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Sikhs Of West And Punjabi Language - Why Nobody Talk About It?


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West born amritdhari sikhs in majority don't use punjabi as their mother tongue. They can't keep up conversation in punjabi nor they know how to write punjabi. If they don't take immediate steps then it won't be far when our language will be gone from our households.

How do you feel about this issue?

I know we don't use it as mother tongue..but we are here in the west !

Just kidding......!...

It's not as easy as you think and most of us can understand it ok but reading has to be learned by self. As for writing... I am completely lost because it was way too much for me and I thought that I'm never going to write in practice for real am I ?.....so sadly, I have never attempted further to learn to write it.

I don't feel too bad, but trying to teach my kid's is real difficult and especially because we tend to speak english anyway with a few punjabi words thrown into sentences when they help make the sentence statement a little quicker in speech..hunna?

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lucky singh ji, i agree with you that living in west it is tough to preserve our language because of lack of resources available by our community. However, i feel that we should do our best (more than what we can do) to make sure that our future generation got the proper chance to learn punjabi. My dad left punjab when he was in 20's. I was born out of punjab. However, spending 2 years of boarding school in rural side of punjab changed my views a lot.

I am teaching my kid to speak only punjabi words when addressing me/singhni as baebay ji or bapu ji (very tough to do so but im doing it). I started addressing my parents in our original words (though they hated it at first but accepted it). We all know that there was no mom/dad, father/mother etc during khalsa raj time or our guru jees time. i know my kid will speak english in school and with society but inside house we are trying our best to speak our language in original form & preserve it.

However, i find it strange that there are lots of people who don't think writing, reading & speaking punjabi is that important.

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surely it's ehme ...fifty percent punjabi failed ....aieee

Seriously that's how the Chinese tried to destroy Buddhism they attacked the language first , and how the slaves were subdued by White traders preventing them from speaking their languages. And that is how our future generations are being distanced from original historical information, and increasing their reliance on the gandigi being printed in Hindi text and English by SGPC and RSS

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Blame it on the parents who have no time to teach Punjabi to their children.

veer some parents have limited colloqiual panjabi but know gurbani and arth of the panjabi used there , whatever they have they are passing on is that the best start ?

I would love to learn more but I feel that what is useful in day to day is limited help as people don't speak so eloquently in Panjabi these days ...would love to be able to speak my beautiful maa boli to the fullest extent and stomp out those people's opinions that it's the language of ujard lok

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Sikhs are so small of a minority, that they really won't use it in their lives. My family members have forgotten the Punjabi outside of gurbani, and don't write it on a daily basis. Punjabi people are also a small minority outside of some really special places. (I personally don't meet Sikh people on a daily basis and am usually the only one in a crowd).

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