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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2015 in all areas

  1. What the white does fear from the Asian is that we belong to an ancient civilisation and we have a culture of learning and intellectualism. The white man has been in the ascendency since they had their "enlightenment " where they no longer shackled to the church and were able to appropriate a lot of eastern concepts and digest it as their own. However I think they know deep down that the East will eventually take over and take their rightful place in leading the world. What can be learnt from the white man is their record keeping, attention to detail, organisation and efficiency.
    3 points
  2. You must learn when to keep eye contact and when to break it. Too soon and you'll come across as a coward; too late and you'll invite unnecessary trouble, especially if the other guy is a bit touchy. Knowing when to do it comes with experience. For yourself, always keep a neutral expression on your face, making you difficult to read. A perpetual scowl can be as foolish as a constant gormless grin.
    2 points
  3. Good and bad in all people. Just gotta becareful in the area's and times you live in and if you do get attacked you either defend yourself or you report the anti-sikh hate crime to Sikh organisations and the authorities so these incidents can be logged and actioned. Sikhs are too passive when it comes to being victimised....either you unite fight back as a community or you get rolled over its as simple as that.
    2 points
  4. I haven't met many rastas but yeah I can imagine them being different. I hope I am not giving off any pappu vibes lol. Because I'm one of the only very few Indians I know who is ready to fight anyone. I'm thinking if it's a case of they give these vibes (wanting to start something) to every Singh whether he's a p'''y or not but I notice it more because I'm more conscious of it and looking out for it? I get similar vibes from Pakistanis which I'm sure many other Singhs do too. Anyway I guess the best way to handle it is just to be more present in my own head and just make less eye contact with strangers. This I'm working on. Otherwise I'd be getting into fights all the time.
    2 points
  5. The church-going, God-fearing Blacks in England are fine; nice people, even temperaments, and generally decent, hard-working people. It's the others who live on estates and in high-rise flats that you need to be careful of. As someone mentioned earlier, they can sniff weakness out very easily. Show them you mean business and, by and large, you'll be left alone. Behave timidly or show fear, and they'll take you for a ride. I had some trouble with a coarse black family a while back; they assumed I was one of those pappu Indians because I live simply, keep quiet, etc. They have a word for us... "Coolies". Anyway, that family thought they could take liberties. There were a spate of burglaries and violent attacks on my street a while ago, and one night someone had their car windows smashed. I came out with a talwar, middle of the night, breathing heavily, and I prowled and paced up and down the area infront of my home, lol, and the aforementioned family saw me from their window. Ever since then it's been, "Good morning", "Happy Easter", "Merry Christmas" etc, lol. Trust me, it's not something I make a habit of doing, but sometimes a message needs to be sent... even if one does feel like a complete 1diot doing it.
    2 points
  6. These types of 'publicity stunts' are for the dim-witted and sycophantic amongst the peasants. Everyone else can see them for the bull5hit they are. What kind of d1ckhead celebrates their own people's conquest and subjugation... <phew>
    2 points
  7. Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur ji de Shaheedi Dihare te asi una nu kot kot pranam karde a ?? Dhan Dhan Guru Tegh Bahadur ji - Hind Di Chadar Aj Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib ji Bhai Mati Das ji Bhai Sati Das ji( bhai Mati Das Ji de bhra) Bhai Dyaala ji da shaheedi dihara hai ji
    1 point
  8. Check this account of how apnay used to be in independent Panjab and compare that to giving your allegiance to some foreign nation/queen/king that many Singhs did after the 'annexation'. Take note of the independent mindset and lack of sycophancy:
    1 point
  9. When you look at hidden Sikh history you find that we were infinitely more advanced as a society than most people can imagine today. Basically we got conquered and they dragged us into a dark age we've not managed to come out of yet. Instead, people swallow the narrative of Anglos wholesale and don't see what we were and what we lost. If they knew they'd be angry and would NEVER do the crap we see in the OP.
    1 point
  10. One other important thing re: blacks and/or ANY other communities that have been oppressed - OPPORTUNISM! Blacks have a long history of being on the receiving end of whites from all angles. Some of them will be happy as hell that someone else is taking the flack now. I remember watching this really witty Latino comedian from the US once and he said (about 9/11) words to the effect of: 'When that happened blacks and latinos in America were like "You're it now! It's your turn to take all the sh1t!" We finally get a break! Yay! Terrorist muthaf**kas!' lol
    1 point
  11. That's because they were so successful in their military and cultural imperialism for so long. Current events are testing all these deeply rooted conceptions though. That's another source of their anger. They are thinking "How dare they challenge us!"
    1 point
  12. I think it is driven from fear on their side. I see it as they are scared of blacks on an individual, physical basis but outside of their ability to cause temporary havoc like riots they aren't really scared of their culture. In fact, to the contrary, they actually exoticise and mimic some of their culture in how they talk, dress and the music they listen to (reggae, soul, R&B) thinking it is cool. With 'asians' they are driven of fear from our cultures and religions which they see as difficult to penetrate (as you've noticed) and a potential source of unification against them (baring Hindus who they see as effeminate, compliant b1tches). That also ties into why they are jumping around to derail the Anand karaj for Sikhs only movement. Thing is, a big arse, game Singh with a kirpan is still something ingrained in collective memory of older whites, and they are slightly wary of that. Back in days (70s/80s) believe it not some racist whites used to say "watch out for the ones with the turbans, they're the worst ones!" How times have changed... I think some mixed-race people resent asians because of some underlying envy they probably aren't consciously aware of. I think that feeling of not belonging here nor there effects some of them and makes them angry towards some more insular communities. Remember they are often taught that they are the future and the more mixed raced people there are, the less racism will manifest. So they might even be thinking we are holding back progress. Also they are probably subconsciously picking up on the general contempt felt for 'weak, smelly pakis'. All of them (white, black, mixed-race) also probably feel excluded by us? It's not as complicated as that - they simply know they are infinitely more likely to get their ar5ses whooped by them on a personal level than us.
    1 point
  13. Me and my half white and half indian friend always talk about this. It's so deep. One of his reasons is that the British conquered India but the Chinese didn't get conquered hence they have more respect for the Chinese which I'm not sure I agree with. I reckon the main reason is this. Brits like to think of themselves as very open and accepting and tolerant. The thing is, they are not, unless you completely assimilate. For them, integration is not enough. They want you to completely lose everything about your culture/religion. Only then, you may be accepted as much as Dwayne the kala. There is a massive difference between integration and assimilation but when they talk about integration, what they are really talking about is assimilation. Even the Chinese, they have english names etc and they don't have any blatant religious/cultural clothing like we do in this country.
    1 point
  14. Why do you think we're singled out in the example you gave above, whilst other races fly under the radar? I can't imagine it's anything to do with weakness as a race, because the Chinese or the Jews are hardly powerhouses in the UK. Is there an element of envy; the general assumption that we're hard workers and we get on with stuff, whilst having our own language, as well as other impenetrable barriers that are difficult for outsiders to overcome?
    1 point
  15. Very true. We must engage with these people instead of being stand-offish. More often than not, these individuals will eventually see reason, unless they're complete janwar.
    1 point
  16. Yeah, you've got to read each situation. Just in the past day or two I've had about 3 cases of people staring me right in my eyeballs. I think they were testing me out. One was even some young white b1tch on the tube. Watch out for mixed race twats too. A lot of them have white mothers (A LOT of west Indian men have jungle fever!) who I think fill their heads up with anti 'paki' stuff about our lot not integrating and whatnot. I remember teaching this mixed-raced girl a few years ago from mixed mainly white and black town. She was very inquisitive about other cultures and communities, including mine. When I showed her that other communities routinely segregate themselves without all the hate that 'asians' face, like Jews, Greeks and Chinese people, she was like "Yeah, I see it now." Towards the end she turned around and said to me one day: "I'm so glad I met you, because before I had this really negative impression of 'asians' from what everyone had told me about them." Point is, there will be hordes of kids who haven't had their preconceptions challenged and have been taught these views about brown folk.
    1 point
  17. Slave mentality basically. Celebrating the act of war on the Sikh empire and enslaving of the Sikh religion and people by the racist British establishment. You can't make it up really.
    1 point
  18. Astral travel is soul leaving body to explore other realms/times , astral projection is one step down where the mind connects with other realms/times. What Guru ji did however is actual time/realm travel taking the young man with him and bringing back Prashad from those realms as he dematerialised and rematerialised... If you desire something then Kamna gets in the way ...we get blessed when the desire is not for those things but closeness with Waheguru ji
    1 point
  19. There are unfortunately plenty of 'care in the community' cases at large especially in major city's, and unfortunately black folks make up a large number of these. You also have plenty of 'gang' types / wannabes who will kick off at the slightest thing. If you stand out then you might experience this more. On the flip side whenever I've encountered rasta's they refer to me as 'bredrin' which is kind of nice.
    1 point
  20. Dhan Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib Ji
    1 point
  21. There you go again. This should have been one of those posts that you wrote and then read and reread before deciding whether to post it. There is not anything in the article which states that the Gurdwara was one run by Jats but you assume this in order to have your rant. There is nothing wrong in criticising those Sikhs who took part in the anniversary because as you correctly say they are dim witted and sycophantic for marking an event which lead to the enslavement of their people. If you left it just at that then there would have been no problem.
    1 point
  22. Don't get mixed up and confused thinking that Guru Nanak Ji astral travelled. Astral is leaving body and conscious going from A->B. Guru Nanak ji, in the above sakhi was not going from A->B, ... he was consciously present at both A and B, just like gurbani says,- nirankar is everywhere at any given moment. This process is described as "Expansion of consciousness" and is only achieved by raising your vibration and avastha. Astral travel is lower realms and does not require you to raise your consciousness vibration. I would also suggest you find some better books on astral travelling than where you got the above info
    1 point
  23. A few so called Sikhs are proud to see their ancestors subjugated by the British and then serve as their slave soldiers.
    1 point
  24. Navjeet Kaur Jee, as Simran Pen Jee has said, do not rush and try to understand this pure paviter Bani, try to savour each and evrey bachan of it, just as when a child is given a candy. Then just to add to cents from my personal understanding: You see, the Sukhaan Di Manee, is nothing else, but His Naam Simran, if you have a global look at this Bani, it is nothing but the apaar mahima of Wahiguru´s Naam Simran. The Bani starts with the Ashtapadee: Simra-o simar simar sukh paava-o. Meditate, meditate, meditate in remembrance of Him, and obtain True happiness. This is the "tat", the essence of Sukhmani Sahib and Gurmat. Sarab Sukhan ka Daat Har. The objective and goal of spirituality, is : to be Truthful, have True wisdom, and obtain True happiness, and so pen jee, this can only happen, when we do His Simran, otherwise we may do whatever we want...we may get Baikunth or Swarg....but sadly, not Him. He can only be realized, firstly by His Grace, which will lead us to love Him, and to do the real bhakti, which is none other than His Simran Dhyan. Sat Sree Akal.
    1 point
  25. A very good post Simran Pen Jee, and from it, the paragraph in blue, is what I most like, though the whole post is good by itself, as it is a sakhee of Dhan Dhan Satguru Nanak Dev Maharaj, Himself. Sat Sree Akal.
    1 point
  26. unpard gawar like that wont care who you are they just wanted to make a slappy vid
    1 point
  27. No where near to the same extent as blacks or browns.
    1 point
  28. This is absolutely true in my case as a westerner. When I was blessed with the amrit the Panj Pyiarra told me the same. They said, if I am not sure about this then I must leave and not take the amrit. I was totally determined and never had any doubts. Coming from Christian family background, I found this to be the most exalting experience of my life. I was lot more older than 12. They said, if I ever decided to 'go back on it' it will be considered a quratt. They also explained what this word meant, but it is difficult for me to explain. But I know exactly what they meant in my heart of hearts. So, what you have said is completely true, judging from your popularity rating, I am no surprised! In my view, his parents should have tried to delay it, considering he is only 12.
    1 point
  29. Friday 11th December 2015 6.30pm Hall number 3, Baba Sang Gurdwara 7-9 St. Paul's Road, Smethwick B66 1EE Please share this.....you could SAVE a life! A Sikh Youth Birmingham forum not to be missed. Alcohol and drug awareness seminar dedicated to create awareness on the dangers of drugs and alcohol addiction.... AND what support is available to help those that may be suffering from this addiction. If you or someone you know needs support to help combat this problem please attend this seminar or contact Sikh Youth Birmingham sevadars for assistance.
    1 point
  30. saw this online, quite relevant i thinks... a message from Navdeep Kaur, California: Whenever an act of terrorism is done by a US citizen whose background is from Middle East or South Asia, ALL BROWN PEOPLE HAVE TO APOLOGIZE. We have to be conscious of what we say and do in public spaces. We have to make sure that we give you your space even though we can feel the breath of the person standing behind us. We have to assimilate ourselves to the American culture by hiding our language, clothing, food, and cultural behavior but you can exotically and culturally [mis]appropriate our culture. We have to shave our beards and cut our unshorn hair but when you keep beards or man buns, it becomes a trend. We have to smile for you so you can feel more at ease, even if it makes us feel uncomfortable. We have to prove to you that we are not terrorists every time we fly home to celebrate the holidays with our families. We have to stay quiet whilst you make racist Islamophobic and xenophobic comments so that bystanders and media doesn't make it look like we are the ones causing a fuss. We have to make it our job to make you feel safe® and help you rid of your fears and bigotry. Along with taking care of you, we have to answer to our mother's hourly calls whenever we step outside of the house. We have to call our fathers, who work at 7/11s, gas stations, or as truck drivers, couple of times a day to tell them to be alert and to stay safe. We have to watch our backs every time we enter a new neighborhood or walk past a new crowd of people. WE HAVE TO LIVE IN FEAR BECAUSE OF YOUR FEAR. Your fear led to Isamaphobia. Your fear led to increased bullying and attacks on brown children in schools. Your fear led to increased attacks on women who wear hijabs and turbans. Your fear led to increased attacks on men who wear turbans and keep their beards unshorn. Your fear led to increased attacks on anyone with brown skin. Your fear led to us hiding our identities. AND IT IS EXHAUSTING. When a white person commits an act of terrorism, it is an alone act by that one white person. White people do not have to collectively apologize to anyone. White people do not have to put in their time and energy, and risk their safety to make sure that everyone else feels safe. White people don't have other people checking their motives for being at a theater or a school. AND THAT IS HOW IT SHOULD BE. FOR EVERYONE. We are Americans. Our Middle Eastern, South Asian, Muslim, Sikh, brown skin backgrounds do not make us any less American. We do not owe you proof of our Americanism. We do not owe you anything. BUT YOU OWE US. Our safety. Our liberty. To be whom we are without apologizing. We do not want to apologize. We should not have to apologize. We will not apologize. I am an American Khalistani Sikh. I do not apologize for who I am. I do not apologize for anyone's act of terrorism. And I definitely do not apologize for your fears and bigotry.
    1 point
  31. Gurbani tell us Sikhs how to obtain mind control. Not once does Gurbani say start off by using any form of yoga(breathing exercise, hand movement (mudras), body posture (kriya), etc) Read ang 186 and 202. Sri Guru Arjan Dev ji say no to yoga when it comes to starting to control your mind or for controlling your mind. Others will isolate tuks and panktis, yet when a honest discussion starts, they have no time to discuss the whole shabad to present the whole picture. Read Bhagat Kabir ji`s Bani. Bhagat ji very sharply points out the practice of yoga cannot gain union for a person with Akal Purakh or for any sort of spiritual gain. 3HO and supporters very cleverly trick people into manipulating Gurbani to say yoga is spiritual and approved by Guru Sahib for spiritual development. They specifically attribute Sri Guru Ram Das ji as the front runner who promotes yoga (Raj Yoga) for spiritual gain. Ask these people and those who think in a similar fashion to read the angs I said above written by Sri Guru Arjan Dev ji. Sri Guru Arjan Dev ji is the son of Sri Guru Ram Das ji. His son would not disapprove of what his father the Guru so called said. If he did, then our fifth Guru would be no different than Sri Chand, the first Guru son who was called beymukh in Gurbani. Let`s uncover this myth, in couple of sentences, of how yoga was the way of the past and now we have the direct path (Gurbani) to union( Akal Purakh), yet yoga can still can take you to Akal Purakh. Bhagat Kabir ji came before Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji on this Earth. If yoga was the way then, how come Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji gave the stamp of Gurbani to the Shabads written by Bhagat Kabir ji, clearly saying yoga is useless for spiritual gain or union with Akal Purakh. Not all of Bhagat Kabir ji`s writing was accepted in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji and Guru Sahib even corrects Bhagat ji on certain topics. Yet we see the stamp by Guru Sahib when Bhagat ji talks about yoga. Read Bhagat Kabir ji`s Shabads on yoga and you will find how he abandoned the path of yoga after finding only emptiness in it. The idea of first getting some mind control (claiming a person has to use a method like yoga for starting off with mind control) before simran or yoga helps to speed up the process is simply not true. The reason said above should be sufficient enough to say why and look at the instructions given in Gurbani further describing in more detail. Wake up in the early hours, repeat his name and contemplate on Gurbani. What does this translate into as Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji instructed us. In the morning do Vaheguru simran and read your 5 Banis, if you desire to do more, keep the rhythm going. Sikhi is simple, yet many purposely make it complicated due to personal attachments. Opening chakras is apart of this whole yoga union with Akal Purakh scam. Sikhs need to open their mind and heart to the Guru and then only will your chakras be open. Don`t believe me, read ang 1042. Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji perfectly says only the Guru is the way. There is so much to be said on this topic. I know before hand what the other side will present in isolation from Guru Sahib`s Bani. No one is stopping anyone from practicing whatever they want. Your life your choice. But why manipulate and twist Gurbani to support your practices. Leave Gurbani out of it.
    1 point
  32. how about saying I'm a human so is everyone else , get a life
    1 point
  33. Let's keep it real. The battle was a part of an Anglo attack on and invasion of the Sikh kingdom. British soldiers celebrating it with some docile British Sikhs is ridiculous in my opinion. Another PR stunt.
    1 point
  34. the Jatt boy above made the correct comment. You have to find out what JOG is really about. (Jog means Union) In my simplest explanation and as a person who has been doing yoga for over 3 years, ...JOG is about your JIV or Atma merging with the Parmatma. This happens "inside" your body,.. inside your sukham/subtle sareer. However, many schools of yoga, religions and faiths, over the years have got wrapped up and involved in too much outer body work to help make the inner changes., but they make none and stay outside......this is where it goes wrong.... Yoga or the jog is about how some 'outwardly' conduct can help in promoting the 'inwardly' transformation.. Rituals and religious acts are also about this. The mind works in such a way that we have to address it in maya by some outwardly work to get it disciplined...but in doing this, we have to be careful not to get wrapped up and lost in the physical...same goes for yoga.. The physical well being and science of yoga is about the whole 3, Mind, Body and Spirit.,..... Mind and body working on kriyas --->>stronger control over mind---->can help use mind for spiritual discipline in order to get the spiritual ascension..........this is the idea, and if you approach it this way, you will have success......saying that, it doesn't have to be yoga, you can do any regular Mind-spirit-body workouts like karate or judo.. In fact, the real ancient Kung-Fu is also about the same thing of helping you to meditate...but the western world just thinks that kung-fu is about swing-swing, chop chop and beating up opponents! Once you start getting your mind in control, only then can you progress at a faster rate in simran and meditation. The anti-yoga bandwagons can happily continue becoming better Sikhs, but if yoga, kung-fu or anything similar can help you become a better Sikh, then why not? Gurbani has to be looked at closely when it comes to yoga. It doesn't speak against the science of yoga at all, but it warns against the way some yogis have got lost without getting any inner jog(union). There are many deep spiritual yoga references that help you once you get advanced in abyaas, To be in "sukhmani" is when your inner energy channels are balanced and rising through the chakras and going upward in the central channel called "sukhmana" or sushmana(in Vedic) OKAY, but the big question is "should I need yoga to activate and stimulate chakras in order to get ascension" ? Answer, is No, in Gurmat, we have been given the direct practice and jugtees of doing simran using "waheguru" gurmantar. You start saas graas with this going from navel upwards, and the energy channels, chakras, sukham sareer irregularities ..etc.. will ALL automatically start aligning and activating with pure focus of single mind on gurmantar. So once you understand this and start practicing simran and waheguru jap, anything you do for outer mind- body practice will just be helping you for your overall well being and general jeevan jach. In return, this will help you on your inward spiritual journey that will leave you gasping for naam, amrit and darshan. I have no interest in starting another debate about 3HO, yogi bhagan and all that, because I have to preserve my energies for my own journey....Sat sri akaal to all.
    1 point
  35. Hau Paapee Vad Gunehgaar ਅਸੀ ਖਤੇ ਬਹੁਤੁ ਕਮਾਵਦੇ ਅੰਤੁ ਨ ਪਾਰਾਵਾਰੁ ॥ असी खते बहुतु कमावदे अंतु न पारावारु ॥ Asī kẖaṯe bahuṯ kamāvḏe anṯ na pārāvār. I commit many sins, O Lord, of which there is no limit and end. ਹਰਿ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਿ ਕੈ ਬਖਸਿ ਲੈਹੁ ਹਉ ਪਾਪੀ ਵਡ ਗੁਨਹਗਾਰੁ ॥ हरि किरपा करि कै बखसि लैहु हउ पापी वड गुनहगारु ॥ Har kirpā kar kai bakẖas laihu ha▫o pāpī vad gunahgār. O God, mercifully pardon Thou me, I am a sinner and a great offender. ਹਰਿ ਜੀਉ ਲੇਖੈ ਵਾਰ ਨ ਆਵਈ ਤੂੰ ਬਖਸਿ ਮਿਲਾਵਣਹਾਰੁ ॥ हरि जीउ लेखै वार न आवई तूं बखसि मिलावणहारु ॥ Har jī▫o lekẖai vār na āvī ṯūʼn bakẖas milāvaṇhār. My reverend God! If Thou reckon my misdeeds, then, my turn to be pardoned may not come. Forgiving me, unite Thou me with Thyself. ਗੁਰ ਤੁਠੈ ਹਰਿ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਮੇਲਿਆ ਸਭ ਕਿਲਵਿਖ ਕਟਿ ਵਿਕਾਰ ॥ गुर तुठै हरि प्रभु मेलिआ सभ किलविख कटि विकार ॥ Gur ṯuṯẖai har parabẖ meli▫ā sabẖ kilvikẖ kat vikār. Effacing all my sins and transgressions, the Guru, of his own pleasure, has blended me with my God Lord. SGGS Ang 1416 ?? Dhan Guru Amar Das ji ?? Waheguru forgive me of my sins.
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  36. Gobind Milan Kee Ehe Thayree Bariaa This shabad appears twice in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. First: ਆਸਾ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥ आसा महला ५ ॥ Āsā mėhlā 5. Asa Measure, Fifth Guru. ਭਈ ਪਰਾਪਤਿ ਮਾਨੁਖ ਦੇਹੁਰੀਆ ॥ भई परापति मानुख देहुरीआ ॥ Bẖa▫ī parāpaṯ mānukẖ ḏehurī▫ā. This human body has come to thy hand. ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਮਿਲਣ ਕੀ ਇਹ ਤੇਰੀ ਬਰੀਆ ॥ गोबिंद मिलण की इह तेरी बरीआ ॥ Gobinḏ milaṇ kī ih ṯerī barī▫ā. This is thy chance to meet the Lord of the world. ਅਵਰਿ ਕਾਜ ਤੇਰੈ ਕਿਤੈ ਨ ਕਾਮ ॥ अवरि काज तेरै कितै न काम ॥ Avar kāj ṯerai kiṯai na kām. Other works are of no avail to thee. ਮਿਲੁ ਸਾਧਸੰਗਤਿ ਭਜੁ ਕੇਵਲ ਨਾਮ ॥੧॥ मिलु साधसंगति भजु केवल नाम ॥१॥ Mil sāḏẖsangaṯ bẖaj keval nām. ||1|| Joining the society of saints, contemplate over the Name alone. ਸਰੰਜਾਮਿ ਲਾਗੁ ਭਵਜਲ ਤਰਨ ਕੈ ॥ सरंजामि लागु भवजल तरन कै ॥ Saraʼnjām lāg bẖavjal ṯaran kai. Make effort for crossing the dreadful world-ocean. ਜਨਮੁ ਬ੍ਰਿਥਾ ਜਾਤ ਰੰਗਿ ਮਾਇਆ ਕੈ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ जनमु ब्रिथा जात रंगि माइआ कै ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥ Janam baritha jāṯ rang mā▫i▫ā kai. ||1|| rahā▫o. In the love of worldliness, the human life is passing in vain. Pause. ਜਪੁ ਤਪੁ ਸੰਜਮੁ ਧਰਮੁ ਨ ਕਮਾਇਆ ॥ जपु तपु संजमु धरमु न कमाइआ ॥ Jap ṯap sanjam ḏẖaram na kamā▫i▫ā. I have not practised meditation, arduous toil, self-restraint and faith. ਸੇਵਾ ਸਾਧ ਨ ਜਾਨਿਆ ਹਰਿ ਰਾਇਆ ॥ सेवा साध न जानिआ हरि राइआ ॥ Sevā sāḏẖ na jāni▫ā har rā▫i▫ā. I have not served the Saint and have not recognised God, the King. ਕਹੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਹਮ ਨੀਚ ਕਰੰਮਾ ॥ कहु नानक हम नीच करमा ॥ Kaho Nānak ham nīcẖ karammā. Groveling are mine actions, says Nanak. ਸਰਣਿ ਪਰੇ ਕੀ ਰਾਖਹੁ ਸਰਮਾ ॥੨॥੪॥ सरणि परे की राखहु सरमा ॥२॥४॥ Saraṇ pare kī rākẖo sarmā. ||2||4|| Preserve the honour of thine shelter-seeker, (O my Master!) SGGS Ang 12 ?? Dhan Guru Arjan Dev ji And again: ਆਸਾ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ਦੁਪਦੇ ॥ आसा महला ५ दुपदे ॥ Āsā mėhlā 5 ḏupḏe. Asa 5th Guru. Dupade. ਭਈ ਪਰਾਪਤਿ ਮਾਨੁਖ ਦੇਹੁਰੀਆ ॥ भई परापति मानुख देहुरीआ ॥ Bẖa▫ī parāpaṯ mānukẖ ḏehurī▫ā. This human body has come to thy hand. ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਮਿਲਣ ਕੀ ਇਹ ਤੇਰੀ ਬਰੀਆ ॥ गोबिंद मिलण की इह तेरी बरीआ ॥ Gobinḏ milaṇ kī ih ṯerī barī▫ā. This is thy chance to meet the Lord of the world. ਅਵਰਿ ਕਾਜ ਤੇਰੈ ਕਿਤੈ ਨ ਕਾਮ ॥ अवरि काज तेरै कितै न काम ॥ Avar kāj ṯerai kiṯai na kām. Other affairs are of no avail to thee. ਮਿਲੁ ਸਾਧਸੰਗਤਿ ਭਜੁ ਕੇਵਲ ਨਾਮ ॥੧॥ मिलु साधसंगति भजु केवल नाम ॥१॥ Mil sāḏẖsangaṯ bẖaj keval nām. ||1|| Joining the society of saints, contemplate over the name alone. ਸਰੰਜਾਮਿ ਲਾਗੁ ਭਵਜਲ ਤਰਨ ਕੈ ॥ सरंजामि लागु भवजल तरन कै ॥ Saraʼnjām lāg bẖavjal ṯaran kai. Make effort for crossing the terrible world ocean. ਜਨਮੁ ਬ੍ਰਿਥਾ ਜਾਤ ਰੰਗਿ ਮਾਇਆ ਕੈ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ जनमु ब्रिथा जात रंगि माइआ कै ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥ Janam baritha jāṯ rang mā▫i▫ā kai. ||1|| rahā▫o. In the love of worldliness, the human life is passing away in vain. Pause. ਜਪੁ ਤਪੁ ਸੰਜਮੁ ਧਰਮੁ ਨ ਕਮਾਇਆ ॥ जपु तपु संजमु धरमु न कमाइआ ॥ Jap ṯap sanjam ḏẖaram na kamā▫i▫ā. I have not practised meditation, arduous toil, self-restraint and faith. ਸੇਵਾ ਸਾਧ ਨ ਜਾਨਿਆ ਹਰਿ ਰਾਇਆ ॥ सेवा साध न जानिआ हरि राइआ ॥ Sevā sāḏẖ na jāni▫ā har rā▫i▫ā. I have not served the saints and have not recognised God, the king. ਕਹੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਹਮ ਨੀਚ ਕਰੰਮਾ ॥ कहु नानक हम नीच करमा ॥ Kaho Nānak ham nīcẖ karammā. Says Nanak, mean are mine deeds. ਸਰਣਿ ਪਰੇ ਕੀ ਰਾਖਹੁ ਸਰਮਾ ॥੨॥੨੯॥ सरणि परे की राखहु सरमा ॥२॥२९॥ Saraṇ pare kī rākẖo sarmā. ||2||29|| Preserve thou the honour of Thine shelter seeker, O my master. SGGS Ang 378 ?? Dhan Guru Arjan Dev ji
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