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Sikhs Praised For Protecting Muslim Mosques


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I am absolutely digusted with the comments I am reading here. More than disgusted, it makes me really really sad how evil and hateful some of my sikh brothers have become. 3 young boys died. If 3 young boys had to die that night, statisticaly the chances are it would have been 3 sikh boys because more of them were out that night protecting the community. I grieve for those boys like they were my own and I am in awe at the eloquent humilty shown by the father of one of the boys. A man truly full of wisdom. What kind of inhuman animals have some of you become where you criticise sikhs for turning up at their memorial ? I implore every Sikh man, woman and child to show up at their funeral procession in force and show their families the love they deserve.

I would like to see this clip also.

If it is true, it is pretty disgraceful that a Sikh channel allowed itself to be used for Islamic dawah.

No Kaljug. It wasn't disgraceful. I was watching it live as it happend that night. Personally, I felt the muslims there showed an enourmous amount of tolerance and respect. You have to look at things in context. 3 young boys lay in critical condition fighting for their lives. The friends and relatives outside the hospital were praying for their survival. Right in the middle of their prayer the Sangat crew turn up. They interrupted their prayer with 'waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh'. If it had been the other way round and our prayers were interrupted in that way by a muslim TV station with cries of 'allah a akbar' we would be more than upset. You know as well as I do we would not have the patience and calmness to ignore it. But.....ignore it they did. Even after that they still spoke with respect. Then, while some muslims were trying to pray the older gentleman from Sangat decided to do ardaas for the youths. Still the muslims showed restraint, calmness and respect. Then, Upinder interrupted the young religious leader....the one leading the muslim prayer...and thrust the microphone in his face. Personally, I would have taken the microphone and rammed it up Upinders backside but this gentleman showed restraint and did his religious duty according to his religion and then asked to be kindly left alone. Honestly, hand on my heart, I felt they behaved with an amazing amount of humility towards us. Both you and I know it would have been a very different story if it was the other way round.

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West London Singh:

A previous poster said some muslim used the opportunity to dawah on a Sikh channel, encouraging Sikhs to abandon Sikhi and convert. To quote the previous poster quoting the due on tv:

"were muslims were here peacefully... bla bla.... and to the millions of viewers watching, study the life of mohammed, islam is the one true faith... say the shahada (declare ur self as a muslim)"

So did that happen or not?

Both you and I know it would have been a very different story if it was the other way round.

Honestly, I don't think that's the case at all.


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Hi everyone

I thought I would give my thoughts on this and a few other topics, as I was browsing this forum last night and reading some comments. I was browsing this forum precisely because of learning that Sikh brothers in London had protected a Mosque during prayers.

One extremely negative individual you have on here is Hammertime

No it has not made Sikhs look like mugs or weak, and I am not laughing (well technically I am right now at your comments).

He is obviously a little paranoid, and I'm willing to bet he is a big fan of the EDL and thinks that there's some huge conspiracy going on to get more Sikh girls. I'm sure most of you will recognise this is just a confused individual. I would like him to back up what he has said with facts as I found it extremely offensive.

In the Muslim/Pakistani we are extremely grateful for what Sikhs did and there is no ridiculous conspiracy. I would invite you all to look at the many Facebook pages that have been created, and have REAL comments from REAL individuals. I myself created a page talking of Muslim/Sikh unity and it has had more than a 1,000 likes.

But check this one out: http://www.facebook....177949708940424

9/10 Likes and comments on that page are from Muslims. Please take a moment to read the comments and realise how much the gesture was appreciated in our community.

The one good thing that has come out of these riots is that it has strengthened our communities. I sincerely hope this will continue, and whilst you get a few extremists on both sides the vast majority of our people want to live in peace because we realise that our commonalities outnumber our differences, we are stronger together.

I'm more than happy to answer any questions anyone may have. Just wanted to post in here as I read some of the comments and found them a little disturbing.

Thanks for reading.

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Welcome BritishPakistani, to the forum... yes we indeed have extremists on both sides (usually kids or people with low IQ) that dont want to see our two communities get along. Also outsiders burn and get jealous seeing us working for peace and unity so try their best to create problems. However through dialogue and mutual respect im sure we can over come those.

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Did anyone feel the beauty of the moment when the crowd was praying calling Allah, i.e Satnam/Waheguru their saviour and giver of everything.

Step back and realise that the Same Allah they pray to and Love is the same Satnam/Waheguru we love.....

He is in All, Satnam Waheguru Ji is Loved by:





I have a christian friend who speaks to god and hears him speak back to her as Loud as She hears me speak- She hears Satnam/Waheguru, she is black

Another friend prays to Satnam Waheguru 5 times a day, the same God she loves hears my heart and Love for Him at the same time....

He listens to the prayers and love of my muslim friend, christian friend, hindu friends at the same time that he hears my love and prayers-

Is that not an amazing Truth?

Gurbani is Truth, some may follow different paths, And yes Gurbani says the muslim has one eye open while the hindu has both eyes closed- i.e the muslim sees some Truth while the hindu is deluded by ignorance(not all, mostly ones who only believe in demi Gods)- What they have in common though is faith and love, they desire to find Him and to live in truth, they are just slightly misguided on how to embark on this journey- The gyan of matyrdom was spread by jesus,His tennents were Truth- the gyan of remaining psychologically sound in any given situation and of accepting hukam-

We are blessed to have the full truth in Gurbani before us so why not educate our brothers and sisters who love Him and search for him also(although some are slightly misguided) instead of hating them...

I am willing to bet good money that your black christian friend develops mental problems in her old age, this 'talking to god' thing is something some in their community take as the first step in that direction.

BTW, if some of us are so immature and low in IQ, at least we paid enough attention at school to know that Buddhists dont believe in God. Any God. And that different religions have different interpetations of God even if they show their love in the same way. But if these people really believe in the greatness of their Heaven/Paradise etc, why do they mourn the death of loved ones? Surely they have gone to better places? Are they sad because deep down they dont really know what happens after they die? Or because they fear they wont get in lol?

I could go on, but it will mostly go over people's super IQ and mature heads so I'll leave you all to sing Kumbaya

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Welcome BritishPakistani, to the forum... yes we indeed have extremists on both sides (usually kids or people with low IQ) that dont want to see our two communities get along. Also outsiders burn and get jealous seeing us working for peace and unity so try their best to create problems. However through dialogue and mutual respect im sure we can over come those.

Thank you for the warm welcome.

I agree completely. Unfortunately although the extremists may be small in number they normally shout the loudest. There are also those who want our communities to hate each other as it serves some of their own motives, both other Asian people, but also many white people (members of the EDL and BNP in particular).

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Thank you for the warm welcome.

I agree completely. Unfortunately although the extremists may be small in number they normally shout the loudest. There are also those who want our communities to hate each other as it serves some of their own motives, both other Asian people, but also many white people (members of the EDL and BNP in particular).

They have their own reasons I guess maybe personal experience.... thats up to them but the decent vast majority of our communities i believe want to see us get along. We may differ on theology and politics but when it comes down to it on a human level we all want to live with each other side by side in peace and unity. The extremists however hate that idea and they live miserable lives.

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He is obviously a little paranoid, and I'm willing to bet he is a big fan of the EDL and thinks that there's some huge conspiracy going on to get more Sikh girls. I'm sure most of you will recognise this is just a confused individual. I would like him to back up what he has said with facts as I found it extremely offensive.

In the Muslim/Pakistani we are extremely grateful for what Sikhs did and there is no ridiculous conspiracy. I would invite you all to look at the many Facebook pages that have been created, and have REAL comments from REAL individuals. I myself created a page talking of Muslim/Sikh unity and it has had more than a 1,000 likes.

But check this one out: http://www.facebook....177949708940424

9/10 Likes and comments on that page are from Muslims. Please take a moment to read the comments and realise how much the gesture was appreciated in our community.

Very nice page and comments, however I'm sad to say that there is a part of the Pakistani and Islamic community that are not averse to aggressive conversion and the use of deception to gain converts. These things are not openly discussed due to the shame of the families involved, but I'm sure you can find the information you are looking for here:


See one such story here:


See the piece by the journalist Clive Gresswell which mentions a group called The Real Khilafah Movement, a group of Muslims who were handing out leaflets urging Muslims to forcibly or deceptively convert SIkh girls to Islam:


GIven these reports, and many others which are not reported to the general public, I would say Hammertime (and the Sikh community in general) has a right to be concerned that some in your community may try to use this opportunity to further their own nefarious aims.

Such problems are endemic in many parts of the Islamic world and not just confined to the UK:

Two Christian Minors kidnapped and converted to Islam in Egypt:


Two underage Christian girls kidnapped and forcibly converted to Islam in Pakistan:


Catholic girl kidnapped in Pakistan and forced to convert to Islam:


Punjab (Pakistan): Christian woman forced to convert and marry ker kidnapper:


The desire for unity is all well and good, but you cannot have any lasting unity if you are going to deny such things happen and expect the Sikh community to play along. You will only have true unity when your community identifies and takes out its trash.

The one good thing that has come out of these riots is that it has strengthened our communities. I sincerely hope this will continue,

Yep, me too.


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