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Sikhs Praised For Protecting Muslim Mosques


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West London Singh:

A previous poster said some muslim used the opportunity to dawah on a Sikh channel, encouraging Sikhs to abandon Sikhi and convert. To quote the previous poster quoting the due on tv:

"were muslims were here peacefully... bla bla.... and to the millions of viewers watching, study the life of mohammed, islam is the one true faith... say the shahada (declare ur self as a muslim)"

So did that happen or not?

Honestly, I don't think that's the case at all.


On Sangat TV it was broadcast live when one of the brothers came out of the hospital devestated as he announced his brother was dead. at this the sangat tv presenter cried (again)...

about 5 mins before this, upinder was talking about oneness of humanity etc he was saying we should do aatdas for our "children" and "sons" who were "fighting for their life" in hospital.

when a paki youth was asked to coment he said what i quoted above.

this was aiired (on replay) at elast three times on sangat tv that night. (after the deaths were confirmed live, the broadcasting stopped).

This was said..... if anyone has a recording of the live footage it would also show it. this shouldnt be kept a secret.... some poeple are going on as if each adn every pakistani are our brothers and as if they were all out there defending the entire community. this is not the case.

dont be angry for me because of the comments this muslim youth said... also its stupid to pretend it didnt happen.

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How about working with the Muslims to stand against these extremist groups. They have seen that Sikhs are not bad people. Why not come together and stand against the gangs and the radical clerics. I'm sure the Muslims don't like them either because the actions of radicals gives their whole community a bad name. Instead of saying that all Muslims are bad, why not target the specific groups that are causing trouble? That's what Guru ji would want us to do.

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Kaljug Singh

Of course there is an extremist element within the Islamic and Pakistani community, and I would never deny that. The Anjem Choudhary lot are a minority, I can assure you. I am anti-extremist just like you are, and dislike those who openly want to convert everyone in an aggressive manner.

These people are a minority. The vast majority of us just want to live peacefully and look after our families, just like the vast majority of the Sikh community.


I am against the implementation of Sharia law in this country, but at the same time I am fierce in my pursuit to ensure my community and the asian community at large are not discriminated against by the media or others. Also, I believe everyone should be able to live their way of life within the laws.

An example of media bias: I hate it how they have not even mentioned that blacks (mainly) and whites were behind riots, but are quick to mention child groomers as Pakistani when they happen to be of that ethnicity.

I am 22, still young, and my aim is to join a group like the Qulliam foundation if you have heard of them. I am anti-extremist, whether that is the EDL or Islam4UK (and similar groups)

Everyone has to firstly differentiate between Pakistani gangsters (they are unislamic, the ones who sell drugs, drink, chase girls) and Islamic extremists (want to convert Sikh girls, implement Sharia)

The EDL and BNP would want you to think they are the one and same thing. Dare I say, some people on this forum are trying to do the same!

Gangsters trying to implement sharia do not exist - the two groups actually despise each other deep down. Even though these gangsters may preach to you, they are being hypocrites!

But I do agree we can do more, and every other community can do more to root out extremism from their people.

Hammertime you may have had one or two bad experiences, but I'm not sure why you paint everyone with the same brush mate.

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More people like BritishPakistani should speak up. The only people making noise on the Pakistani side are the crazies. I didn't even have to look hard for those forum posts. They were the first things that came up. Most of the commentators don't know the first thing about Sikhism. Bathe in Muslim blood...wow...

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How about working with the Muslims to stand against these extremist groups. They have seen that Sikhs are not bad people. Why not come together and stand against the gangs and the radical clerics. I'm sure the Muslims don't like them either because the actions of radicals gives their whole community a bad name. Instead of saying that all Muslims are bad, why not target the specific groups that are causing trouble? That's what Guru ji would want us to do.

Bit like asking the Jews and Nazis to work together! Will the Muslims dispense with the Mein Kampf of Mohammed? Historically the only semblance of unity and co-operation occurred when the Sikhs ruled Punjab, although even that is overplayed by some of the liberal Sikhs. The fact that many Sikhs on here don't want to accept is that our ancestors were much wiser than we are when it comes to knowing what Islam is and what attitudes and behaviours it inculcates in Muslims. Muslims only understand the language of violence. After 9/11 and 7/7 most Muslims thought the game was up and the West would be putting them into concentration camps and then on the first flight back to Pakiland. I heard this from literally hundreds of Muslims from Pakistanis to Somalis. But when they discovered that the liberal west was more interested in finding out what IT had done wrong that caused the Muslims to get violent, the Muslims changed their attitudes. Rather than a meek minority, they became more and more aggressive. Muppets like Blair and Brown threw millions of pounds at the Muslims and they like most thought "when we behave they give us nothing but when we get violent and bomb their people we get millions of pounds!" So what do you think? That they will behave in the future?

BritishPakistani might very well be one of those small minority of Muslims who actually feel some loyalty to the country they reside in as well as a fellow feeling with non-Muslims. The first could be argued as being in line with the Quran but the second certainly isn't! It's interesting that he seeks to divide his community into a minority who are criminals (drug dealers, sex abusers ), another minority who are religious extremists and the majority who he tells us are the same as him. I beg to differ, scratch any of his 'good' Pakistanis and you will, depending on the circumstances get a religious extremist or a criminal!

As I have written before, the Sikhs who are acting as if the Pakistanis are our best friends are just acting like useful idiots. The Pakistanis have the worst reputation in the UK even worse than the Kalay have. Even though a majority of the rioters were kalay yet you will still hear and read more bad comments from the general society against Pakistanis than kalay. The Pakistanis need good media after all the terrorist plots and grooming news stories that we have been getting on a daily basis. By standing with them, the Sikhs are creating an impression that we are also like them and there will be some very bad outcomes because of this in the future.

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