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"Sikh" Awards


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Guptkuri.......Well each and every individual had the opportunity to nominate sikhs in a variety of ways ........ did you? Those that were nominated, regardless of looks were all sikhs and not neccesarily from punjab! and they worked incredibly hard to be where they are today ... don't knock them.... Where are you ? are you good enough to be nominated?

First of all, I am sorry if I offended you. That was not my intention at all, I just stated how I felt after looking at the pictures.

I was not aware of such awards taking place or yes, I would have loved to nominate some great sikhs.

regardless of looks? looks mean nothing to sikhs now? I thought bana was important and so was keeping khes. Since now I realize that no its not, I can say it looked like a nice "sikh" award program.

I realize they worked hard and they should be apperciated but not in Sikh award shows if they can't follow sikhi.

Am I good enough to be nominated? I am not even dust veer ji. i will never be good enough to be nominated and nor do I wish to be. My biggest reward is a place at Waheguru Ji's feet and I wish to be nominated for that.

Also, I would like to point out that some of those people that attended this event are pro-darshan ragi (or ateast seem like it by their actions) who Sikhs are not suppose to associate with. What does that say about them, if they can't even listen and obey to hukamnama from Akal Thakt Sahib?

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Coming from a personal viewpoint, the Sikhi that I interpret is self-effacing, down to earth and humble. Personally I don't know if we really need to shout from the rooftops about how great and wonderful some indivduals are. As the saying goes 'actions speak louder than words.'

ghat ghat kai antar ki jant. bhlai burai ki pir pachant. chiti tai kunchr asthoola. sabh par kirpa diristi kar phoola. (11)

Intimate Knower of all our feelings recognises the intentions of all creatures, good or bad. From ant to elephant, He protects and cares for all.(11)

(Chaupai Sahib)

There comes a point in time when awards in lavish venues just get brushed off as an ego puffing exercise. If your intentions were to genuinely give recognition to these "Sikhs" then perhaps change the venue to a Gurdwara where the mahan sirapo be offered to these "Sikhs" in front of the very Guru and Sangat who gave them the blessings to be successful in the first place.

I am sorry but I could not connect the nimrata of Sikhi with this type of Award ceremony. I just didn't get it and please don't take it personal to your event management prowess.

I agree with you!

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I thought we (in America) were the only one that takes interest in black tie corporate type events whether its film festival or ultra-liberal gala events that people like sikhchic does every other year. These are the ones who label everyone sikh regardless of one whether keep basic rehat or not. We compromised with our religion too much that we changed the definition of a sikh. Definition of Sikh is very simple and it is our responsibility to define it correctly according to our law book (which no one bothers to read).

Such event whether it is in UK or US or anywhere in world carries no significance in religious terms. In cultural terms, it bounds people together and that is a good thing in some terms.

UNITED SIKHS receiving award whether in this event or in any event is not a bad thing at all but awarding such and other non-profit organization makes the event a bit more credible. To me giving award to UNITED SIKHS is equivalent of giving award to thousand of figures like jazzy b or shinda etc. It is immature to discredit any non-profit organization without any REASON. Just because another non-profit organization didn't get the invitation or award that doesn't mean that one should go AWOL and attack others.

Such events are okay to have in our community but it is more like commercial and less related to sikhi. However, there is nothing wrong to promote good things like giving award to bhai fauja singh or united sikhs etc.

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How do you know i wasn't there ? A bit judgemental !

Anyway , i am aware Judge Mota Singh was on the Judgeing panel and his very well connected to United Sikhs and so no surprise about the award.. Also as your name suggests SEVADAARS , you didnt mention Khalsa Aid . Is it because you too favour United Sikhs or connected to them, its strange you only mention them !

The media award should have clearly gone to the Sikh Channel but because Soho Road is involved in the Sangat TV there was no way that would have happened , clearly a biased decision. The Sikh Channel has revolutionised Sikh media and yet recieves no award, a joke !

Your e mail is full of anger , try to calm down. I am pleased that Bhai Mohinder Singh got the awards, but there were many nominees who have done a brilliant job but they weren't allowed to show their videos. Is that not self -promo ? Take the chill pill !

OK. I wasn't being judgemental .. the fact that you didn't get your facts right proved that you could not have been there! Judge Mota singh were on the judging panel .. but so were others ... all of a high calibre! Lets get it right .....look where Judge Mota singh is! how many accolades does he have for the work that he's done! He didnt get to be a Judge by being corrupt. Please!!!! I didnt mention Khalsa aid bcos ... did you see how long my post was!!! ...... I have utmost respect for Khalsa Aid and I pray that Waheguru ji blesses all of us with the kind of spirit that the individuals involved in these charities have. Bless them all for they all deserve our humblest thanks.

Why should the award have CLEARLY gone to sikh channel???? fine they have made great strides but why should it just be inevitable? The award went to a lady that has been promoting sikhi inthe media FOR OVER 20 YEARS.... she has devoted a huge part of her life to sikhi so why shouldnt she get what she deserves. It had nothing to do with Sangat tv or Soho road!!

My email is not full of anger ... it is actually full of disbelief!! Judgemental you say? just read your email ....you are incredibly judgemental and incredibly anti-soho road! don't want to know why but please!!! do not mislead people bcos you have issues. It was not self promo ...... go and do some research .... find out how many people in the last century have been awarded the designation of BHAI SAHIB - the greatest honour that can be bestowed in the panth... how could such a tremendous achievement not be recognised??

Thanks but I dont need a chill pill ... I find it so disturbing that people go on about Sikhi yet do everything possible to impede the hard work that some sikhs are putting in to bring our own kids up in the sikh dharam. You cannot just go and blast people for good deeds ... it wasnt a ceremony for Muslims etc it was for sikhs.....support your own rather than always try to bring people down.

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First of all, I am sorry if I offended you. That was not my intention at all, I just stated how I felt after looking at the pictures.

I was not aware of such awards taking place or yes, I would have loved to nominate some great sikhs.

regardless of looks? looks mean nothing to sikhs now? I thought bana was important and so was keeping khes. Since now I realize that no its not, I can say it looked like a nice "sikh" award program.

I realize they worked hard and they should be apperciated but not in Sikh award shows if they can't follow sikhi.

Am I good enough to be nominated? I am not even dust veer ji. i will never be good enough to be nominated and nor do I wish to be. My biggest reward is a place at Waheguru Ji's feet and I wish to be nominated for that.

Also, I would like to point out that some of those people that attended this event are pro-darshan ragi (or ateast seem like it by their actions) who Sikhs are not suppose to associate with. What does that say about them, if they can't even listen and obey to hukamnama from Akal Thakt Sahib?

Firstly, I'm surprised you didnt know about them bcos they seemed to be advertised everywher...on facebook,the internet and Sikh Channel!!

Secondly who are we to judge them as for their sikhi? no one would have been more proud or happier if they were all wearing bana but unfortunately it was not the case ... doesnt mean that we shouldn't promote sikhs. Bana is important as are Kesh , but everyone has to start from somewhere. Guru Nanak Dev Ji were not judgemental ... or where would Sajan Thug be? If we don't reach out to all of our brothers and sisters then we are not following basic rules of sikhi. Maybe next time people will make the effort to put Amritdhari's on stage so that they can inspire others!

Pro-darshan ragi ???????????? can't believe the ridiculous comments coming out of the woodwork. What actions did you see.. what led you to that wierd crazy statement!!! Don't think people were asked to fill in a questionnaire asking them about their beliefs and persuasions before they were allowed to attend!!

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I thought we (in America) were the only one that takes interest in black tie corporate type events whether its film festival or ultra-liberal gala events that people like sikhchic does every other year. These are the ones who label everyone sikh regardless of one whether keep basic rehat or not. We compromised with our religion too much that we changed the definition of a sikh. Definition of Sikh is very simple and it is our responsibility to define it correctly according to our law book (which no one bothers to read).

Such event whether it is in UK or US or anywhere in world carries no significance in religious terms. In cultural terms, it bounds people together and that is a good thing in some terms.

UNITED SIKHS receiving award whether in this event or in any event is not a bad thing at all but awarding such and other non-profit organization makes the event a bit more credible. To me giving award to UNITED SIKHS is equivalent of giving award to thousand of figures like jazzy b or shinda etc. It is immature to discredit any non-profit organization without any REASON. Just because another non-profit organization didn't get the invitation or award that doesn't mean that one should go AWOL and attack others.

Such events are okay to have in our community but it is more like commercial and less related to sikhi. However, there is nothing wrong to promote good things like giving award to bhai fauja singh or united sikhs etc.

I believe Sikhi should be inclusive not exclusive ... If we are born into a Sikh family then we are a sikh it's not about compromise. Definition of a Sikh.. a learner! but each learner has a different starting position- some more advanced than others. My interpretation of this event is that it raises the profile of Sikhs (whether Gursikh or Sikh). If these events bring sikhs into the awareness of society at large then it's a good thing and shows that at least our own community support our own people .

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Firstly, I'm surprised you didnt know about them bcos they seemed to be advertised everywher...on facebook,the internet and Sikh Channel!!

Secondly who are we to judge them as for their sikhi? no one would have been more proud or happier if they were all wearing bana but unfortunately it was not the case ... doesnt mean that we shouldn't promote sikhs. Bana is important as are Kesh , but everyone has to start from somewhere. Guru Nanak Dev Ji were not judgemental ... or where would Sajan Thug be? If we don't reach out to all of our brothers and sisters then we are not following basic rules of sikhi. Maybe next time people will make the effort to put Amritdhari's on stage so that they can inspire others!

Pro-darshan ragi ???????????? can't believe the ridiculous comments coming out of the woodwork. What actions did you see.. what led you to that wierd crazy statement!!! Don't think people were asked to fill in a questionnaire asking them about their beliefs and persuasions before they were allowed to attend!!

I didn't say that we shouldn't embrace everyone, we should. But really is that the way to reach people by giving them sikh awards when they don't even follow sikhi? Surely there are other ways to reach out to people.

also, sorry about my comments about darshan ragi. I only said that because I was looking at the pictures and few of the people in attendance associate themselfs with sikh websites that blatently support/advertise Darshan Ragi. Their action of associating and working with sites that promote darshan ragi makes them seem pro-darshan ragi and they should be careful about that.

Anyways, I am sorry. I will keep quiet from now. Congrats on the sucess of the award show.

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Before calling a ceremony 'sikh awards' we should firstly identify what a Sikh is. I'm sure that todays 'modern sikh' wouldn't fit into that equation

So sikẖ sakẖā banḏẖap hai bẖā▫ī jė gur ke bẖāṇe vicẖ āvai.

He alone is a Sikh, a friend, a relative and a sibling, who walks in the Way of the Guru's Will.

Āpṇai bẖāṇai jo cẖalai bẖā▫ī vicẖẖuṛ cẖotā kẖāvai.

One who walks according to his own will, O Siblings of Destiny, suffers separation from the Lord, and shall be punished.

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personally, I'm really glad that these guys have actually put something together of this calibre.smile.gif

We live in 21st century. We go on about not being recognised in this country and want to shout about being omitted as a category from the censes.

but when we look at some of the achievements of our brothers and sisters, why can't we -and why shouldn't we celebrate them on a prominent platform for the world to see.? why not

I believe this is the first event of its kind, surely we should constructively criticise -if we have to?

As for the 'sikh' element-excuse my lack of knowledge but my understanding is that we should be living sikhie- as a gristi jeevan. that is living breathing and practising.

who are we to judge how much another is living that way. ARE YOU? its not just about wearing a bana or knowing your nitnem off by heart.

what about DAYA and PYAAR for each other- sarbaat da bhalaa. how you going to judge that in these people.,

maybe we should look at positives instead of picking holes all the time- if we do have issues- speak to those involved and maybe help make things better next time. these guys may be grateful for advice and welcome suggestions.

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I wish to raise a concern about the credibility of one of the winners. I believe the narrative made on the Sikh awards website about that specific winner maybe doubtful and question the legitimacy of a particular achievement highlighted on the Sikh awards website relating to this individual which would have "influenced" the judges’ decision. Also concerns about the professional conduct of this "Sikh" awards nominee/winner have been raised in the past by some members of the community.

Can SEWDAR5 explain the due diligence carried out in checking whether a certain claimed "accomplishment" actually took place and the professional history, background and professional qualifications declared by these "Sikh" award nominees/winners?

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