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Guest Simran20

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2 hours ago, Singh375 said:

None of us are in smadhi. Taking your paraan (breath) or surat (focus) into dasam duar is called smadhi.

In smadhi your body becomes unconscious, heart and breathing stop, to an observer you appear dead. Your soul can even casually step out the body.

Few people will notice I edited & deleted section from earlier post explaining how Satguru Ji showed daas the technique for doing it with surat. If Guru does kirpa daas will try making a new post on simran to explain how there are much higher stages still and how to move in that direction.

I’m not challenging you dear friend, but I’m respectfully challenging the ideas you present. 

I know you’ve read gurbani because you write using literal translations. Realising maya as an illusion can only happen through intense bhagati. There is one hell of a big avastha called Paramhans. Like swan can separate milk from water, they can separate god from maya. 

I’ve experienced it. That’s the point of applying gurbani and walking on the straight and narrow path. Going into samadhi, you realise that it was an illusion all along. Agreed that it needs to be experienced. I’ve fallen off the path many times forgetting it, but keep getting back up, I am by no means perfect, I’m just a fool like everyone else. The simran becomes 24/7 because u realise the Truth. There’s nothing else but Truth. It’s everyone everything everywhere.  

You need to stop putting brahmgyanis on a pedestal and realise yourself to be the same as them. Guru Nanak taught us in the utmost humility, calling himself the lowest of the low, and that’s what brahmgyanis see themselves as. Your avastha becomes high by realising yourself to be Nothing. You can experience the same, you just have to be believing, disciplined, seeing and loving him as All, be good etc. Yes there are stages on the bhagati path, but the laws remain the same, and the Truth doesn’t change. Moving on with the stages happens as it’s supposed to. You can’t force it. 


The world is a dream, we are living in samadhi 24/7.. it’s not real, it’s a khel. To separate God from maya, you look at the khel, and realise everyone, everything, everywhere to be Him. The good and the evil, the light and the dark, the Dukh and the Sukh, its simple but us humans complicate it. Most humans are too egoistic to accept this simple truth. Realise yourself to be Him. You are Truth, drop in the ocean, Ocean in the Drop. There is no separatedness, He IS the Maya. Although we cannot be perfect, the perfection of the heart is within reach. If you apply this gyan how can your heart be tainted unless you forget it and fall for the khel, reacting in maya. It’s an illusion He’s created. 

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On 9/3/2020 at 2:35 PM, Singh375 said:

Smadhi means ‘deep meditation’. Some people experience the mind becoming calm for the first time and call it smadhi. But this is like a child running with their arms out thinking they’re flying like ‘an aeroplane’. (It’s correct for their level of innocence, but not the real thing).Smadhi is actually when one enters dasam duar.


9 hours ago, Sat1 said:

Reality is that we are in 24/7 samadhi.

The world is a dream in the mind of the Creator. Humans should recognize the illusion, then maya doesn’t have much of a hold because it’s BS. 

We accept life and live it. It’s our choice.. we are not a slave to the illusion, it’s a slave to God/Us. That’s how you make maya your Bi*ch. 


Forget samadhi which is state of total surrender and a path which is necessary to merge ourselves in Him, we are very much far from it, for we are not even aware of our true self.

He is a pure state of: SAT-CHIT-ANAND, whilst we are vey much under karmas, mind, maya and vikars ....

We have forgotten our origin Waheguru, that´s why we are in constant pain and agony.

That is why Guru  Jee tells us : Nanak dukheeya sab sansaar, se sukheeya jhin Nam aadhaar.

He is telling us about our real current state of misery(chaurasee ka chakar) , and also reveals us a valid method to come out of it for once and ever.

He says, attach  yourself to that Consciouss Power of Nam by meditating upon it, which is the source of eternal peace and bliss, not only that, but also by engaging into that spiritual practice, our surtee merges and becomes one with that ultimate truth of Nam for once and forever.



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On 9/6/2020 at 5:09 PM, Singh375 said:

Naam simran takes you high, it’s a virtue of naam that it makes you humble

But anyway I’m not going to argue with you because I really like many of your posts ??

It could be you are viewing god from one angle and I am viewing same god from another angle. He is limitless after all 

True. In the end, everything is Naam, He is One.


Many perspectives on it but ultimately, He’s One the same. ?

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On 9/6/2020 at 11:01 PM, brotha said:



Forget samadhi which is state of total surrender and a path which is necessary to merge ourselves in Him, we are very much far from it, for we are not even aware of our true self.

He is a pure state of: SAT-CHIT-ANAND, whilst we are vey much under karmas, mind, maya and vikars ....

We have forgotten our origin Waheguru, that´s why we are in constant pain and agony.

That is why Guru  Jee tells us : Nanak dukheeya sab sansaar, se sukheeya jhin Nam aadhaar.

He is telling us about our real current state of misery(chaurasee ka chakar) , and also reveals us a valid method to come out of it for once and ever.

He says, attach  yourself to that Consciouss Power of Nam by meditating upon it, which is the source of eternal peace and bliss, not only that, but also by engaging into that spiritual practice, our surtee merges and becomes one with that ultimate truth of Nam for once and forever.



Yes it is. Naam is Truly a miracle and the Greatest power. How could it not be when it’s Truth, God himself. Application of Gurbani and simran is unparalleled. 

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On 8/31/2020 at 9:57 AM, Shaheed4life said:

Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh 

I hear jaikare sometimes while doing Rehras Sahib.Any other sangat had such an experience?

have you listened to Hajoor Sahib Sodar Rehras on Youtube, uploaded daily.

Your comment reminded me of this, as I often watch their paat on Youtube.

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34 minutes ago, ipledgeblue said:

have you listened to Hajoor Sahib Sodar Rehras on Youtube, uploaded daily.

Your comment reminded me of this, as I often watch their paat on Youtube.

No veerji I never knew there is Hazur Sahib Rehras uploaded every day.I normally listen to Harmandir Sahib live.Will check it out.??

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On 9/10/2020 at 9:26 AM, Shaheed4life said:

No veerji I never knew there is Hazur Sahib Rehras uploaded every day.I normally listen to Harmandir Sahib live.Will check it out.??

oh yeh in Harmandir Sahib they have issues with Benti Chaupai and always seem to skip a few lines before Arril, they have been having this issue for around a century now believe it or not! Hopefully someone will see sense one day, and start respecting the bani!

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2 hours ago, ipledgeblue said:

oh yeh in Harmandir Sahib they have issues with Benti Chaupai and always seem to skip a few lines before Arril, they have been having this issue for around a century now believe it or not! Hopefully someone will see sense one day, and start respecting the bani!

and if those exact lines were read the world watching would realise that this bani is stating that it will fix things for us ...political move to stop hindus realising sikhi is the upgrade like Jagraj Veer ji used to say

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