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Call To Sangat: Have You Been Effected By These People?


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No never. I avoid such people.

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There are many pictures of this couple but if we publish them, we are revealing their identities and this thread will be closed,

As far as we know there is no YouTube video as such about them but they are not from Smethwick, it's the Sandwell and DUDLEY area...

WaheGuru Ji why do we hesitate to speak the truth these days? Just generally , not aimed at you. We need to let the Sangat know, it's simple. There are already so many Paapi's out there that mislead Sikhs away from the real Sikhi. Just remeber we have to answer to Maharaj. Benti in your Charan, please do not hesitate to let the truth out. We are all one family and we wouldn't want any harm to come to any individual.

Maharaj Kirpa Karan.

Pull Chuk Maaf :waheguru:

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We are not hesitant, in the original post we had specified the names but this is deemed as personal and until the investigation is complete, we cannot disclose that information, but rest assured that once that investigation proves their guilt, which it will, everything about this couple will be exposed..

In the meanwhile please contact us if you, or someone you know has been affected by this...


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A very close friend has been involved with a COUPLE who may be the same as these deceitful people. I'd like to share what I know so that all the saadhsangat are aware of how messed up these people are:

My friend who had a very lucky escape was told by the female that the female was mai Bhago,that she was also Mian Meer and that she (my friend) must stay away from me (her best friend) because I am apparently envious of her..I realised that this was just to break her from anyone who may question the couples activities.

My friend was also introduced to a guy who was meant to be her destined partner but the lady changed her mind later when she saw that my friend and the guy were very happy together and she was no longer the centre of attention.

She told my friend to break ties with her family members and was told that her brothers in-laws had done black magic on him to control him..would mai Bhago really tell people this kind of stuff?NO! So basically she is just an attention seeking lowlife who is digging her own grave.

She also told my friend that she speaks to Yogi who tells her things and that she is the leader of one of the misels and is back to help the world. All I've heard about her is how she has split families up including sons and daughters from their parents and husbands from their wives as well as broken innocent peoples rishte as she thinks guru gobind singh ji tells her to pass on the message that two people are no longer suitable for each other. Total nonsense..worst of all she manages to break two people away in such a way that they would never even cross each others path again due to the fear of doing so that she implants

These kind of people are playing mind games in the name of religion and have a very heavy price to pay for it. It may be a different couple that I'm talking about but they are also from the midlands area so maybe it's just a very unfortunate place that is home to such messed up people.

Their baana is deceiving so I just urge the Sangat to not be fooled by white baana and huge dumalas.

such an eg of: 'chite Jin ke kapre, maile chit kathore jio'

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I'm sure there's enough chardikala Gursikhs in the uk to set the same kind of punishment in the uk! Just that in India these fakes had to walk the streets of the pind holding their ears...in the uk they'll have to walk the streets of the major cities.they should have known their actions had consequences.theres no excuses for their actions but to get money and power and feed their ego.

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Has the couple been officially approached by the local Sikhs or Jatha about their activities?? Many people in the Sangat seem to know about their claims but has there been an official approach. Seeing they are children of a prominent Gursikh, I would have expected some Gursikh elders would have intervened and expressed concerns by now.

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