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95% of Sikhs living stupid lifestyle?


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2 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

Are the Indians smart enough to enact all of the above, bhenji? I don't, for one moment, doubt any of your keenly observed points, but have they the intellectual wherewithal to design and implement such a plan, that will take generations to come to fruition, in order to suppress, subvert, demoralise, and ultimately destroy an entire faith and its followers? Those street-5hitting, wealth and status obsessed Indians have the nous for all that? I don't know, I think we need to look a lot closer to home for the culprits who are enabling our decline. When it comes to governmental policies designed to hamstring Sikhs, then I agree, but what of the other social and everyday issues that aren't affected by the devious hand of the state? That's all on us, surely?

Yep. I think we've gone onto some 'blame culture' for everything. Yes, somethings are imposed on us, but a fair few, if not most of our shortcomings and problems stem from our own society and what they've prioritised. 

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12 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

Are the Indians smart enough to enact all of the above, bhenji? I don't, for one moment, doubt any of your keenly observed points, but have they the intellectual wherewithal to design and implement such a plan, that will take generations to come to fruition, in order to suppress, subvert, demoralise, and ultimately destroy an entire faith and its followers? Those street-5hitting, wealth and status obsessed Indians have the nous for all that? I don't know, I think we need to look a lot closer to home for the culprits who are enabling our decline. When it comes to governmental policies designed to hamstring Sikhs, then I agree, but what of the other social and everyday issues that aren't affected by the devious hand of the state? That's all on us, surely?

not the general population perhaps but we are talking about chankaya brahmin mat wale , and yes they are prepared to play the long game , didn't they engratiate themselves to every invader to only keep their influence e.g. Chandu, Suchanand , Nehru, Gandhi? Didn't Guru ji mention them in Gurbani as pretending to be like mallech outside but then going home and carrying on their customs ? 

Badal , majithia and the other 6 families are hindu brahinwad  collaborators , we should treat them like the French treated collaborators after their emancipation in the world war.

SYL is the last in a chain of events that stole our life blood but because we as a group were not aware of the long game and still trusting the words of our 'panthik' politicians failed to act when necessary. Now we have to make the water issue an international law issue , those who are being ripped off in a similar way will want to see us succeed because it strengthens their cases. The time is right, Guru ji is sending signs fast and furious to move now and enliven the kaum

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On 2/8/2017 at 4:47 PM, dallysingh101 said:

Going back to the OP. Do people think we've become weak bhangra paa-ing clowns now? Is the author of the video right in his statement regarding the Delhi Sikh men who were massacred because they'd failed to live up to the physical/military aspects of the Sikh way of life?

I've experienced that demeaning thing where someone finds out you are Sikh and points their fingers in the air, moves their shoulders up and down and goes 'balle balle'. 

Do you think people actually see us as warriors when they meet us in the west? Or sticklers to an archaic religion/way of life? (in their eyes not mine!)

Agree that a significant minority of our population are "weak bhangra paa-ing clowns". And yes, I think it's reality in India that the traditional urban-dwelling Sikhs are not known for their physical/martial strengths, but I don't know how situation was then compared to now. Think i have read some accounts of the men or women putting up a good fight. 

"experienced that demeaning thing where someone finds out you are Sikh and points their fingers in the air, moves their shoulders up and down and goes 'balle balle'."    Not exactly, but remember a while back for a vocational placement at Uni I met a lady who worked there from South India and her first conversation with me she started talking about the 'balle balle' aspect of Sikhs. Also experienced this from another woman from Kerala (but brought up in Middle East) whose first thoughts about SIkhs were related to Bollywood and dancing. 


On 12/20/2021 at 4:39 AM, dallysingh101 said:

bump - well worth watching the short vid in the OP


Agree, hence bumping it again. For anyone not watched it, it's a good video, the voice is 'nice'/easy to listen to and he speaks concisely /succinctly. Basically telling us about how Puratan Sikh were warriors and they never did this bhangra /giddha stuff, and how they had arms training. Even how at time of Sant Jarnail Singh ji, they had trained Singhs with them. 

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