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Sikh Response To Hukam In This Video


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Thank You N30Singhji

Is it possible if you could you please make a kind of dictionary in a new thread for the complex words like Sanchit , Paralabdh , Kiriaman and all others. I know you have translated them in brackets but all coming together makes it reallt hard to understand and grasp.

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If you are a conscious human being, aware of life is sacred. Free will is the greatest gift of Whaeguru to human beings, you will not revoke other beings free will by rape, killing or other means. Free will means that we have a choice to create our own experience in this life. Since physical life has a polarity of two forces love and fear. GOD put a choice in front of us how do we want to create our experience love or fear?

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Thank You N30Singhji

Is it possible if you could you please make a kind of dictionary in a new thread for the complex words like Sanchit , Paralabdh , Kiriaman and all others. I know you have translated them in brackets but all coming together makes it reallt hard to understand and grasp.

Haan ji, here is simpler way to look at them, its from soraj parkash - atam gyan katha by bhai dya singh ji


Three types of karam:
Sanchit Karams: It is the sum of one's past karmas – all actions (good and bad) from one's past life follow through to the next life.
Kriyamana karma: It's the karma that human beings are creating in the present, the fruits of which will be experienced in the future.
Prarabdha: Its is that portion of the past karma which is responsible for the present body. That portion of the sanchita karma which influences human life in the present incarnation is called prarabdha. It is ripe for reaping. It cannot be avoided or changed. It is only exhausted by being experienced. You pay your past debts. Prarabdha karma is that which has begun and is actually bearing fruit. It is selected out of the mass of the sanchita karma."
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So if a girl was raped she deserved it for her past life karmas? We shouldn't save her either if we could as it would intervene with her karmas punishment going against god's justice?

For a Sikh revelation (Gurbani) is superior to reason. If Gurbani says karma system is created by God according to which the world operates then it must be held as true. No excuses or reasons. Karma cannot be understood completely by humans. God alone knows everything.

If a girl gets raped, it doesn’t necessarily follow that it is due to her past karma. In one instance, it could be that the rapist had some karmic debt to pay and cause harm to the girl. He decides to rape the girl instead of choosing any other way. This causes a new karma to begin. In second instance, it could be that the girl had no past karma interaction with the rapist and the latter decides to start a new karma altogether which is not linked to any past karma. In both cases, a new karma cycle begins. Only God knows all circumstances.

Karma doesn’t decide the fate nor does it fix the action. Past Karma or predestination only works up to putting one in a certain situation after which it is up to the person to decide his course of action. If he is manmukh he will do bad and incur more bad karma. If he is gurmukh he will make the right choice and end the karma or incur good karma. This is why Gurmat is so essential to become free from karmic cycle. Gurmat doesn’t prohibit Sikhs from fighting injustice and oppression at all levels. We are not slaves of karma nor do karmas have any power of their own. Power of Naam can cut down and eliminate karma completely. A gursikh is active in spheres of life.

In religions that do not believe in karma state that everything is decided and done by God which means rape etc. is done by Allah reducing the criminals to mere puppets. This is an invalid system and makes God unjust.

Karma works at individual level and there is no such thing as collective karma of a community, religion or country. Guru Rakha

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There are many gurbani tukhs which talks about that in bhramgyan avastha and jaap of self again pointing towards bhramgyan- there is no paap or poun pointing towards at atamgyan/bhramgyan state - rule of karma does not apply to them as at that state of mind, one is fully attached to vahiguroo chaitan bhram (Supreme consciousness) and whatever action is done is done involuntarily in other words whatever action is done is done without attachment - fully nirlaip -having no effect on surti as surti itself perceives Vahiguroo supreme pure awareness consciousness - become that itself and nothing else despite of any actions.

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Is it safe to say we're born with with a certain percent of things we can't change based on our past karams, like our environment, our personality (to an extent) and the rest we have been given our own kalam and paper to write with?

Does simran and doing bhagti lift us out of cycle of karam?

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Is it safe to say we're born with with a certain percent of things we can't change based on our past karams, like our environment, our personality (to an extent) and the rest we have been given our own kalam and paper to write with?

Does simran and doing bhagti lift us out of cycle of karam?

Doing Naam Simran, Paath is the only action that doesn't create a karmic cycle. In fact, it cuts karams.

This Bhai Sahib jee in this video explains it on 1:35

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I think it also depends on intention or aim of an individual if someone is doing naam simran to get to certain state and get ridhiya sidhiya then abuse the authority and powers that also creates vicious cycle of future karma and also creates road block for themselves in journey towards vahiguroo.

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So if a girl was raped she deserved it for her past life karmas? We shouldn't save her either if we could as it would intervene with her karmas punishment going against god's justice?

Thats avery basic way of looking at. It... its not so black and white....if ther was such a manuel we would all be bhramgianis....

What would you do?

Many scenarios occur..maybe she was meant to get raped....maybe she was about to get raped but a yodha like you saved her...maybe she got raped and saw a yodha on the side who did nothing..contemplate on this.......this is kalyug..understand why you are here and who you are....then you will be able to serve and do ardas for sarbatt da bhallaa..including the rapist and victim..fateh

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