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Guest Sikh demographics

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Guest Sikh demographics

We often hear about how we as Asians non-Sikhs feel sorry for the ingenious white people indigenous Sikhs of the UK east Punjab due to the perceived take over there by ethnic minorities non-Sikhs

Ie Britian east Punjab, in certain areas have become a white Sikh minority population areas like Doaba. 

ie before the last 50 years whites Sikhs were the clear majority in the UK then newly created smaller east Punjab.

But now they are becoming the minority in their own tiny homeland. (Shock horror)

But should we feel sorry for our pale skinned long haired friends?

After all it was these peoples Sikhs who did no parchar about the truth of Sikhi. They never committed any genocides or wars against innocents. But are they getting a taste of their own medicine and Karma for all the bad lack of parchar they did in India, Africa and all over the world? ie they looted ignored billions of poor non-white people in Asia and Africa crying out for Sikhi in contrast to Christianity and Islam that killed millions and enslaved millions as the most Genocidal religions the World has ever seen. Christian Europeans and Muslim Arabs were the biggest robbers and war criminals the world has ever seen. But they both have 200 times more adherents to those slavemaster faiths than Sikhs. Even just in India there are 10 times the number of Muslims and Christians combined as there are Sikhs (excluding Pakistan and Bangladesh).

If Sikhs did not try every exclude sehajdhari non-Punjabi people from the Panth there would not be many of us non-Sikhs left in India let alone in Punjab

If we look at the racial ethnic mix of the UK east Punjab. Majority come from former colonies areas strongly associated with Sikhi in the Indian sub continent such as Bihar where Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj and Shaheed Bhai Jiwan Singh Ji were born. 

Are the british Sikhs getting their just desserts? 

Their religion Sikhi is indisputably the Truth. But they don’t do parchar. They make it difficult for sehajdhari non-Punjabi’s or even so-called Hindu Punjabi’s to feel part of the Sikh Panth. They even define regular Gurdwara Sangat as non-Sikhs on the basis of family background. Their SGPC hasn’t even translated the Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj into the languages of the Panj Piare spoke such as the Dravidian languages, Gujarati and Odisha bhasha and Urdu and Gojri. Instead of setting up 550 new schools, medical dispensaries, hospitals for poor and oppressed in the 550th year after Guru Nanak Dev Ji came to Earth these rich western Sikhs are more interested in enriching the Pakistani Government and hoteliers by visiting Pakistan. They think Sikhi is a faith inherited by birth and defined solely by the criteria of non-Amritdhari’s keeping hair or not to be counted as Sikhs.

But now as a result we non-Sikhs are going to rule leave them a minority in east Punjab very soon and they are becoming a smaller and smaller minority throughout the rest of India as a result of their idiotic community representatives defining anyone with a haircut (like Guru da Sikh Bhai Moti Ram Mehra) as a Hindu and defining anyone with a circumcision as a Muslim (like Bhai Mardana Ji). If the Sikhs cannot unite every pind in Punjab under a single united Gurdwara in the next 2years don't they deserve to decrease in percentage of population more and more each year?

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21 hours ago, Guest Sikh demographics said:

We often hear about how we as Asians non-Sikhs feel sorry for the ingenious white people indigenous Sikhs of the UK east Punjab due to the perceived take over there by ethnic minorities non-Sikhs

Ie Britian east Punjab, in certain areas have become a white Sikh minority population areas like Doaba. 

ie before the last 50 years whites Sikhs were the clear majority in the UK then newly created smaller east Punjab.

But now they are becoming the minority in their own tiny homeland. (Shock horror)

But should we feel sorry for our pale skinned long haired friends?

After all it was these peoples Sikhs who did no parchar about the truth of Sikhi. They never committed any genocides or wars against innocents. But are they getting a taste of their own medicine and Karma for all the bad lack of parchar they did in India, Africa and all over the world? ie they looted ignored billions of poor non-white people in Asia and Africa crying out for Sikhi in contrast to Christianity and Islam that killed millions and enslaved millions as the most Genocidal religions the World has ever seen. Christian Europeans and Muslim Arabs were the biggest robbers and war criminals the world has ever seen. But they both have 200 times more adherents to those slavemaster faiths than Sikhs. Even just in India there are 10 times the number of Muslims and Christians combined as there are Sikhs (excluding Pakistan and Bangladesh).

If Sikhs did not try every exclude sehajdhari non-Punjabi people from the Panth there would not be many of us non-Sikhs left in India let alone in Punjab

If we look at the racial ethnic mix of the UK east Punjab. Majority come from former colonies areas strongly associated with Sikhi in the Indian sub continent such as Bihar where Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj and Shaheed Bhai Jiwan Singh Ji were born. 

Are the british Sikhs getting their just desserts? 

Their religion Sikhi is indisputably the Truth. But they don’t do parchar. They make it difficult for sehajdhari non-Punjabi’s or even so-called Hindu Punjabi’s to feel part of the Sikh Panth. They even define regular Gurdwara Sangat as non-Sikhs on the basis of family background. Their SGPC hasn’t even translated the Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj into the languages of the Panj Piare spoke such as the Dravidian languages, Gujarati and Odisha bhasha and Urdu and Gojri. Instead of setting up 550 new schools, medical dispensaries, hospitals for poor and oppressed in the 550th year after Guru Nanak Dev Ji came to Earth these rich western Sikhs are more interested in enriching the Pakistani Government and hoteliers by visiting Pakistan. They think Sikhi is a faith inherited by birth and defined solely by the criteria of non-Amritdhari’s keeping hair or not to be counted as Sikhs.

But now as a result we non-Sikhs are going to rule leave them a minority in east Punjab very soon and they are becoming a smaller and smaller minority throughout the rest of India as a result of their idiotic community representatives defining anyone with a haircut (like Guru da Sikh Bhai Moti Ram Mehra) as a Hindu and defining anyone with a circumcision as a Muslim (like Bhai Mardana Ji). If the Sikhs cannot unite every pind in Punjab under a single united Gurdwara in the next 2years don't they deserve to decrease in percentage of population more and more each year?


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On ‎1‎/‎20‎/‎2019 at 5:48 AM, Guest Sikh demographics said:

We often hear about how we as Asians non-Sikhs feel sorry for the ingenious white people indigenous Sikhs of the UK east Punjab due to the perceived take over there by ethnic minorities non-Sikhs

Ie Britian east Punjab, in certain areas have become a white Sikh minority population areas like Doaba. 

ie before the last 50 years whites Sikhs were the clear majority in the UK then newly created smaller east Punjab.

But now they are becoming the minority in their own tiny homeland. (Shock horror)

But should we feel sorry for our pale skinned long haired friends?

After all it was these peoples Sikhs who did no parchar about the truth of Sikhi. They never committed any genocides or wars against innocents. But are they getting a taste of their own medicine and Karma for all the bad lack of parchar they did in India, Africa and all over the world? ie they looted ignored billions of poor non-white people in Asia and Africa crying out for Sikhi in contrast to Christianity and Islam that killed millions and enslaved millions as the most Genocidal religions the World has ever seen. Christian Europeans and Muslim Arabs were the biggest robbers and war criminals the world has ever seen. But they both have 200 times more adherents to those slavemaster faiths than Sikhs. Even just in India there are 10 times the number of Muslims and Christians combined as there are Sikhs (excluding Pakistan and Bangladesh).

If Sikhs did not try every exclude sehajdhari non-Punjabi people from the Panth there would not be many of us non-Sikhs left in India let alone in Punjab

If we look at the racial ethnic mix of the UK east Punjab. Majority come from former colonies areas strongly associated with Sikhi in the Indian sub continent such as Bihar where Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj and Shaheed Bhai Jiwan Singh Ji were born. 

Are the british Sikhs getting their just desserts? 

Their religion Sikhi is indisputably the Truth. But they don’t do parchar. They make it difficult for sehajdhari non-Punjabi’s or even so-called Hindu Punjabi’s to feel part of the Sikh Panth. They even define regular Gurdwara Sangat as non-Sikhs on the basis of family background. Their SGPC hasn’t even translated the Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj into the languages of the Panj Piare spoke such as the Dravidian languages, Gujarati and Odisha bhasha and Urdu and Gojri. Instead of setting up 550 new schools, medical dispensaries, hospitals for poor and oppressed in the 550th year after Guru Nanak Dev Ji came to Earth these rich western Sikhs are more interested in enriching the Pakistani Government and hoteliers by visiting Pakistan. They think Sikhi is a faith inherited by birth and defined solely by the criteria of non-Amritdhari’s keeping hair or not to be counted as Sikhs.

But now as a result we non-Sikhs are going to rule leave them a minority in east Punjab very soon and they are becoming a smaller and smaller minority throughout the rest of India as a result of their idiotic community representatives defining anyone with a haircut (like Guru da Sikh Bhai Moti Ram Mehra) as a Hindu and defining anyone with a circumcision as a Muslim (like Bhai Mardana Ji). If the Sikhs cannot unite every pind in Punjab under a single united Gurdwara in the next 2years don't they deserve to decrease in percentage of population more and more each year?


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sorry but missionary activity was not a part of sikh teachings.  

sikhism took care of itself for 500 years before your current birth, including through numerous genocide campaigns.  at one point invaders even banned the use of the word 'Guru' in panjab and gave out rewards for people who betrayed sikhs for execution. ( sikhs had to go into hiding).  the building at Harimandir Sahib was demolished/attacked at least 3 times, but rebuilt each time.

you are just insecure.

why don't you get more involved in sikhism spiritually rather than fixating on converting others?  you might lose your insecurity that way.  

i do agree that Sukhmani pothis should be translated into Gujirati, Bihari etc so that those people can access and benefit spiritually from Gurbani.  Guru Nanak was Jagat Guru (world Guru) not just Guru of Sikhs.

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You should be sorry because by whilst trying to appear more knowledgeable you have just shown up your own ignorance.  Where do you think 25 million Sikhs came from, did they just fall out of the sky? The oft used canard that Sikhism isn't a missionary religion is something that has come out the liberalisation of Sikhism that has taken place in the 60s and 70s when atheist communists managed to infiltrate the Sikh religious establishments and take many of them over. Add to this the other mistruths.. quality not quantity … Khalsa means pure hence any one pure of heart is a Khalsa etc. Sikhism has always been a missionary religion. Look at the remnants of Sikh sangats some dating back to the 16th century all over eastern India. Read some of the janamsakhis where Guru Nanak when he has proven some point or shown a truth to the people he encounters openly urges them to follow the way of life that he is preaching. 'Become by Sikhs' is in a few of the sakhis of the Guru. 

You finish off your post with another display of ignorance. Guru Nanak is Jagat Guru yes, but that does not mean that he belong to non-Sikhs. The Guru - Sikh relationship only exists where the Sikh follows the Guru's teachings. So a non-Sikh by his very definition does not have Guru Nanak as his Guru. Guru Nanak is the Guru of all who follow his teachings ..ie the Sikhs. 

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28 minutes ago, proactive said:

You should be sorry because by whilst trying to appear more knowledgeable you have just shown up your own ignorance.  Where do you think 25 million Sikhs came from, did they just fall out of the sky? The oft used canard that Sikhism isn't a missionary religion is something that has come out the liberalisation of Sikhism that has taken place in the 60s and 70s when atheist communists managed to infiltrate the Sikh religious establishments and take many of them over. Add to this the other mistruths.. quality not quantity … Khalsa means pure hence any one pure of heart is a Khalsa etc. Sikhism has always been a missionary religion. Look at the remnants of Sikh sangats some dating back to the 16th century all over eastern India. Read some of the janamsakhis where Guru Nanak when he has proven some point or shown a truth to the people he encounters openly urges them to follow the way of life that he is preaching. 'Become by Sikhs' is in a few of the sakhis of the Guru. 

You finish off your post with another display of ignorance. Guru Nanak is Jagat Guru yes, but that does not mean that he belong to non-Sikhs. The Guru - Sikh relationship only exists where the Sikh follows the Guru's teachings. So a non-Sikh by his very definition does not have Guru Nanak as his Guru. Guru Nanak is the Guru of all who follow his teachings ..ie the Sikhs. 

big difference between missionarism and sikhi one follows in wake of genocidal maniacs and tells the indigenous folks they will go to hellfire if they do not stop speaking their language, following their culture , and believe in the big WHITE Jesus (laughable how Jesus a brownie was changed to be a whitey to preach at brownies) and the other well, gives the missing links in spiritual knowledge of the home faith then highlights a simpler, more direct  path to freedom of spirit, life and body- personal empowerment.

The two are diametrically opposed in aim the first wants to create a cowed, slave mentality in the people , the other wants to create realisation of the true Godhead in each and every person.Parchaar has always been instruction and teaching without threat/duress/bribe whereas missionary work has always been conditional benefits else eternal damnation

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10 minutes ago, jkvlondon said:

big difference between missionarism and sikhi one follows in wake of genocidal maniacs and tells the indigenous folks they will go to hellfire if they do not stop speaking their language, following their culture , and believe in the big WHITE Jesus (laughable how Jesus a brownie was changed to be a whitey to preach at brownies) and the other well, gives the missing links in spiritual knowledge of the home faith then highlights a simpler, more direct  path to freedom of spirit, life and body- personal empowerment.

The two are diametrically opposed in aim the first wants to create a cowed, slave mentality in the people , the other wants to create realisation of the true Godhead in each and every person. Parchaar has always been instruction and teaching without threat/duress/bribe whereas missionary work has always been conditional benefits else eternal damnation

Have you stepped inside a Gurughar in the past 400 years, lol? Maybe I'm frequenting the wrong type of Gurdwaras, but when did you ever feel any of the clowns desperate to part us from our pound coins were striving to create a realisation of the true Godhead in each and every person? The subtext has always been one of binary choices. Incredibly conditional.

I'm not having a go at you personally -- and I'm not defending Christianity in a roundabout way before someone gets the wrong end of the stick -- but the theory is so very far removed from the practice. Modern parchaar is, beneath the surface, not too different from missionary (i.e. in the classic sense of the word; not what it's become to be known in Punjabi circles) methodology. A dreamy, mellow method of delivery should not be mistaken for the actual message beneath the surface that's being espoused, which is, "Follow or be condemned to hell." Hell: technically, we're told there's no such place according to Sikh beliefs, but apparently it's somewhere that exists when it needs to keep the lowly rabble in line, lol.

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6 hours ago, proactive said:

You should be sorry because by whilst trying to appear more knowledgeable you have just shown up your own ignorance.  Where do you think 25 million Sikhs came from, did they just fall out of the sky? The oft used canard that Sikhism isn't a missionary religion is something that has come out the liberalisation of Sikhism that has taken place in the 60s and 70s when atheist communists managed to infiltrate the Sikh religious establishments and take many of them over. Add to this the other mistruths.. quality not quantity … Khalsa means pure hence any one pure of heart is a Khalsa etc. Sikhism has always been a missionary religion. Look at the remnants of Sikh sangats some dating back to the 16th century all over eastern India. Read some of the janamsakhis where Guru Nanak when he has proven some point or shown a truth to the people he encounters openly urges them to follow the way of life that he is preaching. 'Become by Sikhs' is in a few of the sakhis of the Guru. 

You finish off your post with another display of ignorance. Guru Nanak is Jagat Guru yes, but that does not mean that he belong to non-Sikhs. The Guru - Sikh relationship only exists where the Sikh follows the Guru's teachings. So a non-Sikh by his very definition does not have Guru Nanak as his Guru. Guru Nanak is the Guru of all who follow his teachings ..ie the Sikhs. 

where is the scriptural basis for missionary activity come from?  where is the injunction "go out and convert non-sikhs" in SGGS?  in Dasam Bani?

in janam sakhis, Guru Nanak used to join those communities he used to talk to- i.e. used to dress like muslim in muslim countries and dress like a hindu when he spoke to hindus- e.g. dressing like followers of Shiva when he spoke to them.  he did not do that to 'dupe' them, but because he was one with all of them.  but you want to delete all this because it doesn't suit your view of things.

where did 'x' million sikhs come from?  native population increased.  the sikhs outside panjab are historical devotees, not converts.

why shouldn't Guru Nanak belong to non-sikhs, according to their own tradition?  you are you to dictate?


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5 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

Have you stepped inside a Gurughar in the past 400 years, lol? Maybe I'm frequenting the wrong type of Gurdwaras, but when did you ever feel any of the clowns desperate to part us from our pound coins were striving to create a realisation of the true Godhead in each and every person? The subtext has always been one of binary choices. Incredibly conditional.

i don't think any Gurdwara is desperate to 'part you from your pound coins'.  no ones forcing you to attend them.  did it occur to you that your spiritual development was your own responsibility? presumably you can hear Gurbani there, what more do you want?

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5 hours ago, Guest guest said:

i don't think any Gurdwara is desperate to 'part you from your pound coins'.  no ones forcing you to attend them.  did it occur to you that your spiritual development was your own responsibility? presumably you can hear Gurbani there, what more do you want?

It is my responsibility, I agree, and it's something I've understood and undertaken from a young age with diligence. It is a battle each and every day, yet because I have a natural affinity for Sikh teachings; am curious, stubborn, and dedicated, so I persevere. Same can't be said for 95% of the people in our quom who, through no fault of their own in most cases, want someone to do it for them. So, do we write them off because they'll never achieve? Lost causes unable to unearth the inner Godhead because their mindset is diametrically opposite to what it should be, which is exacerbated by a Gurdwara and parchaar system that is arguably the most un-spiritual system one could hope for, which runs along the lines of a production line that aims to cultivate unquestioning sheep? Imagine if the Sikhi of our Gurus had started out in a manner that resembled the Sikhi apparatus of today! What a terrifying thought. The problem is our people crave to be led; to be told what to believe and what to think. That doesn't sound like an attitude that's conducive to salvation, that is unless we've been mislead, and salvation isn't as difficult and rare as we've lead to believe?

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