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Jagraj Singh On Beeb This Sunday @ 10am

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I think the reason why there is a "perceived inferiority complex" is because at this current moment in time, the Brits and the west do better in general than the east.

They govern better, they have a rule of law, they tend to have better cohesion. They may have robbed and looted but they used that loot to improve their condition, living standards, quality of life.

We can blame the Brits all we want, but that is not going to get you anywhere.

We have cultural flaws that had enabled the conquest. We should address those issues.

An example I can provide of how the blacks have great resentment over the white man over slavery. Many African Americans have gone to west Africa to see where their ancestors were and what did they discover? That Africans were involved in the slave trade, they were betrayed by their own.

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Interesting point.

What do you think they are?

One point culturally, is the habit of our people (talking pre-Sikhi here as well) collaborating with the outsider to bring down the system/structure.

Prithvi Chauhan was done over by Jai Chand, the Dogras screwed over the Khalsa Empire. There are also other people examples.

You see this behaviour in today's society as well.

Treachery seems to be a cultural trait.

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One point culturally, is the habit of our people (talking pre-Sikhi here as well) collaborating with the outsider to bring down the system/structure.

Prithvi Chauhan was done over by Jai Chand, the Dogras screwed over the Khalsa Empire. There are also other people examples.

You see this behaviour in today's society as well.

Treachery seems to be a cultural trait.

That's a bitter pill to swallow.

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That's a bitter pill to swallow.

There's a whole medicine cabinet to swallow.

I remember reading that I when India used to be invaded and it was centrally controlled by Delhi, it was said that Delhi did not bother unless it was directly being attacked.

It is the degree of apathy of what goes on. I noticed the same attitude a few years when I lost my temper with airport staff at Delhi Airport.

Apathy is a big problem, no one cares.

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I think the reason why there is a "perceived inferiority complex" is because at this current moment in time, the Brits and the west do better in general than the east.

They govern better, they have a rule of law, they tend to have better cohesion. They may have robbed and looted but they used that loot to improve their condition, living standards, quality of life.

We can blame the Brits all we want, but that is not going to get you anywhere.

We have cultural flaws that had enabled the conquest. We should address those issues.

An example I can provide of how the blacks have great resentment over the white man over slavery. Many African Americans have gone to west Africa to see where their ancestors were and what did they discover? That Africans were involved in the slave trade, they were betrayed by their own.

Whites never looted anything from colonies. This is a lie. There was nothing to loot as the east was largely agrarian societies. If anything they brought industry to the east.

The fundamental difference between all humans are cultural outlook. Whites have greater cohesion then most other races. They have better relationship among each other. They are far more honest and truthful. They have a more balanced outlook towards life. That is why they are able to achieve a lot.

Compare this to Indians. If you want to understand the Indian mind set, just watch Z TV dramas. Over inflated ego, back stabbing, fighting, lying, cheating, stealing, crazy delusional one minded view of the world, unable to rationalize....etc, etc. And that is why India will always be India, a king sized <banned word filter activated> hole. I can't believe people actually switch on the tv to watch that crap.

Some Asians admire this trait of whites, like the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans, so they mimick them as best as they can and achieve a lot. That explains how places like Hong Kong and Japan are economic powerhouses. Indians, Africans, Mid Easterners... and a good number of Punjabis suffer from envy and delusional mindset. Somehow in their cuckoo mumbo jumbo world, Whites made them poor. They never look at their own flaws. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever. And they will always remain stupid.

Just look at Africa and S. America. They are sitting on so much wealth yet they are so poor.

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Whites never looted anything from colonies. This is a lie. There was nothing to loot as the east was largely agrarian societies. If anything they brought industry to the east.

The fundamental difference between all humans are cultural outlook. Whites have greater cohesion then most other races. They have better relationship among each other. They are far more honest and truthful. They have a more balanced outlook towards life. That is why they are able to achieve a lot.

Compare this to Indians. If you want to understand the Indian mind set, just watch Z TV dramas. Over inflated ego, back stabbing, fighting, lying, cheating, stealing, crazy delusional one minded view of the world, unable to rationalize....etc, etc. And that is why India will always be India, a king sized <banned word filter activated> hole. I can't believe people actually switch on the tv to watch that crap.

Some Asians admire this trait of whites, like the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans, so they mimick them as best as they can and achieve a lot. That explains how places like Hong Kong and Japan are economic powerhouses. Indians, Africans, Mid Easterners... and a good number of Punjabis suffer from envy and delusional mindset. Somehow in their cuckoo mumbo jumbo world, Whites made them poor. They never look at their own flaws. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever. And they will always remain stupid.

Just look at Africa and S. America. They are sitting on so much wealth yet they are so poor.

'sohni di chidri' is how India was known because of the wealth ...that is the historical moniker .

People you have to remember the Dogras were Bahmin who had amrit but refused to let go of bahmin behaviours and Maharaja Ranjit SIngh allowed this somehow . This is age old tactic , in gurbani this mentality is discussed if I remember correctly Guru ji says that they act as the malech in public and yet in secret do bahmin rites .

The angrez came to Punjab/sikh raj thinking they could criticise it for literary inferiority and lack of cultural sophistication because of the wars our people went through and yet we had poets , writers of epic prose, historians, everyone was multilingual , farsi was the court language on top of gurmukhi and sanskrit study . even the farmers and villagers were all educated people literate and numerate over 85% , england was much less... the burning of books was the kaida books sent out to every village for free of cost education.

people had religious freedom, law and order was in place, and people were able to prosper , in fact pakistani scholars admit things were so good in the sikh raj.

if the angrez did not loot how comes they had Guru ji's shastars for so many years? how comes purataan Birs are still in museums here in uk? stop thinking just in monetary value

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