feeling and hostility within communities, perchance?

With regards to the comment made by another poster (apologies for not remembering your name) about the lack of respect for the turban....I wear one and am with an amazing woman who loves and appreciates me the way I am. From the experiences that a lot of Sikh girls have with Sikh guys, it's little wonder that they run off with Muslims. Would you willingly be with someone who ignores you, disrespects you and generally makes you feel inferior, or be with someone who shows you love and affection and treats you nicely? If more Sikh guys acted like better people, we would not see so many of "our girls" run off with other people.

Just my PoV.

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sarabhapanjabs post is fabricated, not hard to tell. Embarrassing that sikhs would go and protect a mosque when people in tne mosque see us as anything but dirt. Have nothing against muslims, dont have an agenda against them, am not obsessed by them like many on here, just think recent events are too much.

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