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How Should One Approach When Some Mahapurush Come To Your Gurudwara Sahib


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I have personally felt that , especially abroad, that when some Mahapurush come to Gurudwara shaib for Diwan or katha , then there are certain number of singhs around them . they can be local or Singhs who come with them who always surround them.

Now the local singhs always try to surround them and makes it difficult for normal person to talk to them. They take them to their own houses but normal person did not get any opportunity to meet them or talk to them

So i want to know that what should be done , in these sort of scenarios.

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I have personally felt that , especially abroad, that when some Mahapurush come to Gurudwara shaib for Diwan or katha , then there are certain number of singhs around them . they can be local or Singhs who come with them who always surround them.

Now the local singhs always try to surround them and makes it difficult for normal person to talk to them. They take them to their own houses but normal person did not get any opportunity to meet them or talk to them

So i want to know that what should be done , in these sort of scenarios.

WaheGuru simple really.......Just go up to the Mahapursh and say Fateh...The most basic and simple approach. If in doubt then approach the Sewadars they will help you.

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You already have mahapurash in your gurdwara sahib and nobody is greater than him :)

Better approach this Mahapurash sooner than later :) If you wish to talk to him you don't have to worry about those standing next to him, he's there for you and listens without appointment (Not that his Gursikhs need you to make appointments as they are no different to him).

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You should be going to gurudwara with the aim of cleansing your own vessel as Gurbani says. Gurudwara is the door of our Guru and Guru is our aim, our object of worship, and the focus of our attention. Only Guru is the Giver, no one else mahapurush or mungipurush!

Hence, everyone who is at a gurudwara(apart from Gurujee), is a beggar, I don’t care who they claim to be, or what others claim them to be. This is Sikhi in real action. Your generation really needs to stop hero worshipping personages and unite in seeing Sikhism as a faith of Khalsa equals so we can have a democratic instead of a feudalistic heirarchial structure to the panth that is damaging to the institution of Panj Pyaras set up by Dashmesh Gurdev Pita.

A truly enlightened saintly person, never draws attention to herself/himself and does not encourage others to crowd around him/her and rather shrugs off people. The One to behold, to trust, to love, to ask, to receive, and to listen to is the parkash, deedar roop and saroop of Gurdev in the form of Gurbani in a Gurudwara, nothing and nobody else.

If someone appears to be a great saint etc, let them be! It is none of your business to be bothering with them at a gurudwara where you have come to meet the boss who aint that saint but Gurujee!.

Your aim in life should be to ‘hukum rajai chalna’ because as Guru Nanak Dev Maharaj promises, this will make you ‘sachiara’ and break the ‘pal of kurh’. Your daily aim should be to ‘amrit vele sach nae, vdiai vichar’ because this will help you to ‘disheh darbar’ and by which God towards you will ‘sun dhreh pyaar!’. As my eldest brother in law once said to me ’keep it short and keep it simple’.

At Gurudwara focus your entire attention on Gur Maharaj and stop looking over your shoulders to gain anyone else's attention, or admiring anyone else’s avastha. To each his own. Sikhi is a path, a road and you need to follow the individual roadmap Gurujee is revealing to you personally as you progress on, in your rehatvaan jeevan .

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Actually i had exactly that point in my mind as all are beggars in front of Guru Shaib. But i had one thing at back of mind an dplease clear that.

I was thinking that If we know some Mahapurush or some high Avastha Singh and be their friend . Now we all have bad past karamas holding us from living jeevan Guru sahib way. SO if we can talk to mahapusrush , then they can do Ardass for ourself and that will wash away some sins because then their high kamai will be used.

But If for person who does not know them , He may be at loss.

This happened with me , I used to go to Gurudwara sahib during pre- Amritdhari days. many told me to Go for Gursikhi but i didn't agree. I used to go to that high Avastha Singh as his son was my friend.

He asked me why i am not going for Gurskih. I told him that i can not leave eating non veg food. Then He closed his eyes and did Ardass for me. I didn't knew what that will do. But Suddently after 1-2 weeks my mind got chnaged andi left eating non veg. i don't know what happened but i didn't wanted to leave eating non veg but something inside me chnaged my mind.

So i was thinking if we know some mahapurush or stay around them , they can wash our sins.

Few months back i was not at my home town then my friend told me that some Mahapurush came here. Did great Katha and Naam Simran. He told me me that while going they told Guru Shaib are happy have done lot Kirpa and bakshish to sangat here. I was thinking that i have missed those Kirpa.

Am i wrong in thinking that?

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In my opinion there are different types of Mahpurash. There are those who have Brahm Gyan and have a lot of bhagti and kamaiee and there are those who have done a lot of panthic and duniyavi seva.

The former type are the ones who have that extra strong connection to Waheguru and can take you on a journey at the blink of an eye. They also may say things that don't always make sense at the time but later the penny drops. These people know who they can help by doing an ardas and who they cannot, don't forget Karmi Apo Apni Ke Nere Ke Door. Still go and pay your regards with a Fateh and if they sense your feelings they may help. According to Gyani Thakur Singhs katha sometimes they will avoid the spiritual talk and just talk worldly things unless you ask them something specific but this might take some time to get to the point.

For the former type just pay your respects but don't expect miracles and commend them for the work they are doing and offer your support in any form.

If they are nakali or you are unsure just ask Maharaj for forgiveness for not seeing the light inside the person.

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