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On 12/24/2020 at 5:50 AM, Kaurr said:

Bodybuilder marries sex doll after long-term romance

A bodybuilder from Kazakhstan decided 2020 wasn’t already weird enough, so married a sex doll he’s been “dating” for nearly two years.



Kazakhstan bodybuilder Yuri Tolochko who is in a threesome with two sex dolls has now said that he wants to introduce a male doll into his relationship.

Yuri Tolochko
Yuri Tolochko with Lola and Luna  |  Photo Credit: Instagram


  • Yuri Tolochko became a worldwide sensation after he married a sex doll named Margo in November 2020
  • The couple "divorced" after Yuri "cheated" on Margo while she was at a repair shop
  • Later, Yuri introduced two new sex dolls Lola and Luna as his wives and now he's planning to get into a foursome

Yuri Tolochko, a professional bodybuilder from Kazakhstan, who is married to two sex dolls has now said that he is planning to introduce a male doll in his relationship. He identifies as a pansexual and can fall in love with "a character, an image, a soul, just a person".

The bodybuilder said that he was planning another wedding while appearing on 'The Dating Show' on FUBAR Radio. This means that his throuple could soon become a fourple.

"I want to have a male doll in the future and I want to do a wedding of a male doll and Luna and at the same time I want to do the ceremony of life and freedom with me. It's similar to wedding, but not wedding," he said on the show.

Yuri grabbed attention worldwide after he married his first wife Margo in November 2020. He was in a "relationship" with Margo for over eight months before he "popped the question". Shortly before Christmas, Margo "broke" and had to be sent for repair.

The bodybuilder admitted to "cheating" on Margo with a strange object. Soon after, the couple divorced.

In March this year, Yuri introduced his new wife Lola to the world and said, "Lola queer, she has not yet decided on her sexual and gender identity (she is in search)."

He had added, "We broke up with Margo. I'm not ready to talk about the reasons for the divorce yet."

He described Lola as a "massive chicken" - the top part of her being a woman and the bottom a chicken.

Yuri later confirmed that he was in a threesome after introducing another doll named Luna into his relationship. When his fans pointed out that Luna looked incredibly young, he had told them that she was of legal sex doll 'age' and welcomed her.

"Me and Lola will treat her like a sister," he had said on Instagram.

"I'm not going to stop, I want to get a harem," the bodybuilder wrote in another post.



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14 hours ago, Premi5 said:

Kazakhstan bodybuilder Yuri Tolochko who is in a threesome with two sex dolls has now said that he wants to introduce a male doll into his relationship.

Yuri Tolochko
Yuri Tolochko with Lola and Luna  |  Photo Credit: Instagram


  • Yuri Tolochko became a worldwide sensation after he married a sex doll named Margo in November 2020
  • The couple "divorced" after Yuri "cheated" on Margo while she was at a repair shop
  • Later, Yuri introduced two new sex dolls Lola and Luna as his wives and now he's planning to get into a foursome

Yuri Tolochko, a professional bodybuilder from Kazakhstan, who is married to two sex dolls has now said that he is planning to introduce a male doll in his relationship. He identifies as a pansexual and can fall in love with "a character, an image, a soul, just a person".

The bodybuilder said that he was planning another wedding while appearing on 'The Dating Show' on FUBAR Radio. This means that his throuple could soon become a fourple.

"I want to have a male doll in the future and I want to do a wedding of a male doll and Luna and at the same time I want to do the ceremony of life and freedom with me. It's similar to wedding, but not wedding," he said on the show.

Yuri grabbed attention worldwide after he married his first wife Margo in November 2020. He was in a "relationship" with Margo for over eight months before he "popped the question". Shortly before Christmas, Margo "broke" and had to be sent for repair.

The bodybuilder admitted to "cheating" on Margo with a strange object. Soon after, the couple divorced.

In March this year, Yuri introduced his new wife Lola to the world and said, "Lola queer, she has not yet decided on her sexual and gender identity (she is in search)."

He had added, "We broke up with Margo. I'm not ready to talk about the reasons for the divorce yet."

He described Lola as a "massive chicken" - the top part of her being a woman and the bottom a chicken.

Yuri later confirmed that he was in a threesome after introducing another doll named Luna into his relationship. When his fans pointed out that Luna looked incredibly young, he had told them that she was of legal sex doll 'age' and welcomed her.

"Me and Lola will treat her like a sister," he had said on Instagram.

"I'm not going to stop, I want to get a harem," the bodybuilder wrote in another post.



I don't know if I should be laughing or being concerned. I guess this is what happens to some people when they can't find a real man/woman.

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  • Latest Savile documentary was released exclusively on Discovery+ this month
  • In it, former Leeds General Infirmary employee claims authorities turned a blind eye to Savile's abuse because of the amount of money he had raised for charities
  • Hospital worker said no one spoke of it but they would allude to his tendencies 



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Indian-American gay couples find new forms of union amid stigma

20 hours ago
Amit Gokhale and Sameer Samudra at their wedding.IMAGE SOURCESAMEER SAMUDRA
image captionSameer (L) and Amit struggled to find a Hindu priest willing to marry them

Excluded by traditional marriage ceremonies, Indian-American gay couples in the US are finding new and unique ways to solemnise their unions, reports Savita Patel. 

When Sameer Samudra and and Amit Gokhale decided to marry according to Hindu custom, the couple faced an unexpected hiccup: they couldn't find a priest to do the ceremony. 

"We wanted a Hindu wedding, but so many pandits [priests] said no. I was agonised when one of them quoted an exorbitant amount just because I am gay!" said Sameer, who lives in North Carolina.

Unwilling to have "the energy of a reluctant priest" at their wedding, the couple improvised. 

"One of our friends learnt the basics of being a priest and we chose Hindu rituals that made sense for a same-sex wedding," Sameer said. 

So many Indian-American couples dream of a big fat Bollywood-style wedding, complete with traditional rituals. But that's easier said than done for gay couples - even in the US where same-sex unions were legalised in 2015. 

More than 300,000 gay couples have wed in the country since then. But Indian-Americans say that they are often ostracised by those who have the holy task of solemnising their unions. 

Temples refusing to host same-sex weddings, priests hanging up on their phone calls or unwilling to tweak the ceremony to suit them and, in some cases, not even showing up on the day of the wedding - these experiences have driven Indian-American gay couples to fall back on friends and well-wishers to create unique ceremonies rooted in their culture. 

Sapna Pandya, for instance, became a priest herself although female priests are virtually unheard of in Hinduism. 

She did it because of the opposition she and her Pakistani Muslim wife, Seher, faced when they wanted to get married the traditional way. 

"I didn't feel comfortable going to the temple to see a priest. My wife didn't feel comfortable going to the mosque and asking an imam. So, we wrote our own ceremony," Sapna said. 

They chose Hindu mantras and verses from the Koran that symbolised companionship. 

Sapna Pandya (L) and Seher during their Hindu-Muslim weddingIMAGE SOURCESAPNA PANDYA
image captionSapna (R) and Seher wrote their own Hindu-Muslim wedding ceremony

Ms Pandya, who runs a non-profit that advocate for minorities, said she now mostly presides over LGBTQ weddings. 

There are a handful of priests like her - vowing to eliminate misogyny and patriarchy, they have taken this on alongside their professional careers. This is a challenge to traditional priests who largely believe that marriage is only possible between a man and a woman. 

Abhishek Sanghavi is a Jain priest who works as a tax consultant - his videos from 2019 of Vaibhav Jain and Parag Shah's gay Jain wedding inspired many gay couples worldwide. 

"They were nice young men looking for a Jain wedding. Compassion is the foundation of Jainism. All religions teach love," Mr Sanghavi said.

Dr Shukavak Das agrees. A Christian-turned-Hindu with a PhD in Sanskrit and Indian Studies, Mr Das is head priest of the Lakshmi Narayan Mandir in LA. He has formalised thousands of weddings. 

"I am not aware of any place [in Hindu texts] where it says it [same-sex unions] is not to be done," he said. 

Recalling a recent gay wedding where he officiated, he added "The elderly parents of the groom thanked me with tears in their eyes 'for giving our son a place in our culture'. We are all souls in this world - sometimes we have male and sometimes female bodies, but we are all equal spirits." 

Mr Das also lifted the spirits of Monica Marquez and Nikki Barua at their lesbian wedding. 

Pandit Shukavak Das at the wedding of Nikki Barua and MonikaIMAGE SOURCENIKKI BARUA 
image captionMonika (L) and Nikki had a Mexican-Indian wedding officiated by a progressive priest

"Both Monica and I are very grounded in our cultures. From an early age, we had dreamt of a traditional wedding," said Ms Barua, an Indian-American entrepreneur and author. 

Her partner is Mexican-American. MsBarua said they had trouble finding a priest but their dream wedding finally happened thanks to Mr Das. "He never made us feel awkward. It felt like a natural experience and it was beautiful," she said. "It made us feel like we belonged."

Progressive priests like Mr Das and Ms Pandya are now in huge demand across the US. Most even fly out to other cities where couples are struggling to find the right person to marry them. 

San Francisco, despite its history of acceptance, is woefully short of priests willing to marry gay couples. Its numerous Hindu temples don't allow gay weddings. It was frustrating for Madhuri Anji and Priti Narayanan when they found out. 

"We finally found our priest Raja Bhattar via a South Asian LGBTQ group. Our LA-based priest happened to be a gay man who comes from my community," Ms Narayanan said. "We kept the fun parts in and removed the boring parts. As we are both women, it made no sense to have terms for man and woman." 

Madhuri Anji and Priti Narayanan at their wedding.IMAGE SOURCEPRITI NARAYANAN
image captionCouples like Madhuri and Priti (R) are customising rituals to express queer love

Such innovative ceremonies are welcomed not just by the LGBTQ community, but also heterosexual couples who want to eliminate misogyny, caste and patriarchy from their ceremonies. 

And its spurring the rise of queer priests. My discovery that I can be a bisexual person who is a Hindu wholeheartedly has helped me officiate at inter-faith and queer weddings," said Tahil Sharma, North America coordinator for United Religions Initiative, and a board member at Sadhana: A Coalition of Progressive Hindus.

Wedding planner Purvi Shah said attitudes have begun to shift in the wedding industry as well - be it priests, planners, caterers or henna/mehendi artists. "Now more vendors would say yes than say no. I will be more than happy to do it if a gay couple approached me."

A lot of minds still need to change, admits Neha Assar a sought-after henna artist in southern California. Ms Assar has earned a name for customising her art to include inter-faith or queer love. 

She has, for instance, tweaked the tradition of hiding the groom's name in the intricate pattern of the bride's mehendi. 

"I love hiding the names of the two brides in their henna!" 

Savita Patel is an independent journalist based in San Francisco, where she covers geo-politics, tech, public health and the Indian diaspora


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  • Emma Sugrue-Lawrence couldn't move normally for two days after incident 
  • She believes her vape was spiked with mamba spray and fears she might have been intended to be the victim of a sexual assault had she not been saved
  • Her friend called paramedics to the Wolverhampton nightclub where they were
  • Emma was taken unconscious to hospital and later made a full recovery




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Hundreds of children abused while in care of Lambeth council, inquiry finds

This article is more than 1 month old

Inquiry into child sexual abuse says abuse occurred over several decades on a scale ‘hard to comprehend’

Hundreds of vulnerable children in the care of Lambeth council in south London were subjected to horrendous cruelty and sexual abuse over several decades on a scale that was “hard to comprehend”, an independent inquiry report has found.

The independent inquiry into child sexual abuse (IICSA) found more than 700 allegations of sexual abuse against hundreds of staff and individuals connected with just three homes in the borough. The true scale of abuse was likely to be far higher, it said.


It said Lambeth council had allowed violence and sexual assault to flourish in its children’s residential homes, had failed to act against known abusers, or tackle the brutal, harsh and punitive culture of its homes – with devastating consequences for many children in its care.


“It is hard to comprehend the cruelty and sexual abuse inflicted on children in the care of Lambeth council over many years, by staff, by foster carers and their families, and by volunteers in residential settings,” the report concludes.

Although most of the children had been taken into care after suffering violence and neglect at the hands of family members, the report noted that for some “the experience they had [in the residential homes] was worse than living at home with their birth families”.

The council failed on multiple occasions to protect children, including employing staff who it knew posed a risk to children, failing to investigate employees suspected of sexual abuse, and exposing children to situations where it knew they were at risk of abuse.

The effect on many children in Lambeth’s care was devastating, the report says. As one witness, known as LA-A309, put it: “I felt from an early age that my feelings were inconsequential or of little value and that my pain didn’t matter. It was clear from an early age that no one really cared about me.”

Over 40 years just one senior employee was disciplined for their part in the catalogue of abuse. Six perpetrators of sexual abuse connected to Lambeth homes, some of whom were council employees, were convicted of child sexual abuse between 1994 and 2019.

Many staff in Lambeth children’s homes “demonstrated a callous disregard for the vulnerable children they were paid to look after”. Some failed to act when they knew about sexual abuse, and showed little compassion to the victims. “It was as if staff intended to create a harsh and punitive environment,” the report concludes.

It is also critical of the children’s services inspectorate, Ofsted, and its predecessors, for failing to to do enough to identify the serious failures in services and staff practices, and the Metropolitan police for failing to properly investigate links between offenders identified in separate criminal investigations.

IICSA has recommended the Metropolitan police investigate the case of one child, known as LA-A2, who was found dead in a bathroom in one of the homes, Shirley Oaks, in 1977. The report found the council had failed to inform the coroner that he had alleged he was sexually abused by a staff member there.

The leader of Lambeth, Cllr Claire Holland, said: “Lambeth council wishes to re-state our sincere and heartfelt apology to all victims and survivors of abuse and neglect while in Lambeth’s care. The council was responsible for their care and protection but failed, with profound consequences. The council is deeply sorry for their experiences.”

The report is scathing of what it calls the “progressive” leftwing culture of the council in the 1980s. “Many councillors and staff purported to hold principled and beliefs about tackling racism and promoting equality but in reality they failed to apply these principles to children in their care.”

It notes that the overwhelming majority of children in its homes were black. At Shirley Oaks in 1980 57% of the children in care were black; at South Vale home children a decade later 85% of the children were black. “Racism was evident in the hostile and abusive treatment towards them by some staff.”


The chair of the inquiry, Prof Alexis Jay, said the children in care were pawns in a “toxic power game” within the council in the 1980s and 90s, which was characterised over many years by bullying, racism, nepotism and sexism, against a backdrop of political chaos, corruption and financial mismanagement.

She added: “This all contributed to allowing children in their care to suffer the most horrendous sexual abuse, with just one senior council employee disciplined for their part in it. We hope this report and our recommendations will ensure abuse on this scale never happens again.”

The IICSA report is its third since 2018, following previous inquiries into Rochdale and Nottinghamshire councils. It focuses on conditions in five of Lambeth’s care homes in the borough from the late 60s, especially a period in the 70s and 80s when it says physical and sexual abuse in its children’s homes was “pervasive.”

The Lambeth inquiry held five preliminary hearings between 2016 and 2020, and a final public hearing over four weeks in June and July last year, with evidence from 57 complainants, survivors and victims, from expert professional witnesses and former staff and councillors.

A government spokesperson described the report as shocking, adding: “Protecting vulnerable children and keeping them safe from harm should be a top priority for local authorities, as well as for all those responsible for their care, including carers and the professionals working with them.”


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    • Bro, reciting a shorter Chaupai Sahib is hardly "anti-Dasam". It's fine to argue that the longer Chaupai is more traditional, but the short one isn't anti-Dasam. That's like claiming shorter Rehras is anti-Guru Granth Sahib ji just because there are fewer selections from Guru Granth Sahib. It might not be traditional, but it's not anti-Guru Granth Sahib. I prefer the longer versions, but let's not exaggerate. Every tradition has a slightly different Rehras version. Nanaksar vs Taksal vs Nihangs and so on. The basic template for Rehras is at the beginning of Guru Granth Sahib ji. Later, Chaupai Sahib was added and Anand Sahib always follows as the end of a process. Then some sangats added more saloks to start Rehras and others were added at the end. Some additional selections from Dasam Bani were also added, but it wasn't the same ones for every sangat. The important thing is to not hate on each other for these variations.
    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
    • It's the same here in Toronto. Alot of the gudwaras here are political orientated and get tons of funding from the government-probably want them stay hush hush with all the BS that has been happening with India.  These guys are skewing gurbani. A complaint was sent to a ragi singh a couple of days ago in regards to a hukamnama. 
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