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Guest Vote Preet Kaur Gill

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On ‎01‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 0:42 AM, Guest Jagsaw_Singh said:

That's because the fresh off the boats in Canada (who are the vast majority) vote 'India stylee' in Canada......i.e. in blocks for their 'man' without a care or thought about policies, The UK Sikh community is exactly like the established 3rd and 4th generation Sikh community of Canada in that they want to know what you stand for before deciding whether or not they should put a cross next to your name in the ballot box. Despite the high numbers of politicians Canadian surveys have revealed that Sikhs are the single most hated group in Canada among Canadians as a whole. The UK Pakistanis work to the same modus operandi as the Sikh Canadian fresh off the boats. They also have cornered the 'politician' market in the same way they have cornered the kebab and taxi market. In terms of true substance it means nothing. Despite so many MP's, cabinet ministers and even the Mayor of the greatest city on earth surveys have shown them to be the single most hated community in the whole of Britain among Britons.


 2 questions:

1) If Preet Kaur Gill is married to an Amritdhari why is it that Preet Kaur Gill still doesn't have enough akal to stop cutting her hair to just below the ears ?

2) If Preet Kaur Gill is married to an Amritdhari, what kind of amritdhari is he that keeps a wife with her hair cut, styled and dyed ?

A simple Google internet search reveals plenty of pictures and news stories of Preet Kaur Gill (who is married to an Amritdhari Singh) and yet, strangely, there is nothing in which Preet Kaur Gill (who is married to an Amritdhari Singh) says anything about the plight of Sikhs in Punjab.....or the Sikh genocide....or the right of Sikhs.

If Preet Kaur Gill (who is married to an Amritdhari Singh) wants our votes then Preet Kaur Gill (who is married to an Amritdhari Singh) needs to understand that we are not uneducated performing monkeys that will vote for her just because she is Preet Kaur Gill (who is married to an Amritdhari Singh). For Preet Kaur Gill (who is married to an Amritdhari Singh) to come onto this forum and expect our votes just on the basis that she has the word 'Kaur' in her name (and is married to an Amritdhari Singh) without telling us ANY of the things she believes in or stands for tells us exactly what she thinks of us on an intellectual level. Best of luck to Preet Kaur Gill (who is married to an Amritdhari Singh).


lol whas with the (married to Amritdhari Singh) every single line?

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What matters is what party she's representing. I like to think from mind. Sometimes I might think from an emotional point of view. But to get somewhere in life, gotta think from mind!

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14 hours ago, ghettosikh said:

I don't know why you always gotta lie and try to slander the Canadian Sikh community. It's your Muslim brothers that are most hated in Canada not Sikhs lol

dunno the stunts that the Sun pulled show a massive hatred for sikhs 

may2 cartoon after Captain verbal assault


notice how it digs at shaheedi of Bhai Dayal Das ji


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  • 10 months later...
On 5/1/2017 at 8:13 AM, Guest Vote Preet Kaur Gill said:

Image result for preet kaur gill

I might have been wrong about her husband being Amritdhari.

But she still represents the best chance Sikhs might have for even just one lone isolated voice at Westminster.

Jagsaw would you rather see a Pakistani MP in Edgbaston or a Sikh one?



That isn't her husband.  That is her brother :nosee:




Not only is her husband NOT amritdhari, but he's NOT even a singh.  This is her with her husband:






No offense to Preet Gill/Shergill.  She seems to be doing good work in parliament so far.  I just wish people would not spread misinformation.

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3 hours ago, californiasardar1 said:


That isn't her husband.  That is her brother :nosee:




Not only is her husband NOT amritdhari, but he's NOT even a singh.  This is her with her husband:






No offense to Preet Gill/Shergill.  She seems to be doing good work in parliament so far.  I just wish people would not spread misinformation.

Guys name is Suresh Singh Chopra - that is an odd name for a Sikh!!

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32 minutes ago, InderjitS said:

Guys name is Suresh Singh Chopra - that is an odd name for a Sikh!!

Are you sure there is a "singh" in his name?  I've only seen "Sureash Chopra" written in articles.

Anyway, you are right that that is an odd name for a Sikh.  "Sureash" sounds like a Hindu name.  But from his last name, you can tell that he comes from a Punjabi Khatri background, and the Punjabi Khatri community comprises both Hindus and Sikhs.  Hindu and Sikh Khatris often intermarry, and it is not uncommon for Hindu Khatris to go to the Gurdwara and adopt some Sikh practices (and for Sikh Khatris to go to the Mandir and adopt some Hindu practices).  It's a very hybrid community, which may explain the odd-sounding name.

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Anyway, let's look at this situation:

Preet Gill's father was an amritdhari singh who was very prominent in the Sikh community.  He served as President of the Smethwick Gurdwara for many years, and he did lots of other great sewa in the community, for example, establishing organizations to offer support to youth and to women suffering from abuse.  Like their father, Preet Gill's brothers are singhs.  Yet, Preet Gill herself cuts her hair and is married to a mona.  I wish I could say that I am surprised, but there are numerous examples like this, seemingly everywhere you look.

Don't get me wrong.  Preet Gill seems to be doing a fine job in parliament.  I really respect her work in taking up Sikh issues and especially her efforts to highlight the case of Jaggi Johal and ensure that he is treated fairly.  I am sure that she is a much better Sikh than people like me.

But the questions remain.  If Sikh women like this this become patit, how are we going to preserve Sikhi in future generations?  If Sikh women from such a strong Sikh background cut their hair and marry monay, where are singhs supposed to look to find wives?  Obviously, Sikh women from clean shaven families will not look twice at a singh, but if women from such strong Sikh background are also looking elsewhere, what will singhs do? 


Anyway, at least there is a silver lining to this: we now know that Preet Gill's husband is not an amritdhari singh, which means that West London Singh / Legal Singh / Jagsaw Singh will have an easier time sleeping at night, since there is one less case of a rehat-breaking amritdhari/non-amritdhari marriage than he thought there was before reading the latest series of posts in this thread. 

Instead of marrying an amritdhari singh (or a non-amritdhari singh), Preet Gill married a mona, which is much better.


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1 hour ago, californiasardar1 said:

Are you sure there is a "singh" in his name?  I've only seen "Sureash Chopra" written in articles.

Anyway, you are right that that is an odd name for a Sikh.  "Sureash" sounds like a Hindu name.  But from his last name, you can tell that he comes from a Punjabi Khatri background, and the Punjabi Khatri community comprises both Hindus and Sikhs.  Hindu and Sikh Khatris often intermarry, and it is not uncommon for Hindu Khatris to go to the Gurdwara and adopt some Sikh practices (and for Sikh Khatris to go to the Mandir and adopt some Hindu practices).  It's a very hybrid community, which may explain the odd-sounding name.

Her wiki page has inserted Singh, it's possible they are trying to legitimise the relationship. I'm really not concerned about Singh's finding like minded partners, is it really such a big issue? 

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