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20+ Indian troops killed by chinese troops in ladakh LAC border tension


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10 minutes ago, AjeetSingh2019 said:

its not far from truth . As I see it , russia-china alliance is a deadly one against india in case of war. 

I'd like to ask you a question considering that you're neck deep in a certain type of Indian on a daily basis: why does the image they have of themselves and their nation that resides in their mind, doesn't match the reality observed by the rest of the world? It surely can't all be attributable to state propaganda?

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13 hours ago, puzzled said:

Apparently they used batons and stones. They probably got the batons and started knocking the fck out of each other  lol! 


Remember the Nihang that cut off that imposters hand?  Guess he saved not only his life but the imposters after all because clearly getting beaten with sticks is deadly as said at tghat time. 

So to whoever felt bad for that imposter in the lego click on dastar don't. 

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11 hours ago, jkvlondon said:

last time border fights were happening and the indians took a thrashing they got out their whipping boys the sikhs to fight for them , it happened in Kashmir, and pak fights , the British also used sikhs to fight their battles in China during the boxer reveloution so china knows of sardars and probably will be ready to mess.

With the exception of a small number joining to steal training basically, seems like Sikhs should really bow out of militaries and fight for Dharam Yudh only. 

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1 hour ago, MisterrSingh said:

I'd like to ask you a question considering that you're neck deep in a certain type of Indian on a daily basis: why does the image they have of themselves and their nation that resides in their mind, doesn't match the reality observed by the rest of the world?

Recent surge of hindu nationalism . And the superiority complex of having one of the oldest cultures / religion in the world (includes scriptures, structures, philosophies , language) , the pacific nature of international policy is passed off egoistically as "we're a democratic values , have never invaded any country historically". 

A people that were suppressed for so long and now suddenly sees the solution to all their problems in modi Ji and hindu right-wing. 


It surely can't all be attributable to state propaganda?

its the other way i think. state sees nature of people and feeds them what they want.

PS : I wonder if its safe to write all this here. imagine them (intelligensia) picking me up from my home . oh dear .not even being sarcastic lol

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Hindu right wing wants to make india 'vishwa guru' (world teacher) as modi ji says. 

Long term agenda is to make 'akhand bharat' which is ultimate utopia of hindutva 

they like to swear at nehru gandhi family a lot for historical blunders, the repercussions of  which according to them the nation still suffers till today 

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this time it seems situation is different. India has decided not to get cowed down by chinese aggression and fight back . China has also had lot of casualties but are silent about it . Chinese seems to be losing confidence and on back foot based on their recent statements of "we need to resolve via talks and avoid clashes"

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1 hour ago, AjeetSingh2019 said:

Recent surge of hindu nationalism . And the superiority complex of having one of the oldest cultures / religion in the world (includes scriptures, structures, philosophies , language) , the pacific nature of international policy is passed off egoistically as "we're a democratic values , have never invaded any country historically". 

A people that were suppressed for so long and now suddenly sees the solution to all their problems in modi Ji and hindu right-wing. 

its the other way i think. state sees nature of people and feeds them what they want.

PS : I wonder if its safe to write all this here. imagine them (intelligensia) picking me up from my home . oh dear .not even being sarcastic lol

A few months of familiarising myself with your peers, lol, has crystallised a few issues in my mind.

1) They are bloodthirsty savages for whom violence is the automatic recourse to any type of opposition.

2) They are very, very thin-skinned. Criticism, even subtly administered, is akin to an open insult. They struggle to differentiate between the two.

3) They crave censoring and denying oxygen to anything that runs counter to their narrative.

In conclusion, I'm on the verge of rejecting the idea that such people descend from the type of civilisations and populations described in the Indian epics. I'm calling bull5hit on it all.

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1 hour ago, AjeetSingh2019 said:

they like to swear at nehru gandhi family a lot for historical blunders, the repercussions of  which according to them the nation still suffers till today 

Yes, that does surprise me. You'd think they'd kind of begrudgingly respect the "seva" (not my perception) undertaken by the Gandhi dynasty, especially against Sikhs, but Modi's crew don't seem to like them at all.

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