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Vishnu / Shiva / Bramha - what exactly are they?


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Bani mentioned these 3 and we know they are avatars and one is a creator, one is a sustainer and one is a destroyer.

Bani mentions that these 3 being around multiple times and there being multiple Shiva,  Vishnu and Brahma and it seems that the universe comes into creation, sustained for a bit and then dissolves. 

The vedic scriptures obviously discusses them in great detail. And Hindus worship them like god, though now that I understand the Vedas a tiny bit better, I think I understand why our Gurus reject the Vedas but they do acknowledge the Vedas.

Are these 3 entities or are they just universal phenomenon that the ancient Vedic Hindus gave names to so that they understand the cosmos better?


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3 hours ago, MokhamSingh said:

These three deities are created by the creator to carry out certain tasks.

Some people worship them as God…but Gurbani states that these three have been scammed by maya. 

Anything scammed by maya cannot lead to mukti (liberation). Only the creator Akal Purakh can give mukti…

I guess if they have to come down to the world with all the wordly things that go on then they probably would get caught up in maya 

But for these entities that seem to be billions and maybe trillions of years old, they do seem to be quite immature with each other as they fought with each other and you would expect better from them.

They themselves seem to be caught up in a cycle if they keep coming back again and again in various incarnations and I am sure Bani has mentioned that there are multiple Shiva, multiple Vishnu and multiple Brahma. 

The Vedas, Puranas seem to be fascinating literature. Just wondering if Hindu scriptures have personified and story-telled ancient scientific phenomenon to make it digestible for a human audience who would not understand otherwise. 

In the pantheon of devtas that is believed in pagan societies across the world, the same "gods" appear again and again but the Trinity seem to be a bit different between the Hindus and other pagan societies. 

Bani acknowledges all these entities but then cuts through all that and says that there is one creator. When you focus on naam, everything else seems to inconsequential. 

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A few days ago daas read a thread about ridhi sidhi and there was a beautiful reply by dearest Veer Harsharan Ji where he referred to these beings as being reservoirs of Vaheguru ji's power.

It's a great way to describe it. You can see the full reply here




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They were advanced humanoid beings with incredibly human flaws and vices. They had access to technology that deceived primitive humans into believing they were gods. Possibly able to manipulate space and time, and travel vast swathes of the universe. They've gone and they're never coming back. Would any of us remember an ant colony we stepped on one random day in the distant past? 

Definitely not ancient aliens, though. 😂 Inter-dimensional beings but even that's reductive. There's so much in this area of thought that's descended into lazy stereotypes. Much of the paranormal and the supernatural is related to dimensions and frequencies. We are, ultimately, a rather limited and immature species at this period of our development. We really know very little despite our assertions.

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This may be helpful:

Ram is your soul

Sita is your heart

Ravan is your mind that steals your heart from your soul

Lakshman is your consciousness, always with you and act on your behalf

Hanuman is your intuition and courage that helps retrieve your heart to re-animate your soul

That's Ramanaya

That is why Ram is always with you as you are living with Ramayana with all these as states of your being...super read between lines and deep meaning.

This is from Guarav Pradhan's Telegram page.

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On 10/18/2022 at 2:33 AM, MisterrSingh said:

They were advanced humanoid beings with incredibly human flaws and vices. They had access to technology that deceived primitive humans into believing they were gods. Possibly able to manipulate space and time, and travel vast swathes of the universe. They've gone and they're never coming back. Would any of us remember an ant colony we stepped on one random day in the distant past? 

Definitely not ancient aliens, though. 😂 Inter-dimensional beings but even that's reductive. There's so much in this area of thought that's descended into lazy stereotypes. Much of the paranormal and the supernatural is related to dimensions and frequencies. We are, ultimately, a rather limited and immature species at this period of our development. We really know very little despite our assertions.

I have a question though. Ramayana is written by the poet valmiki right? How did he know that all this happened?

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43 minutes ago, proudkaur21 said:

I have a question though. Ramayana is written by the poet valmiki right? How did he know that all this happened?

Time travel? Advanced spiritual beings can traverse the universe across timeliness. 

Watch the interview with Andew Basagio who claimed to have time travelled into the future and past. History can be changed by going to the past too. 

I was recently shown the dark souls of people I knew in the past and got to understand them. All through my subconscious. But of course this can't be proven. 

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